MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The Clemson numbers are wrong. In fiscal 2021, the latest year for published figures from the NSF, Clemson was at $237M versus $375M for UM and $328 for FSU. Clemson was always more of an undergrad school, but has been rising rapidly in research expenditures. For fiscal 2022 Clemson was up to $263M and the 22-23 year that just ended last month will probably be just under $300M. Agree that Clemson has much more to do to get towards an aau profile, but the reality is not as bleak as was stated in the earlier post, especially considering CU does not have a medical school where the vast majority of research money is spent.

For the record, I've brought up CU's efforts to get into the AAU and I posted the link to a presentation that was done supporting that (it might even be earlier in this thread). And to be clear, I worked in Greenville for a little while and live in Atlanta now, so I have a working familiarity with the area.

I don't know the answer to this, but can you guys potentially acquire the med school (USC-affiliated?) that is currently in Greenville? The area is growing and is on the I-85 corridor between ATL and Charlotte, so it seems like you could potentially be well-situated to lend a higher profile name/ownership to a med school that might otherwise be overlooked and/or receive less in the way of resources.
Honest question..... Who's been more negligent in their positions:

Miami Hurricanes Leadership from Shalala- Pre-Rad or the ACC Commissioner?

ACC Commissioner. It has transpired over two administrations.

Even if you want to give Donna a hard time on the athletics side, she was an excellent President on the academic side, and acquired UHealth (though overpaid for it).

Frenk has been...weak...
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Seems like the B12 was too anxious to expand. Colorado? Really? Does ANYBODY outside of the State of Colorado care about their football program? If they want to be "the" BB conference why not go after UCONN, Gonzaga, Syracuse, Louisville.
The ACC schools left behind that refuse to join the AAC or Sun Belt or whatever, what recourse do they have to stop the breakup of the league?
Seems like the B12 was too anxious to expand. Colorado? Really? Does ANYBODY outside of the State of Colorado care about their football program? If they want to be "the" BB conference why not go after UCONN, Gonzaga, Syracuse, Louisville.
IMO this happened because of Deion, he's a super salesman and hype guy. I thinking they're banking on him having success.
Seems like the B12 was too anxious to expand. Colorado? Really? Does ANYBODY outside of the State of Colorado care about their football program? If they want to be "the" BB conference why not go after UCONN, Gonzaga, Syracuse, Louisville.

They are already considering Gonzaga for hoops-only. I believe that the debate on UConn is "all-sports" vs. "hoops-only" (one of my best friends from UM is a tenured faculty at UConn).

Louisville has been assured that there is a spot for them if they need it. Syracuse...only God knows...
The ACC schools left behind that refuse to join the AAC or Sun Belt or whatever, what recourse do they have to stop the breakup of the league?

They just keep repeating the word "Ni"...


And if that doesn't work...


For the record, I've brought up CU's efforts to get into the AAU and I posted the link to a presentation that was done supporting that (it might even be earlier in this thread). And to be clear, I worked in Greenville for a little while and live in Atlanta now, so I have a working familiarity with the area.

I don't know the answer to this, but can you guys potentially acquire the med school (USC-affiliated?) that is currently in Greenville? The area is growing and is on the I-85 corridor between ATL and Charlotte, so it seems like you could potentially be well-situated to lend a higher profile name/ownership to a med school that might otherwise be overlooked and/or receive less in the way of resources.
It's interesting you mention this. The USC School of Medical - Greenville, is a new entity. I know one of the local Doctor's who helped bring it to fruition. Many of those founding Greenville Doctor's are either Clemson grad's or have strong CU connections. The one I know is on the CU Bioengineering Advisory Board. As I heard the story, in order to get provisional accreditation they affliated with the USC School of Medicine while they pursued independent accreditation. Otherwise, the school was founded as an independent entity from USC, completely self-funded with it's own curriculum and teaching method (different from that at the Columbia school), and governed through the local hospital corporation, PRISMA, which is headquartered in Greenville. The accreditation period is soon upcoming, or may have just occurred, so it may be interesting to see what happens as the School, theoretically, gains a level of additional independence.

The School is very well thought of and according to some of my Son's med school buddies, they regard it as better than the 50 year old USC Med School in Columbia. Interestly, last summer USC ran a bunch of local televison advertising this school that's been in existence several years. I thought that was weird. I've lived in a lot of places and have never seen TV ads for a Medical School, not the hospital system that USC has nothing to do with, but for a Medical School - strange. Maybe USC is concerned independent accreditation provides the locals with other options.

In somewhat related news, Clemson has just announced and received State funding to start a College of Veterinary Medicine. Construction starts in early 2024 with the first class entering in 2026.
It's interesting you mention this. The USC School of Medical - Greenville, is a new entity. I know one of the local Doctor's who helped bring it to fruition. Many of those founding Greenville Doctor's are either Clemson grad's or have strong CU connections. The one I know is on the CU Bioengineering Advisory Board. As I heard the story, in order to get provisional accreditation they affliated with the USC School of Medicine while they pursued independent accreditation. Otherwise, the school was founded as an independent entity from USC, completely self-funded with it's own curriculum and teaching method (different from that at the Columbia school), and governed through the local hospital corporation, PRISMA, which is headquartered in Greenville. The accreditation period is soon upcoming, or may have just occurred, so it may be interesting to see what happens as the School, theoretically, gains a level of additional independence.

The School is very well thought of and according to some of my Son's med school buddies, they regard it as better than the 50 year old USC Med School in Columbia. Interestly, last summer USC ran a bunch of local televison advertising this school that's been in existence several years. I thought that was weird. I've lived in a lot of places and have never seen TV ads for a Medical School, not the hospital system that USC has nothing to do with, but for a Medical School - strange. Maybe USC is concerned independent accreditation provides the locals with other options.

In somewhat related news, Clemson has just announced and received State funding to start a College of Veterinary Medicine. Construction starts in early 2024 with the first class entering in 2026.

Appreciate your comments, truly.

Yeah, I remember hearing some things about the med school in Greenville, but I definitely was unaware of the details. I just thought it was weird, since Columbia and Greenville are not super far apart. I was curious why Greenville wouldn't just be a branch of the Columbia location. Our ACC rival FSU has recently created a med school, and they have a lot of different branches in north Florida.

I've tried to tell people about the automotive campus (ICAR) down in Greenville, off of I-85 and US 278. With BMW and Mercedes-Benz and other manufacturers spread along the I-85 corridor, it's a very interesting facility that could have interesting (though somewhat non-traditional) research opportunities and characteristics (I used to work for a certain stock car auto racing company that has its own R&D center up in Charlotte).

I'm a big fan of schools stepping up their game and trying to get into the AAU. For nearly 40 years, the University of Florida was the ONLY AAU school in the state, and that was a load of bull****. Good luck with Clemson's efforts, maybe the SEC will play hard-to-get and you guys will still be available for the Big 10 to invite in a couple of years. Maybe. But I tend to think that Clemson is way too attractive for the SEC to bypass.

And maybe Miami will have a shot to beat Clemson once more before we are in separate conferences...

Feel free to post more frequently!

Appreciate your comments, truly.

Yeah, I remember hearing some things about the med school in Greenville, but I definitely was unaware of the details. I just thought it was weird, since Columbia and Greenville are not super far apart. I was curious why Greenville wouldn't just be a branch of the Columbia location. Our ACC rival FSU has recently created a med school, and they have a lot of different branches in north Florida.

I've tried to tell people about the automotive campus (ICAR) down in Greenville, off of I-85 and US 278. With BMW and Mercedes-Benz and other manufacturers spread along the I-85 corridor, it's a very interesting facility that could have interesting (though somewhat non-traditional) research opportunities and characteristics (I used to work for a certain stock car auto racing company that has its own R&D center up in Charlotte).

I'm a big fan of schools stepping up their game and trying to get into the AAU. For nearly 40 years, the University of Florida was the ONLY AAU school in the state, and that was a load of bull****. Good luck with Clemson's efforts, maybe the SEC will play hard-to-get and you guys will still be available for the Big 10 to invite in a couple of years. Maybe. But I tend to think that Clemson is way too attractive for the SEC to bypass.

And maybe Miami will have a shot to beat Clemson once more before we are in separate conferences...

Feel free to post more frequently!

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I've found this site to be one of the more informative places to follow realignment. For a variety of reasons I don't register with twitter so I lost updates from genetics56, swaim, etc. when twitter recently stopped allowing non-users to read posts. You guys do a great job of analyzing the landscape so I'll lurk here as things, seemingly, heat up.

Good luck to us all in our quest for new homes. I'm sure our game in October will be a good one - treat us well down there!