MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Lol. You can believe what you want. The big ten or sec aren't going to move forward with the uncertainty of the GOR in place. That's not the only path obviously. A school could buy out their GOR or the ACC could dissolve, but both of those seem really unlikely in the short term (next 5 years). I'm convinced you need a super majority to do the latter and nobody has the votes.

ESPN 's financial health and how Disney views them is the wild card. Maybe they will entertain buy outs as a way out of the acc contract if money losing? TBD, but not any time soon.
Some of you are missing the fact that FSU seems ready to bolt now. That indicates some sort of ability to get out or or around the GOR
Some of you are missing the fact that FSU seems ready to bolt now. That indicates some sort of ability to get out or or around the GOR

There is no precedence is resolving contractual disputes with a contract that is the GOR. When there is no precedence people approach it with two mentalities: aggressive or passive

FSU is clearly wanting to be aggressive and set the precedent and tell ESPN to cut a deal or come collect from us in court
If someone could watch/listen and give recap would be appreciated

Flugaur basically says that the ACC is evaluating expansion candidates but so far hasn't found a viable candidate that would add value to the conference. Programs looked at so far include West Virginia, SMU, Oregon and Washington. Greg basically said "good luck with anybody but perhaps SMU even considering signing a GOR that goes through 2036 with a low payout". So he is saying the GOR handicaps the ACC ability to even consider adding teams. He sees the ACC as being in a very weak position. ( my edit: unless they can get creative and get together with the Pac 12 and all media partners and come up with a merger and totally new media deal).
Fluagar basically says that the ACC is evaluating expansion candidates but so far hasn't found a viable candidate that would add value to the conference. Programs looked at so far include West Virginia, SMU, Oregon and Washington. Greg basically said "good luck with anybody but perhaps SMU even considering signing a GOR that goes through 2036 with a low payout". So he is saying the GOR handicaps the ACC ability to even consider adding teams. He sees the ACC as being in a very weak position. ( my edit: unless they can get creative and get together with the Pac 12 and all media partners and come up with a merger and totally new media deal).

Thanks! So basically things we already know!
USC doesn’t want Oregon and Washington in the Big Ten, they want to use the conference for recruiting purposes against those schools.

Plus, if B1G wanted Oregon and Washington they would have been already there.

I think B1G is waiting to see what happens with Notre Dame and the ACC teams they covet, they prefer to expand east this time and especially they want the FL market.
With your theory, USC wouldn’t have wanted UCLA neither but that didn’t happen. Big 10 wanted both programs, and rightfully so. At the end, it’s about $ and what value do programs bring to the table for TV deals.
With your theory, USC wouldn’t have wanted UCLA neither but that didn’t happen. Big 10 wanted both programs, and rightfully so. At the end, it’s about $ and what value do programs bring to the table for TV deals.
Yeah, that's my point, sorry if I explained badly.

I was answering the poster that said B1G could take Oregon and Washington just to please USC.

Obviously $ and value on the TV market, like you said, is the main reason why these movements are made.
I'm not doubling down on anything man. Anyone who thinks they know what's going on is deluding themselves. Texas and Oklahoma to the SEC was a total surprise at the time and USC and UCLA to the Big 10 was an even bigger surprise.

I can throw as much up against the wall as anyone else and see if anything sticks. lol

The way this thing is going, the Canes will be playing in the AFC South. :cool:

What in the **** are you talking about? Surprises? Who in the **** cares? Don't play this "nobody knows anything" game.

I used to work with someone who was previously employed in the WVU Athletic Department when they were competing against Mizzou for the last 2012 SEC expansion slot. Lots of people knew what was going on, even if the media wasn't informed (or wasn't allowed to report on it).

Texas/Oklahoma was no surprise, even if clueless people inBroward only get their news from the newspapers. The schools were talking with the SEC for a full six months prior to the story breaking in July 2021. Now, if people ignored the warning signs "because Grant of Rights, man", that's on them. But there was certainly no surprise there. Perhaps you are confusing "surprise" by the speed at which the story moved AFTER the newspapers published the rumored move, because it only took another 10 days for the SEC to extend invitations and for Texas/Oklahoma to accept.

USC/UCLA was also not so surprising once the SEC moved first. Again, the Big 10-USC-UCLA talks were going on for months. I had heard the rumors from a friend of mine who is a former USC athlete. Again, there was a rapid acceleration once the information became more widely known, and the inivation/acceptance happened very quickly.

None of this means that rumors will absolutely come to pass as fact. There can be some twists and turns. But any Big 10 "talks" with Washington and Oregon were NOWHERE NEAR the months of negotiations and planning that happened with Texas/Oklahoma and USC/UCLA. And if Washington/Oregon were such "serious candidates" who were already "vetted and approved", they would have been announced a year ago with USC/UCLA.

Except...the Big 10 wanted to expand towards the southeast...which is the smart move...

But, yeah, keep believing the propaganda that Washington/Oregon keep sending out about how desirable they are to power conferences...
Do you think we see some sort of movement on our end before this supposed Aug 15th deadline that’s been thrown out there?

Why do people think that there is only "movement" with one particular school that is more blabby about their intentions?

Do people seriously think that the Big 10 is only going to invite one additional school to join?

I thought most posters were OK with Miami moving in silence?
Why do people think that there is only "movement" with one particular school that is more blabby about their intentions?

Do people seriously think that the Big 10 is only going to invite one additional school to join?

I thought most posters were OK with Miami moving in silence?
I think people got tired of speculation and want news (just like the nike thread). this is stuff we can't control so whenever it happens, it happens but I just know it's b10. we didnt just get AAU membership after years of not having one and then publicly announcing by mistake
Understand what you're saying but also keep reading about B1G wanting to add a couple West coast schools to help out with travel concerns and that they do not want to be the one to implode Pac 12

Where are you reading this? Nobody is actually saying that except for the "sources" at Pac 12 schools that are desperate to raise their own profiles.

If the Big 10 "wanted to add a couple West Coast schools to help out with travel concerns", they would have done so a year ago.