MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Because right now the program needs any sort of momentum indicative of it being a top tier alpha. It didn’t happen on the field in 2022, and it’s yet to happen on the recruiting trail after the biggest month of recruiting (in terms of being elite, this class is outside the top 15 with 4-5 programs likely to pass us shortly if we don’t add some juice). I just said it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but the whole time it was Miami being the crown jewel of the Big10…now all of a sudden it’s the FSU smoke that drowns it out?

It’s probably just them being more public about it than anything, but the perception remains that FSU (being the better football program currently and while I HIGHLY DOUBT it finishes like this, the better recruiting class) is the driving force behind this, and will remain so if they’re the first ACC team to bolt. And perception matters. They can also sell it on the trail, even if it’s temporary while we follow suit.

We also trolled about FSU not being a part of that academic conglomerate while we were added, yet that doesn’t seem to matter now.

Yes. Our fans love to troll…. With or without basis….

The 2022 game is on ACCN if you want to feel trolled by them to maintain balance..:.
The big 12 smoke worked.

He didn't specify WHY the conversations are happening.

Washington and Oregon are willing to join the Big Ten for HALF-SHARES. Thus, the Big 10 could get 2 teams for the price of 1.

And I also think the PUBLICIZING of this fact is coming from Washington/Oregon out of desperation, because they are trying to make sure the Big 12 doesn't just take ONE MORE school (Arizona), but potentially three more (Arizona plus them).

**** just got interesting, but I don't think this changes the fact that the Big 10 and the media partners (and USC and UCLA) do not want Washington/Oregon as much as they want the southeastern expansion.

This complicates things, but it likely doesn't change anything with UM and F$U.
I really don't see the benefit for the networks to bring in Oregon. Washington makes sense because there are owned and operated stations in Seattle that would benefit from the games and the bumper programming (pre/post game etc) but Eugene/Portland don't provide much. Oregon means more to ESPN as a national brand than to NBC/Fox/CBS
Big 12 will add more than that. They have been very aggressive going back to last year. Even tried selling us.

Yes, but the Big 12 is playing mind games of their own. Telling people "we might only take 1 more". Scaring Washington and Oregon into offering half-price blowjobs.
The GOR is a Macguffin.

We need to challenge the GOR for what it actually is, a document that is not, in fact, a necessity in order to negotiate a TV deal, but is instead a fraudulent and disguised SECOND set of financial penalties over and above the conference exit fee, and which should be impermissible and unenforceable under contract caselaw and public policy.
I really don't see the benefit for the networks to bring in Oregon. Washington makes sense because there are owned and operated stations in Seattle that would benefit from the games and the bumper programming (pre/post game etc) but Eugene/Portland don't provide much. Oregon means more to ESPN as a national brand than to NBC/Fox/CBS

At a 50% discount? That might arch a few eyebrows.

And for Washington/Oregon, $40M > $30M.
Really don't believe it matters if we all announce within the same week or two (ie before August 15). Then it is just the programs that wanted to leave keeping their word.
if a train leaves the station heading for Los Angeles two days ahead of two other trains and they all arrive in Los Angeles at the same time but the first train takes all the heat who gets there first
Define "before".

It's going to be the same timeframe, no matter who steps up to the microphone first.

There are some reasons to let F$U be the lead dog while we are the wheel dog.
For example, and I don’t even know this to be true, but maybe FSU wants to make it seem like they’re choosing their own destiny and wants to act like the leader to the big 10 and all Miami really cares about is that a Florida State joins us in the Big Ten
if a train leaves the station heading for Los Angeles two days ahead of two other trains and they all arrive in Los Angeles at the same time but the first train takes all the heat who gets there first

I think I saw that episode… is it the one with Willie Taggart 🤣🤣🤣
Well, if this happens to now be true, then this would be the ground moving under your feet thing that changes my previous comments about USC not wanting those guys to go. There was a period months ago where 24 wound up potentially being a number so maybe that’s back on the table and in any scenario the 24 was the number that was the scenario that Washington and Oregon got back in the mix

Sign me up for that though I would rather them not be there because I’d like to see Miami come out to LA more often then would happen in the 24 team conference
Well, if this happens to now be true, then this would be the ground moving under your feet thing that changes my previous comments about USC not wanting those guys to go. There was a period months ago where 24 wound up potentially being a number so maybe that’s back on the table and in any scenario the 24 was the number that was the scenario that Washington and Oregon got back in the mix

Sign me up for that though I would rather them not be there because I’d like to see Miami come out to LA more often then would happen in the 24 team conference

Yeah, but Washington/Oregon are only possibilities because they are selling their asses so cheaply.

Let's have a reverse auction. Let's see if the Big 10 can get any takers at 25% shares...four for one!
Well, if this happens to now be true, then this would be the ground moving under your feet thing that changes my previous comments about USC not wanting those guys to go. There was a period months ago where 24 wound up potentially being a number so maybe that’s back on the table and in any scenario the 24 was the number that was the scenario that Washington and Oregon got back in the mix

Sign me up for that though I would rather them not be there because I’d like to see Miami come out to LA more often then would happen in the 24 team conference

24 is fun…

Who rounds out the 24?
He didn't specify WHY the conversations are happening.

Washington and Oregon are willing to join the Big Ten for HALF-SHARES. Thus, the Big 10 could get 2 teams for the price of 1.

And I also think the PUBLICIZING of this fact is coming from Washington/Oregon out of desperation, because they are trying to make sure the Big 12 doesn't just take ONE MORE school (Arizona), but potentially three more (Arizona plus them).

**** just got interesting, but I don't think this changes the fact that the Big 10 and the media partners (and USC and UCLA) do not want Washington/Oregon as much as they want the southeastern expansion.

This complicates things, but it likely doesn't change anything with UM and F$U.
Hey, listen everyone. Miami is going to the Big Ten. I bet all of your houses on it. I am interested on whether FSU is definitely going in one direction or the other because I honestly I’m not certain about that @TheOriginalCane in case you have a better take on that aspect of it. My gut is that FSU is going to the Big Ten because it’s a happy place that gets them the academic prestige they want as well as a bigger check and bringing some geographic people alongside them in Miami. Florida State love to be able to Own Florida’s ***.

I think this is a super shortsighted move by the SEC when they could’ve locked up when is gonna be the second biggest state entirely