MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

No idea. I said it earlier in thread, this will take time. Lots of legal issues. I believe we hear something this year.

BigTen showing interest in the top acc schools is the catalyst to anything happening

However the big ten commissioner Kevin warren is leaving g to run the Chicago bears so future BTN expansion is kinda unknown
It should. I hope this is the case and SEC softens their position with us. Unfortnately, Miami has not positioned itself to be in high demand because of nearly two decades of an incompetent and cheap administration. Thank god all that changed last year.
We are still a big brand
You may be right, but it sure seems like it's happening. Two 20 team super conferences. And I disagree, it makes complete business sense. Dominate your industry, create media leverage.

And you may want to "improve" the ACC, but no one worth adding will come. We're in trouble.

Every single school in America wants to be in the SEC/B1G. There isn't a single program that will turn that down when the music stops, including the top of the ACC. It's a golden ticket. It's just reality. So you have 40 teams... let's say that about 4 of them are legacy programs that aren't really deserving (Vanderbilt, Purdue, etc), that means these two conferences will have the top 36 programs + 4 more.

So the Big 12, whatever picked over ACC you think could be maintained, Pac-12, whatever, will all be second tier and will not even be close to being able to compete financially. Very similar to what you see now with the ACC vs. SEC, etc.

I'd get your head wrapped around this, because it's probable. Might take a bit to all finalize, but...
If you are right, and I'm not sure, there are 8 spots left.

I'd rank them:

Notre Dame
Florida State
North Carolina

With Colorado, Arizona, Stanford, VA Tech, NC State, GA Tech, Cal, Utah, Syracuse, Louisville, etc all eating a bag of ****s. But decent brands.

But if the Big Ten takes Cal and Stanford, for example, Miami is left out.
If you are right, and I'm not sure, there are 8 spots left.

I'd rank them:

Notre Dame
Florida State
North Carolina

With Colorado, Arizona, Stanford, VA Tech, NC State, GA Tech, Cal, Utah, Syracuse, Louisville, etc all eating a bag of ****s. But decent brands.

But if the Big Ten takes Cal and Stanford, for example, Miami is left out.

As good a take as any. I'm not even sure Oregon and UW are 100%, but I lean towards yes, and agree Cal and Stanford could muck it up but they would be a financial drain so I'm not sure they make it. But 20 isn't necessarily a ceiling either, and it's even possible a few existing members get booted if they really just dial in on the money. I think everything is on the table.

I might have it re-ordered, I am not sure Miami is last as an example, but outside of some insider's confidence here and my trust in Rad, I completely agree that we're not out of the woods. I could even see a gentlemen's agreement between the SEC and B1G to leave us out and let us die so they can pick over SFL for players as they please. And yes, I am completely paranoid about this ****. The stakes are too high not to be.
As good a take as any. I'm not even sure Oregon and UW are 100%, but I lean towards yes, and agree Cal and Stanford could muck it up but they would be a financial drain so I'm not sure they make it. But 20 isn't necessarily a ceiling either, and it's even possible a few existing members get booted if they really just dial in on the money. I think everything is on the table.

I might have it re-ordered, I am not sure Miami is last as an example, but outside of some insider's confidence here and my trust in Rad, I completely agree that we're not out of the woods. I could even see a gentlemen's agreement between the SEC and B1G to leave us out and let us die so they can pick over SFL for players as they please. And yes, I am completely paranoid about this ****. The stakes are too high not to be.
There is literally zero argument that UVA (or even UNC if this really is primarily football motivated) are above us. Period
There is literally zero argument that UVA (or even UNC if this really is primarily football motivated) are above us. Period
New market. SEC already owns Florida and has the SEC network in South Florida.

Better academics.

More students and alums.

Flagship state public school fits their profile.

And for Big Ten, neighboring footprint, and most importantly, member of AAU. Research school organization that hss almost all Big Ten schools as members.

5 reasons
We are still a big brand
Probably 6th or 7th most “desirable” team in the ACC in the conference realignment talks.

Luckily there’s a few schools in front of us that don’t want the ACC to fall apart and want to ride it out and will get left out before we do.

The TV market thing is so overblown and has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on these talks. Neither do championships from 20+ years ago.

Matchups and rivalries matter and quite frankly no one is really itching to take a program that has a half empty stadium and no real desirable rivalries to reignite or create. You could argue for UF/UM and maybe PSU/UM. Beyond that there’s no real pull for interest in Miami.

We have to be thankful for a proactive AD and regime trying not to get left behind because under Blake James we would be riding out the ACC until it was over and we’d be independent most likely.
There is literally zero argument that UVA (or even UNC if this really is primarily football motivated) are above us. Period

Always find it interesting when people make absolute statements about things that are subjective or at the very least have unconfirmed criteria.

I hope you’re right. I’m not sure you are.
Always find it interesting when people make absolute statements about things that are subjective or at the very least have unconfirmed criteria.

I hope you’re right. I’m not sure you are.
The Big Ten and SEC, among everyone left on the outside so far, would prefer the pairing of UNC/UVA over most other choices (after the obvious ND).

The Big Ten might prefer FSU and Clemson because they have the huge stadiums, current brand, huge alumni list and numbers of eyeballs they covet - but its easy to argue UNC/UVA over those two for the other reasons.

And the SEC is already in Florida and South Carolina in a big way.

AAU membership is a huge deal to the Big Ten and the geography, flagship schools and new markets work for both the SEC and Big Ten.

I have them behind Oregon/Washington only because of the GOR.

Bottom line, FSU, Clemson, UVA and UNC are ahead of Miami.
I can understand the gloom and doom about the mega conferences and how some feel we would be left out. Is it possible that enough good teams will be left out in the rain to create a third mega conference?
So there are some that think Rad has been working with Clemson for a year to either be left without a seat or have to wait until 2036?

Rad knows everything there is to know about Clemson's intentions which is VERY valuable. In addition to his expertise, his history as both Clemson's AD and Miami's AD during this tumult is an incredible asset right now.
We all know their intentions. Try to break the GOR and beg the SEC or BigTen.

Still no indication that either conference wants or needs Clemson.
We all know their intentions. Try to break the GOR and beg the SEC or BigTen.

Still no indication that either conference wants or needs Clemson.

Ok. And how does Clemson intend to break the GOR? On what grounds? Do they prefer the SEC or the B1G? Do they have a strategy to play them off each other somehow? What conversations has Clemson had with each conference? What conversations has Clemson had with other potential departing ACC teams? Rad knows the answer to all of this and is inside when it comes to Clemson, that's an incredible advantage vs. having to just believe what another AD tells you.
Ok. And how does Clemson intend to break the GOR? On what grounds? Do they prefer the SEC or the B1G? Do they have a strategy to play them off each other somehow? What conversations has Clemson had with each conference? What conversations has Clemson had with other potential departing ACC teams? Rad knows the answer to all of this and is inside when it comes to Clemson, that's an incredible advantage vs. having to just believe what another AD tells you.
Agree it certainly helps