MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

There has been no indication that either school has a legal leg to stand on with its respective arguments — and even if they did, the ACC has made clear it will proverbially kick the can as far as possible, via time-consuming appeals and counter-suits.


This is wrong.

We do have some indication that they have a legal leg to stand on. The fact that their cases have not been bounced out of court.

If you’re not getting bounced out on an MSJ, you have a legal leg to stand on.

Seems PAC-12 talking to UNLV St and Utah St now. The AAC schools would have $27 million exit fee just for lateral move.
Everyone needs to chill. Both sides had to go to mediation because it is standard in Florida litigation. The media made this a bigger story than it is because obviously they have to discuss something when they mediate. Nothing has actually happened yet, other than a bunch of writers needed clicks and regurgitated info from a year ago.
