MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I haven’t seen you make a “strong” statement and be wrong. Just trying to figure out which one that was. Now I know. 💪🤝

It's all good, I was just trying to joke around a bit.

I've tried to explain this to a bunch of other folks, but I'll put it out in the open.

First, if you take EVERY ONE of the Twatter/Internet reports that have been made over the past couple of weeks, and you lined them all up side-by-side, at least half of them are false. And "at least half" is pretty generous.

Second, as has been pointed out from the beginning, the "UM" and "ND" to the AAU efforts have been going on for a while. And have been leading up to something.

So in order for any of these INSANE "conference landing spot" matrices to be correct AND for Miami to be "left out", you would have to have a MASSIVE reversal of years worth of discussions and planning. You would have to have a LAST MINUTE flip-flop of everything that has been slowly building. And you would have to believe that SUDDENLY all of the decision-making power moved from the Big 10/SEC university presidents to a couple of TV networks, and moved in such a MAJOR way that it completely usurped the process of coming to a decision that has been moving (slowly) for quite some time.

COULD it happen? Sure. I guess. But it would have to involve a lot of broken promises and double-crosses, and also somehow illogically evidence a process that was based on certain premises for months (about who "met" and "didn't meet" the Big 10 academic standards, among other considerations)...and then somehow, in the span of a few days...all of that would go by the wayside.

Again, COULD it happen? Perhaps. I simply find it highly unlikely. And while money has ALWAYS dictated the pathway, I don't think that TV excecutives just overruled the Big 10 after months and months and shoved a slate of teams down their throats.

The "50% discount" from Washington/Oregon (and possibly Cal/Stanford) has certainly made people think. And certain ACC teams may be afraid to confront the "worst case scenario" of GOR escape (and I'm assuming that each school has run financial models on this, though F$U is apparently still trying to figure out their Big 10 travel costs, so maybe I'm giving them too much credit).

I would honestly believe that if UM was desperate at this point, we would be spinning wild stories to the press right now too.
Has nothing to do with being "delusional", you clown.

It has everything to do with realizing that there are a bundle of traits that make a school important and/or valuable and/or relevant and/or desirable. Things that are more important than last year's W-L record in one particular sport.

It's the mark of a weak-shouldered fair-weather Miami fan to choose, AS A FIRST RESPONSE, any sort of a comment that belittles Miami. No need to look around and take note that a school like UCLA was invited to the Big 10 IN A HEARTBEAT. Or an acknowledgement that maybe, JUST MAYBE, the factors that make UCLA valuable are the same factors that make Miami valuable.

But thanks for "keepin' it real" by telling us how much Miami sucks. Too bad Hurricane Andrew wasn't even more powerful.
Let me see if I remember how this goes. Please don’t call such a wonderful poster who has earned come on buddy this way no respect like that guy a clown.
I usually come on here to read what the fake insiders like you have to say. It’s mainly for entertainment because most of you just like to pretend you’re important then get all butt hurt when someone has an opinion that doesn’t align with yours.

I’m just a fan, the university isn’t my life like it is for you as evidenced by your almost 40k post. Sports are entertainment and message boards are entertainment. I don’t sit in a basement all day flipping between the Canes and whatever weird stuff you’re into.

Get some fresh air bud
get the **** out of here
Cough cough

****, what happened that made you not like the stadium

January 1, 1985
UCLA - 39
Miami - 37

January 2, 1987
Ped State - 14
Miami - 10

January 1, 1994
Arizona - 29
Miami - 0

January 3, 2003
Ohio Taint - 31
Miami - 24

The correct terminology is The Fiasco Bowl. We've gone 0-4 there.

Any questions?
January 1, 1985
UCLA - 39
Miami - 37

January 2, 1987
Ped State - 14
Miami - 10

January 1, 1994
Arizona - 29
Miami - 0

January 3, 2003
Ohio Taint - 31
Miami - 24

The correct terminology is The Fiasco Bowl. We've gone 0-4 there.

Any questions?
Ahhh got it. See i didn't start watching the Canes until Gino's Heisman year in 91 (i was 10), but didn't become a serious fan until around 98.
Are you on drugs?

What person at UM has a vested interest in staying in the ACC?

Radakovich has two jobs.
1. Hire coaches
2. Make sure UM is well positioned for conference realignment. [BGCOLOR=initial] [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]He has earned a F-- on job #1. Is he going to come through on #2? His track record so far isn't good. Don't forget, Rad was one of the ACC ADs that approved the appallingly lopsided GOR a few years back, which is why we are in this mess in the first place. Clemson held all the cards yet instead of playing hardball he rolled over for ESPN and the ACC. [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]So now Rad HAS to argue that the GOR contract he personally endorsed was a terrible deal that puts every team in the acc at a disadvantage. You don't think he has a personal interest (his own reputation) in trying to salvage the acc deal and getting the ACC teams more money rather than admitting he was a fool who is partly responsible for this whole fiasco? [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]Job #1 was a considerably easier part of his responsibilities and he absolutely blew it. Arteaga was just an abysmal, lazy hire. Why should anyone believe he is going to be effective at job #2? What has he done at UM to earn the benefit of the doubt from you? [/BGCOLOR]
Radakovich has two jobs.
1. Hire coaches
2. Make sure UM is well positioned for conference realignment. [BGCOLOR=initial] [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]He has earned a F-- on job #1. Is he going to come through on #2? His track record so far isn't good. Don't forget, Rad was one of the ACC ADs that approved the appallingly lopsided GOR a few years back, which is why we are in this mess in the first place. Clemson held all the cards yet instead of playing hardball he rolled over for ESPN and the ACC. [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]So now Rad HAS to argue that the GOR contract he personally endorsed was a terrible deal that puts every team in the acc at a disadvantage. You don't think he has a personal interest (his own reputation) in trying to salvage the acc deal and getting the ACC teams more money rather than admitting he was a fool who is partly responsible for this whole fiasco? [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]Job #1 was a considerably easier part of his responsibilities and he absolutely blew it. Arteaga was just an abysmal, lazy hire. Why should anyone believe he is going to be effective at job #2? What has he done at UM to earn the benefit of the doubt from you? [/BGCOLOR]
Best book no one is reading. Good job.
It's all good, I was just trying to joke around a bit.

I've tried to explain this to a bunch of other folks, but I'll put it out in the open.

First, if you take EVERY ONE of the Twatter/Internet reports that have been made over the past couple of weeks, and you lined them all up side-by-side, at least half of them are false. And "at least half" is pretty generous.

Second, as has been pointed out from the beginning, the "UM" and "ND" to the AAU efforts have been going on for a while. And have been leading up to something.

So in order for any of these INSANE "conference landing spot" matrices to be correct AND for Miami to be "left out", you would have to have a MASSIVE reversal of years worth of discussions and planning. You would have to have a LAST MINUTE flip-flop of everything that has been slowly building. And you would have to believe that SUDDENLY all of the decision-making power moved from the Big 10/SEC university presidents to a couple of TV networks, and moved in such a MAJOR way that it completely usurped the process of coming to a decision that has been moving (slowly) for quite some time.

COULD it happen? Sure. I guess. But it would have to involve a lot of broken promises and double-crosses, and also somehow illogically evidence a process that was based on certain premises for months (about who "met" and "didn't meet" the Big 10 academic standards, among other considerations)...and then somehow, in the span of a few days...all of that would go by the wayside.

Again, COULD it happen? Perhaps. I simply find it highly unlikely. And while money has ALWAYS dictated the pathway, I don't think that TV excecutives just overruled the Big 10 after months and months and shoved a slate of teams down their throats.

The "50% discount" from Washington/Oregon (and possibly Cal/Stanford) has certainly made people think. And certain ACC teams may be afraid to confront the "worst case scenario" of GOR escape (and I'm assuming that each school has run financial models on this, though F$U is apparently still trying to figure out their Big 10 travel costs, so maybe I'm giving them too much credit).

I would honestly believe that if UM was desperate at this point, we would be spinning wild stories to the press right now too.
so there are legs to the Oregon wash to b10 stuff?
One thing is certainly clear, Miami and FSU have a radically different strategy. For that matter, everyone in the ACC does. FSU acting like its in Atlanta. No reason to show your cards until you have to. Part of the reason the Big 10 wants Miami is it’s easier for all their teams to get here. ND AD on the record as saying the one thing they hate about the ACC is how hard it is to get to Tally. Miami checks almost every box