MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

hes just saying were going to leave but not right now. the biggest question is which schools file their intent to leave by the 15th with FSU. id venture to guess for sure clemson since he specifically mentioned them by name. Id assume us as well and likely UNC.
Bottom line is FSU is no closer to getting out than anyone else. Saying they want to leave if it doesn't improve could be said by every team in the conference.

I can say I'm "seriously considering" winning the lottery. Doesn't mean anything.
hes just saying were going to leave but not right now. the biggest question is which schools file their intent to leave by the 15th with FSU. id venture to guess for sure clemson since he specifically mentioned them by name. Id assume us as well and likely UNC.
Actually there is no an earlier “right now” than 2024 and for that they would have to file the intent to leave by the 15th of August.

Just remember - USC and UCLA were quiet as a mouse before leaving the PAC-12.

Look what happened to SDSU - they were openly flirting with another conference and now they have to pay millions of dollars to the Mountain West in an "exit fee".

It'd be hilarious if the ACC and/or ESPN sue FSU.

And this is ultimately why this Big Ten super regional model would be amazing if they could create amazing matchups nearly every week. If they somehow pull off FSU, UM, Clemson, Miami, ND and pick a +1 in a regional format, they immediately create a ton of value
To me it looks like FSU has no plan to leave even if they want to.

At this point I think Miami is in the same situation at best.
it sounds like FSU was hoping another school was dumb enough to go public with them and create the plan for them. it sounds like we have a plan but we aren't idiots like FSU to maybe get everything in order first.
FSU BOT is unanimous in their belief that FSU must leave the ACC as the ESPN / ACC deal has not been modified ... it is the same situation as a year ago ... and worst case scenario FSU needs to have an exit plan within the next 12 months. All agreed and BOT Chair stated that he will be meeting with the AD and president of the BOT and they will have a recommendation sooner rather than later.

"We want to compete at the highest level, a $30 Million dollar + gap between FSU and other major programs is not sustainable, and we have a fiduciary responsibility to do what is right for FSU athletics".

FSU is either announcing their departure this year or latest this time next year.
Just remember - USC and UCLA were quiet as a mouse before leaving the PAC-12.

Look what happened to SDSU - they were openly flirting with another conference and now they have to pay millions of dollars to the Mountain West in an "exit fee".

It'd be hilarious if the ACC and/or ESPN sue FSU.

You’re an R-word

Stop posting, you have no idea what you’re taking about

Yeah, this **** is the height of nuttiness. Gene "Dot ***" Williams had reported something similar.

Which...of course...just goes to conspiracy-theory-but-maybe-it's-really-true that F$U is lying through their teeth, that this whole play with the Big 10 has been a pantomime to get the SEC to notice them, and that they only want the Big 10 as a "safety conference".

**** F$U. I know that F$U is the "second favorite school" for a bunch of CIS porsters, but I still hate the SemenHoles, I still hate the Gaytors, I still hate the Butt****ing Irish, I still hate Taint, I still hate Pedo State, and I still hate Temple for not retaining Golden and Garcia.