MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Radakovich has two jobs.
1. Hire coaches
2. Make sure UM is well positioned for conference realignment. [BGCOLOR=initial] [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]He has earned a F-- on job #1. Is he going to come through on #2? His track record so far isn't good. Don't forget, Rad was one of the ACC ADs that approved the appallingly lopsided GOR a few years back, which is why we are in this mess in the first place. Clemson held all the cards yet instead of playing hardball he rolled over for ESPN and the ACC. [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]So now Rad HAS to argue that the GOR contract he personally endorsed was a terrible deal that puts every team in the acc at a disadvantage. You don't think he has a personal interest (his own reputation) in trying to salvage the acc deal and getting the ACC teams more money rather than admitting he was a fool who is partly responsible for this whole fiasco? [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]Job #1 was a considerably easier part of his responsibilities and he absolutely blew it. Arteaga was just an abysmal, lazy hire. Why should anyone believe he is going to be effective at job #2? What has he done at UM to earn the benefit of the doubt from you? [/BGCOLOR]


You’re stupid

Stop posting
so there are legs to the Oregon wash to b10 stuff?

ESPN is ******** us in both holes

Hole #1 - acc tv deal

Hole #2 - low balling their PAC12 tv offer

PAC12 teams are now so desperate that accepting a discounted BigTen offer still puts them infinitely ahead of whatever they could earn in PAC12

Thus having an impact to the rest of prospective new bigten schools
so there are legs to the Oregon wash to b10 stuff?

There are legs to the fact that they've offered to take a half-share, and I posted as much on Friday.

Whether that offer will win out is questionable at best. However, it cause the networks to pull back on whatever vague assurances they may have previously made to help the ACC teams out with GOR costs. And it certainly can be used as a countermeasure to F$U trying to flirt with the Big 10 and SEC at the same time...
ESPN is ******** us in both holes

Hole #1 - acc tv deal

Hole #2 - low balling their PAC12 tv offer

PAC12 teams are now so desperate that accepting a discounted BigTen offer still puts them infinitely ahead of whatever they could earn in PAC12

Thus having an impact to the rest of prospective new bigten schools

so is us and b10 even harder or more expensive now? can we get the mafia to pay for the exit fee. id rather that than a DL
* We have been able to gather more details on the Pac-12’s recent offer to its conference members. Sources indicate that the number presented was $24.5 million on the high end, but the biggest issue actually was not money related.

Instead, the conference was presented a deal that was nearly all streaming. The Pac-12 presidents have been consistent in their approach by saying that linear was important to the future of the conference and while George Kliavkoff tried, he has never been able to get to that sweet spot with linear and enough money to keep the Pac-12 members around.

* Once the meeting was completed with disappointment, all bets were off. Schools such as Arizona, Utah, and Arizona State entered discussions with the Big 12. Arizona was the furthest along of the three going into this part of the process and in the last 24-48 hours, Arizona State and Utah joined the Wildcats. Although it is not completely finalized yet, sources indicate that Arizona, Arizona State, and Utah are all likely to join the Big 12. One source said that it would have to fall apart for the three schools not to make the move and the ideal plan for the Big 12 is to make the biggest possible impact, which is announcing all three at once. Although it is not set in stone, there could be an announcement as soon as Friday.

* Utah has been the most stubborn of the three schools throughout the process and should things break apart, it would likely be at Utah’s feet. The fans have played a large role in that as Athletic Director Mark Harlan knows how Utah fans view the Pac-12 compared to the Big 12, especially considering the presence of BYU. Harlan was not lying when he pledged his loyalty to the Pac-12. However, the situation has become difficult to survive and Harlan knows that the future of the athletic department is at stake. Although he was hesitant at first, sources indicate that Utah has done a 180 in the last 24 hours and has become confident in its next step.

* Arizona President Robert Robbins deserves a ton of credit in this process, as he has been vocal and active in talking to his counterparts. There was clear hesitancy with Arizona State and Utah, but Robbins has been consistent in what he wanted to see from the Pac-12 and his expectations were never matched. Robbins kept an open dialogue with the four corner schools and has laid out the positives of making a move to the Big 12.

* The Big 10 has made the entire process easier for the Pac-12 schools involved. Sources indicate that there will be an expansion meeting on Wednesday night and a handful of schools will be discussed. Oregon and Washington are the top priorities and although Stanford and Cal have been mentioned, sources have told us they aren’t necessarily the top choice. Expect the Big 10 to make another strong run at Notre Dame and to move on ACC schools as well. Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida State have been mentioned as three of the schools that will be discussed. The Big 10 process could move faster than people expected due in large part to the fact that some of these schools have already been vetted by the conference.

* It is unknown what will happen with the ACC should multiple schools leave, but UConn has has had preliminary dialogue with the conference. As of now, it is unlikely that UConn will join the Big 12 because the four corner schools look as if they will go together, which was unexpected as recently as a week ago.
Radakovich has two jobs.
1. Hire coaches
2. Make sure UM is well positioned for conference realignment. [BGCOLOR=initial] [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]He has earned a F-- on job #1. Is he going to come through on #2? His track record so far isn't good. Don't forget, Rad was one of the ACC ADs that approved the appallingly lopsided GOR a few years back, which is why we are in this mess in the first place. Clemson held all the cards yet instead of playing hardball he rolled over for ESPN and the ACC. [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]So now Rad HAS to argue that the GOR contract he personally endorsed was a terrible deal that puts every team in the acc at a disadvantage. You don't think he has a personal interest (his own reputation) in trying to salvage the acc deal and getting the ACC teams more money rather than admitting he was a fool who is partly responsible for this whole fiasco? [/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=initial]Job #1 was a considerably easier part of his responsibilities and he absolutely blew it. Arteaga was just an abysmal, lazy hire. Why should anyone believe he is going to be effective at job #2? What has he done at UM to earn the benefit of the doubt from you? [/BGCOLOR]

Look, I should absolutely blast this post as garbage, and go into great detail.

But it's wrong. Obviously wrong.

Those are NOT the "two jobs", in the sense that Radakovich has many other jobs to do. Including one for which he has earned an A+ so far, which is getting a 7-story football facility built on campus.

Another job is to build a massive staff that is comparable to what all of the other best programs have, and he's done a **** good job of that. To walk around the Hecht two years ago vs. today is to see a completely different ORGANIZATION. That's a fact that is undeniable.

So shut up and sit down. You're wrong. I'm no fan of the Arteaga hire, but to make that your primary focus with this "two jobs" bull**** is just ridiculous.

TERRIBLE post. Absolutely terrible.
* We have been able to gather more details on the Pac-12’s recent offer to its conference members. Sources indicate that the number presented was $24.5 million on the high end, but the biggest issue actually was not money related.

Instead, the conference was presented a deal that was nearly all streaming. The Pac-12 presidents have been consistent in their approach by saying that linear was important to the future of the conference and while George Kliavkoff tried, he has never been able to get to that sweet spot with linear and enough money to keep the Pac-12 members around.

* Once the meeting was completed with disappointment, all bets were off. Schools such as Arizona, Utah, and Arizona State entered discussions with the Big 12. Arizona was the furthest along of the three going into this part of the process and in the last 24-48 hours, Arizona State and Utah joined the Wildcats. Although it is not completely finalized yet, sources indicate that Arizona, Arizona State, and Utah are all likely to join the Big 12. One source said that it would have to fall apart for the three schools not to make the move and the ideal plan for the Big 12 is to make the biggest possible impact, which is announcing all three at once. Although it is not set in stone, there could be an announcement as soon as Friday.

* Utah has been the most stubborn of the three schools throughout the process and should things break apart, it would likely be at Utah’s feet. The fans have played a large role in that as Athletic Director Mark Harlan knows how Utah fans view the Pac-12 compared to the Big 12, especially considering the presence of BYU. Harlan was not lying when he pledged his loyalty to the Pac-12. However, the situation has become difficult to survive and Harlan knows that the future of the athletic department is at stake. Although he was hesitant at first, sources indicate that Utah has done a 180 in the last 24 hours and has become confident in its next step.

* Arizona President Robert Robbins deserves a ton of credit in this process, as he has been vocal and active in talking to his counterparts. There was clear hesitancy with Arizona State and Utah, but Robbins has been consistent in what he wanted to see from the Pac-12 and his expectations were never matched. Robbins kept an open dialogue with the four corner schools and has laid out the positives of making a move to the Big 12.

* The Big 10 has made the entire process easier for the Pac-12 schools involved. Sources indicate that there will be an expansion meeting on Wednesday night and a handful of schools will be discussed. Oregon and Washington are the top priorities and although Stanford and Cal have been mentioned, sources have told us they aren’t necessarily the top choice. Expect the Big 10 to make another strong run at Notre Dame and to move on ACC schools as well. Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida State have been mentioned as three of the schools that will be discussed. The Big 10 process could move faster than people expected due in large part to the fact that some of these schools have already been vetted by the conference.

* It is unknown what will happen with the ACC should multiple schools leave, but UConn has has had preliminary dialogue with the conference. As of now, it is unlikely that UConn will join the Big 12 because the four corner schools look as if they will go together, which was unexpected as recently as a week ago.
What could be projected revenues if Big12 and ACC merge in total?

@TheOriginalCane @Wake_Cane
Hopefully now everyone sees who has been pulling the strings all along.

It’s been Mickey Mouse for over a decade.

It started with the intangible propping up an entire conference when it was only one team dominating and the revolving door of a second really good team.

Then redistributing the elite recruit rankings to states where those players were more likely to choose those schools and use it to further prop them up and create an entire “conference brand”.

To the tangible paying them a huge tv contract and then low balling competitors all but forcing the dissolution of certain conferences and funneling their premier programs into the league(s) they want them to be in.

What a sad time to be CFB fan.
Look, I should absolutely blast this post as garbage, and go into great detail.

But it's wrong. Obviously wrong.

Those are NOT the "two jobs", in the sense that Radakovich has many other jobs to do. Including one for which he has earned an A+ so far, which is getting a 7-story football facility built on campus.

Another job is to build a massive staff that is comparable to what all of the other best programs have, and he's done a **** good job of that. To walk around the Hecht two years ago vs. today is to see a completely different ORGANIZATION. That's a fact that is undeniable.

So shut up and sit down. You're wrong. I'm no fan of the Arteaga hire, but to make that your primary focus with this "two jobs" bull**** is just ridiculous.

TERRIBLE post. Absolutely terrible.

I’m glad you called him out.

I swear, in the past 10 days the number of these type of completely stupid posts has grown exponentially
Hopefully now everyone sees who has been pulling the strings all along.

It’s been Mickey Mouse for over a decade.

It started with the intangible propping up an entire conference when it was only one team dominating and the revolving door of a second really good team.

Then redistributing the elite recruit rankings to states where those players were more likely to choose those schools and use it to further prop them up and create an entire “conference brand”.bug

To the tangible paying them a huge tv contract and then low balling competitors all but forcing the dissolution of certain conferences and funneling their premier programs into the league(s) they want them to be in.

What a sad time to be CFB fan.
I think these superconferences are going to cause a lot of infighting anongst the big boy schools. Too many chiefs in one room. Even after all of this round of realignment is done there will be more in the future. I feel bad for the Indianas, the Vanderbilts, the Purdues as they're going to be cannon fodder for the big boys.
I think these superconferences are going to cause a lot of infighting anongst the big boy schools. Too many chiefs in one room. Even after all of this round of realignment is done there will be more in the future. I feel bad for the Indianas, the Vanderbilts, the Purdues as they're going to be cannon fodder for the big boys.
I don’t they getting free rides and they know their place. The big schools like them for the annual late season easy win.
I dunno who this guy is, just posting something i saw on reddit