MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Someone mentioned to me recently that if FSU, CU, and one other went to the SEC and Miami, UNC, UVA and GT go B1G, the others will be picked up by the Big XII to expand their footprint and increase their contract as well. Only if 8 schools leave simultaneously can the ACC GoR's be invalidated because the ACC is no longer.

VT would fit better in the Big XII anyway, **** school, just like WVU. Middling athletics. NCSU, and a few others will fit there nicely.

That leaves ND sucking its ******* from the rear and wondering what happened as its left out. Maybe it can get a few schools in the MAC to play it on a regular basis. The huge conferences will likely only have one or two OOC games and then move into conf play if they expand their own internal championship format from a 1v2 to a 4 play format.
Someone mentioned to me recently that if FSU, CU, and one other went to the SEC and Miami, UNC, UVA and GT go B1G, the others will be picked up by the Big XII to expand their footprint and increase their contract as well. Only if 8 schools leave simultaneously can the ACC GoR's be invalidated because the ACC is no longer.

VT would fit better in the Big XII anyway, **** school, just like WVU. Middling athletics. NCSU, and a few others will fit there nicely.

That leaves ND sucking its ******* from the rear and wondering what happened as its left out. Maybe it can get a few schools in the MAC to play it on a regular basis. The huge conferences will likely only have one or two OOC games and then move into conf play if they expand their own internal championship format from a 1v2 to a 4 play format.
You really think ND would be left out? If things go the way you outline, I predict the Big 10 and SEC both have contracts waiting for ND's signature and ND will have the Big XII there to get an agreement like they currently have with the ACC. Join in all sports, but football with a contractual obligation to play 5, 6, or 7 games against Big XII teams each year. ND will sit back and see if their $75 million/year deal with NBC and whatever they get from the Big XII come close to SEC/Big 10 money. If it does, they stay "independent" in football. If not, they swallow their pride and go to Big 10 or SEC whoever gives them the best deal.
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Us leaving the ACC for greener pastures before it crashes and burns with their tobacco road refs ******* off to do high school games and their *** teams they protect fading into deep **** irrelevancy.

🤚 Me please
You really think ND would be left out?
of course not, but the premise is them getting a choice to take it or leave it means they don't get the pick of the crop for an irrelevant team based on 1940. and a stolen championship from 88.

The ACC should have forced them last fall, to sign a full ACC contract or told them to **** off and expanded to other teams. At that point, they could have had several decent teams to pull in.
Now they are holding their ****s hoping they don't implode.
of course not, but the premise is them getting a choice to take it or leave it means they don't get the pick of the crop for an irrelevant team based on 1940. and a stolen championship from 88.

The ACC should have forced them last fall, to sign a full ACC contract or told them to **** off and expanded to other teams. At that point, they could have had several decent teams to pull in.
Now they are holding their ****s hoping they don't implode.
lol dude. I ******* hate them but Notre dame will get their pick of whatever they want whenever they want. But keep keeping on
I don’t think ND will join a conference - NBC will keep the money close enough to keep their autonomy. Big 10 makes perfect sense for them but the arrogance won’t allow it for football I’m sure.

I still think Apple or someone should just go for broke and start a 32 team super league and pay all the buyouts to essentially dominate all of the college football broadcasting
Funny thing is that you’re too obnoxious to recognize your own projection over the course of several posts. You misrepresented my argument (or more than likely just didn’t bother to read thoroughly, because you’re too enamored of seeing your own typed words on a screen to deign to read anyone else’s post). Then you repeat your same tired drivel a few times. Then you falsely accuse me of misquoting you. Then you resort to condescending asshattery.

You seem like a really well-adjusted guy—not a keyboard warrior prick at all.

Settle down, Francis.

Dear lord. Do you really believe your own bull****? I literally proved to you, with quotes, that you either deliberately misquoted me or didn't comprehend what was written. It's all in print above. And you keep trying to gloss over that by projecting your failure to comprehend on to others after you get triggered by your own shortcomings.

You're a classic case. It's never you. Enjoy your wine and cheese parties. I'll bet you're the life of them.

'Well-adjusted," holy **** go buy a mirror or six.
Dear lord. Do you really believe your own bull****? I literally proved to you, with quotes, that you either deliberately misquoted me or didn't comprehend what was written. It's all in print above. And you keep trying to gloss over that by projecting your failure to comprehend on to others after you get triggered by your own shortcomings.

You're a classic case. It's never you. Enjoy your wine and cheese parties. I'll bet you're the life of them.

'Well-adjusted," holy **** go buy a mirror or six.
Nowhere did I quote you.

I used asterisks for emphasis, you arrogant illiterate prick.

Get a life.
Actually brought up some great points. Hadn’t thought about just how attractive those two schools should be to both conferences. Still can’t see UNC landing without Duke however. IF the ACC continues to play fiddle through this fire it will be because of its obsession with Duke/UNC hoops. Ironically, thanks to Coach L, many of us are finally becoming ACC fans.
You are one troubled, angry dude. And yes, you completely misinterpreted and twisted what I wrote to suit your argument. It's all above. I even explained it to you.

Seek help.
To recap:

You repeatedly claimed that I was poo-pooing UNC as a candidate for expansion. See, for reference, your misguided argument about me hating UNC as a reason for my position.

I pointed out that isn’t true. For the umpteenth time now, I’ve said consistently that they are a very strong candidate, and that they certainly won’t be left behind.

I noted that our only point of disagreement was in how high they’d go. You see them as the top choice….Wayne Gretzky and all that. I disagree.

You then fabricate some crap about me misquoting you, which you apparently still mistakenly believe. Then you embark on some embarrassing display of semantic ignorance which devolves quickly into petty insults.

And then you double and triple down.

You win the award for least self-aware keyboard warrior on CIS today. Celebrate with a cookie.
Actually brought up some great points. Hadn’t thought about just how attractive those two schools should be to both conferences. Still can’t see UNC landing without Duke however. IF the ACC sleeps through this tsunami it will be because of its obsession with Duke/UNC hoops. Ironically, thanks to Coach L, many of us are finally becoming ACC fans.

Yeah, UNC and UVA are both perfect fits for both conferences, IMO, even geographically (that both border schools from each conference), and TV market-wise. They are both incredibly prestigious big flagship research universities with elite academics. They are also both top 5 academically among public schools, nationally (MICH, CAL, UCLA). Will be interesting. I think Duke is in real trouble. Football is king, it's where the money is, and it's hard to project upside there. A small private school without a football program that can elevate revenue is DOA IMO. I think Tobacco Road will be split up bigly, but if there is a concerted effort to try to attach another school to UNC's hip, watch out for NCST, because it's a state school, where Duke is private. I don't think that will happen, though. NCST seems destined for the Big 12 unless the SEC goes wider than we expect. A lot wider.