MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

So .... "No one knows ultimately where this is going".... "There is no definitive answer" --- per Pate...

Clearly he is a mope...

“There is no absolutely no way FSU would be doing what it’s doing if it didn’t already have a guaranteed spot on the P2 and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot."

Very Funny Lol GIF
The question posed was 2027... I have said 2026.

It is not about wanting to be right. I want Miami in the B1G because I think the B1G is the overall best interest for the University of Miami -- and I personally don't think it is that close ...
It’s not close. We don’t disagree
Another positive of FSU and Clemson being disruptive partners, is we know how tobacco road can tilt the scales in the favor of schools they prefer. Hopefully that means we get the calls the next few years when we play against the secessionists.
Oh boy, if you think the Tobacco Road hates Miami, wait until the good ol' boy network gets their hands on the wheel.
You wrote a lot of words to say that I was right and you were wrong.

You sound hurt, dog. Drink water and rub some dirt on your boo boo.
How about reviewing the results when there is actually some activity BY the schools and BY the conferences instead of twitter articles purposed to cloud the issues and establish "deniability of interference". Just chuckling at you're patting yourself on the back for something that has not happened.
Oh and joining B1G in 2031 (big12 tv contract ends 2030), I think that’s when there is the final round of musical chairs. IMO UM is looking for a stopgap for the next 5 years, expecting the big re-org afterwards. espn will throw a lifeline and get the ACC to limp to the finish line
That's kind of what I am expecting, too. The ACC is like cable TV, still there but hanging on by a string.
Before everyone believes this is fait accompli for FSU and Clemson, this is a quote from the same article:

One source, however, cautioned “never say never” about FSU going to the Big Ten because there could be a path if the ACC disintegrates.

“There is no appetite among the presidents unless there is some catastrophic development with the ACC and it forces [the Big Ten] into a decision,” the source said.

“If the ACC blows up, who picks first [between the Big Ten and SEC]? Who picks second? If there is a need and desire to expand, you take inventory so your competitors don’t get it. But the presidents and chancellors are looking for stability. Despite what the social media geniuses are suggesting, no one — the leagues, the networks — is driving expansion.”

That could change if the ACC no longer exists.
Before everyone believes this is fait accompli for FSU and Clemson, this is a quote from the same article:

One source, however, cautioned “never say never” about FSU going to the Big Ten because there could be a path if the ACC disintegrates.

“There is no appetite among the presidents unless there is some catastrophic development with the ACC and it forces [the Big Ten] into a decision,” the source said.

“If the ACC blows up, who picks first [between the Big Ten and SEC]? Who picks second? If there is a need and desire to expand, you take inventory so your competitors don’t get it. But the presidents and chancellors are looking for stability. Despite what the social media geniuses are suggesting, no one — the leagues, the networks — is driving expansion.”

That could change if the ACC no longer exists.

That’s two different articles that HEDGE with “if the ACC no longer exists”

So 2027 for FSU and CLEMSON? Miami?
Snip from BJ article (Miami Herald)

2). A source with direct knowledge reiterated to the Miami Herald this week that UM has no standing invitation to join the SEC or Big 10. (Also, social media speculation linking UM to the Big 12 is unfounded.)

That doesn’t rule out either the SEC or Big 10 eventually inviting UM if the ACC surprisingly implodes before the “Grant of Rights” media deal that essentially binds schools to the conference ends in 2036.

But UM knows that there’s no point in antagonizing the ACC by filing a dubious lawsuit (as FSU and Clemson have done) when there’s clearly no better situation available to them now.


Sounds like we DONT have a SPOT
Snip from BJ article (Miami Herald)

2). A source with direct knowledge reiterated to the Miami Herald this week that UM has no standing invitation to join the SEC or Big 10. (Also, social media speculation linking UM to the Big 12 is unfounded.)

That doesn’t rule out either the SEC or Big 10 eventually inviting UM if the ACC surprisingly implodes before the “Grant of Rights” media deal that essentially binds schools to the conference ends in 2036.

But UM knows that there’s no point in antagonizing the ACC by filing a dubious lawsuit (as FSU and Clemson have done) when there’s clearly no better situation available to them now.


Sounds like we DONT have a SPOT


Wouldn’t it be better for the ACC to renegotiate and keep everyone happy rather than risk capitulation with their top schools leaving?