MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Care to define “anytime soon?”
I've said 100x the timeline is early 2030s. And a lot can change by then. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of elite small private schools drop out of the pay-to-play big football model (eg, wake, bc). Maybe the ACC gets a better deal and survives, maybe they dump wake/bc, maybe they go unequal distributions, or maybe it falls apart. But that isn't happening (other than a possible settlement to go on equal distributions for FSU to drop the suit) in the next 5 years.

Big 12 talk is absurd. The money would have to be WAY better to give up the academic prestige of UNC/duke/Uva (plus cal & Stanford) for Iowa St and Texas Tech. And it's not. Plus the GOR isn't going to be resolved by then regardless.

Season 2 Rebels GIF by Star Wars

Guys is a egomaniac to the tenth degree. I don't know how delusional he has to be to think that article vindicates anything he's said. If you look at his tweets he's been treating FSU to the Big 10 as a done deal for months.

The most hilarious outcome to all of this would be FSU and Clemson to the SEC and Miami and someone else to the Big 10.

The guy is an assclown. No doubt.
If you all think the rumors are crazy this week, just wait till next week.... If you are going to go head over heels with every rumor that comes out, this is going to be a much longer process for you. Just look at how last year with the Pac played out. Patience..
Bump. And this won't be the last... Hold your water everyone...
RIGHT about what? So far nothing has happened .... nothing but another day with meaningless speculation from Twitter journalists. WHAT have you said that is right? Nothing.
So no one has been right.. doesn't stop others from peacocking...

People are annoyed with Squid because he is discussing arguments counter to theirs....

Tons of tears in here over an unsettled issue with tons of smokescreens and intentional misinformation...

Maybe we should all move it to DMs so posters feelings aren't hurt...
Brett McMurphy is a pos

What’s that phrase about Lies vs **** Lies

That statement is partially true because of the ongoing litigation with the Conf, but ACC/ESPN was always gonna sit on their secretive GOR until someone forced their hand exactly how FSU is doing now

The plan is working

Look at home walking back the tweet with the qualifier of “& ACC stays intact”

So no one has been right.. doesn't stop others from peacocking...

People are annoyed with Squid because he is discussing arguments counter to theirs....

Yeah, NO.

People are annoyed with that dip**** because (a) he knows nothing and is purely guessing, and (b) he is trying to declare victory long before the battle is over, not to mention he is trying to suck his own **** in front of everyone.

Nobody has ever denied that the information that some people know can CHANGE. That is different from pure guesswork. Whether you want to admit it or not, the Washington/Oregon situation fundamentally changed with Miami people knew prior to that time. Now it is up to us to determine how small of a share we want to take. It was easy for Washington/Oregon since their GOR was over and done with. It's not so easy for ACC schools, at least until a court determines whether the GOR can cover our future rights after we exit the conference.

The funny thing about your "peacocking" comment is that you are one of the biggest offenders. Sure, it's not based on your knowledge of the issues or events, of which you have none. No, you continue to peacock on your "nobody knows nothing" platform.

Sorry, champ, but you're one of the main offenders that has driven the conversation to DMs. You freeload, you poison the water, and then you scream about how "nobody on the inside can provide any reliable fresh water".
Very true... thinks so highly of himself we wakes up worrying about if we are reading his posts...

Yes. I care sooooo much. It's really beginning to impact my Twitter account and podcast, which I intend to monetize...

I know you will find this depressing, but I don't care about you. Doesn't mean I won't use my absolute destruction of your ****** posts as a teaching moment for others. Because, yeah, I WILL do that.