MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

That scenario is NOT happening. Big 10 priority is State of Florida .... Miami and FSU for geographic expansion, premium game programming, and the fact that the State of Florida is a huge B10 residential area due to migration from the Midwest and NE over the past 25 years. SEC has NO interest in Miami while the B10 does.

More likely scenario:
Big 10 adds Miami, FSU, Ga Tech, Va Tech (or UNC / UVA along with Miami and FSU) and a scheduling agreement with ND.
SEC adds Clemson, UNC, NC State, Va Tech

Miami is B10 bound period ... and ND will make a scheduling agreement with the B10 ... after that nobody knows who will end up where.
The B10 didn't want to add Oregon / Washington until the cream of the ACC was added. Who knows what will happen right now with the Pac 12 basically collapsing. Oregon and Washington might bail to the B12. The B12 conference phone has been ringing off the hooks the past 24 hours. If several ACC schools make an announcement on August 14 then the leftovers from both the Pac 12 and ACC might try to form an alliance to TRY and get a media deal with somebody.
FSU is going to the Big Ten?

Is that FSU's preference or because the SEC/ESPN don't want them?
Covering realignment isn't like covering a game or a coaching search or a breaking news story.

A lot these mainstream reporters — both traditional and online media — simply regurgitate what they're told by sources who are lying for strategic purposes.

Flugauer is terrific on realignment, especially for a YouTuber. He's done a very good job of cultivating sources who share legit background info that helps him piece together where things may be headed

The top mainstream realignment reporters would be Pete Thamel (ESPN), Brett McMurphy from Tampa (Action Network) and Ross Dellinger (Yahoo).

I'd de surprised if it's not one of those three who breaks the story when (not if) the ACC collapse begins.
The ONLY guy I pay any attention to regarding the B10 conference realignment is @Genetics56. He worked for two B10 programs for over a decade and has solid contacts at the major B10 programs. He has been talking about the B2 becoming a reality for a long time. He has been consistent and clear on the B10 goal ... next expansion is cream of the ACC programs with State of Florida as THE primary goal ... Miami is in and FSU is also a take if they chose the B10. After those two there is flexibility to get into the heart of SEC territory (Ga Tech, UNC, UVA, Va Tech), but the state of Florida is the most crucial facet of the next expansion wave due to the simple fact that Florida is the fastest growing state in the country and a majority of the growth is from domestic migration from B10 regions (Midwest and NE). Get er done.
Every single thing you just said is incorrect. UCLA and especially USC do not want and did not want last year Oregon to join them. They want the West Coast for themselves.

Fox does not want those other teams ahead of other options like the ACC schools.

I really have no idea why people keep going through this as if Washington and Oregon didn’t wanna go last year right away and were denied.

Time will tell
He mentioned WVU & SMU LOL

Look, it's just ridiculous (not you, the ACC commissioner). After this, I hope Jim Phillips spends some time in jail for his crimes at Northwestern.

Jim Phillips (and his predecessor) are the absolute worst. It is the height of negligence to float comments (which lead journalists to report) that "expansion is on the table" when in the same conversation there are comments about how we haven't found anyone who "adds value".

Yep. ******* genius. "We want to expand, but nobody is good enough for us."

Go back and read my old posts. I've been saying that UCF and USF were two of the best expansion candidates out there. Not because I like them, but because they have MASSIVE student bodies in Top 20 TV markets. YES, on Day 1, UCF and USF will not offer comparable "value" to the mighty Syracuses and Boston Colleges of the world, but they will be huge assets in the long-term.

But anytime you raise that reality on CIS, you get hit with the double-barrel of (a) we don't want to raise the UCF/USF profile by putting them on our level, and (b) they don't deserve to be in the ACC and they don't bring enough value.

Yeah? Well the world is changing. And USF is now in the AAU and building an on-campus stadium. UCF has the on-campus stadium and I would be shocked if they aren't in discussions for the next wave of AAU invitations. If you want COMPLETE honesty, the Big 10 might be smarter to invite USF to join instead of UM, particularly given how many midwesterners move to the west coast of Florida, as opposed to Dade-Broward-Palm Beach. And UCF might end up in a BETTER position than any other ACC school that doesn't join the SEC or Big 10, at least from a financial standpoint, as they are getting a full share in the growing Big 12 without having to pay $120M in exit fees or GOR or anything else.

The ACC had its chances and blew them with arrogance and stubbornness. And if some posters want to sit around listening to @NorthernVirginiaCane 's lies about how Miami is stuck in the ACC until 2036, that's up to them. Meanwhile, I'm sure that the Big 10 can take USF and UCF to satisfy its entry into Florida in markets where Big 10 alums actually live (compared to Tallahassee and Miami).

The ACC is full of **** if they think that expanding into West Virginia is going to solve any of our problems. As if that would induce ESPN to double our TV payout to approximate what the Big 10 and SEC get.

But, hey, newspapers are reporting that the ACC "wants to expand". So I guess the Jim Phillips gambit had some sort of an impact. On people not informed enough to know what is really going on.
ND fits better with the big 10 than any other conference (esp given their longstanding rivalries with the b10 schools before they did the ACC partnership).

GA tech will never be let back into the SEC (they were an original member).

Clemson is for sure SEC bound imo. they fit the conference better than they do the ACC. I agree on UNC, NCSU and I think Tech goes to the b12.

UVA to b10 is also a certain imo.
Clemson is throwing big money into AAU membership. I don't know that they'd do that if the Big 10 wasn't in their plans.
I'm surprised the SEC is being stubborn enough to just let FSU and Miami both walk to the B1G without a fight. Was hoping they'd get into a bidding war to keep the B1G out of Florida so we could maximize what we get. The SEC doesn't gain much by getting Miami or FSU but they lose A LOT by allowing the B1G into Florida. And allowing the B1G to just grab both programs seems shortsighted to me.
Some of you are missing the fact that FSU seems ready to bolt now. That indicates some sort of ability to get out or or around the GOR

The GOR is a Macguffin.

We need to challenge the GOR for what it actually is, a document that is not, in fact, a necessity in order to negotiate a TV deal, but is instead a fraudulent and disguised SECOND set of financial penalties over and above the conference exit fee, and which should be impermissible and unenforceable under contract caselaw and public policy.
FSU is going to the Big Ten?

Is that FSU's preference or because the SEC/ESPN don't want them?
The B10 wants Miami and Florida State. From all that I have read the SEC does NOT want Miami but I have no idea if they would take FSU. They might as a purely defensive measure to keep the B10 from getting BOTH, but the fact that Gainesville is so close to Tallahassee, they might not out of deference to UF. BUT media partners might overrule. From all I have read it is UM to the B10 and FSU might have the option of choosing between the two.
I'm surprised the SEC is being stubborn enough to just let FSU and Miami both walk to the B1G without a fight. Was hoping they'd get into a bidding war to keep the B1G out of Florida so we could maximize what we get. The SEC doesn't gain much by getting Miami or FSU but they lose A LOT by allowing the B1G into Florida. And allowing the B1G to just grab both programs seems shortsighted to me.
they already have the florida market (regardless of people say about UF, they have the largest fanbase in the state and are the most watched team in the state). its about expansion (geographically). SEC added the entire SW w the three best teams from that region. B10 added the most watched team in the west coast and the largest media market in the country (or at least one of two with NYC which also b10 has w RU/Michigan). B10 doesn't have a florida footprint while the SEC does with UF and even panhandle with Bama. adding Miami and fsu would equal the UF footprint
There is no precedence is resolving contractual disputes with a contract that is the GOR. When there is no precedence people approach it with two mentalities: aggressive or passive

FSU is clearly wanting to be aggressive and set the precedent and tell ESPN to cut a deal or come collect from us in court

Actually, this is a hugely relevant question.

Let's say UM and F$U bolt.


Because it's a very different negotiation, depending on if the answer is "ACC" or "ESPN".
they already have the florida market (regardless of people say about UF, they have the largest fanbase in the state and are the most watched team in the state). its about expansion (geographically). SEC added the entire SW w the three best teams from that region. B10 added the most watched team in the west coast and the largest media market in the country (or at least one of two with NYC). B10 doesn't have a florida footprint while the SEC does with UF and even panhandle with Bama. adding Miami and fsu would equal the UF footprint
No I understand why the B1G wants Miami/FSU so bad.

I'm surprised the SEC isn't trying to keep them out of Florida. If the B1G gets FSU and Miami they could end up with more of Florida than the SEC.
Flugaur basically says that the ACC is evaluating expansion candidates but so far hasn't found a viable candidate that would add value to the conference.

Wasn't it Liberace who used to say that he wanted to get married, but he hadn't found the right woman yet?
Greg basically said "good luck with anybody but perhaps SMU even considering signing a GOR that goes through 2036 with a low payout". So he is saying the GOR handicaps the ACC ability to even consider adding teams.


"Hey baby, will you marry me? I'm broke, the IRS has liens on me, I'm homeless, I've got no car, and I'm currently between jobs. BUT I LOVE YOU!"

That's the ACC's pitch, what with the Grant of Rights that ESPN "required" us to sign in order to start a network with wall-to-wall Irish Potato Peeler ads.
Actually, this is a hugely relevant question.

Let's say UM and F$U bolt.


Because it's a very different negotiation, depending on if the answer is "ACC" or "ESPN".
I haven’t done the exact math, but I believe as we get further on the fee that Miami would have to pay per year in theory is less than the extra money that they would get from being in the big 10.

The other thing people don’t understand is you can only grant your rights for your home games so the Big Ten would benefit from getting Miami away games into their inventory.

Even in the worst case, which I don’t believe for a ******* second, that Miami or FSU couldn’t get out of the grant of rights - the full price tag associated with having to make somebody else whole is far less in reality than it is on paper and less both mid and long term vs the gains of being in the B10 sooner.
MTSU vs FIU.. which was worse?

Sophie's Choice.

I'm not going into that. I'm still mad we lost to Notre Dame in 1988. They all hurt.

We got young posters running around whining about MTSU, MTSU, MTSU. **** all that.

Once we win that sixth ring, if I EVER hear "MTSU" again, I'm gonna throat-punch that person...
Clemson is throwing big money into AAU membership. I don't know that they'd do that if the Big 10 wasn't in their plans.
Big factor for B10 membership, besides AAU membership, is involvement in research.

-Clemson U dramatically increased their research expenditures in 2022 to $109 million.

By Comparison:

-U of Miami $413 million
-FSU $328 million
-U of Michigan $1.7 Billion
-Ohio State $1.3 Billion
-Penn State $1.1 Billion

So Clemson isn't even scratching the surface to be considered "a major research institution", and will likely not be considered for AAU membership for some time and according to @Genetics56 ... Clemson met with the B10 several weeks ago ... it was agreed they weren't a fit for the B10 ... and therefore will most likely be SEC bound when they bail from the foundering ACC.
Hey @Tony4Miami i like you. Please stop this rabbit hole of wrong.

USC almost has the veto over this like Florida has on Miami, until other options are exhausted like acc or ground moves. It would have been done last year if they wanted it

I agree. And if I've been harsh on @Tony4Miami , I apologize.

I'm not against you citing other information, I just wish you'd do it with a bit of cynicism and analysis.

Don't fall for every banana in the tailpipe.