MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

How long until he cozies up to us again?
Hopefully that moment comes soon. I would love for that ruling to come down by BOTH judges (FSU & CU), see them both bail WITH future media rights confirmed, and then Sankey says “C’mon down” as UM takes the call from Pettitti!
No, it's not too much to ask, but since Clemson is already doing it, we might as well wait it out and see how it comes back. However a judge rules on their case will apply to us as well, right? If they hadn't done it, I would agree we should be more aggressive.

I would have to re-read the Clemson filings, I'll be honest, I've paid more attention to the F$U filings.

In a perfect world, I would prefer:

A) Given Clause X in the Super-Secret ACC-ESPN Media Rights Agreement, which pre-dates and/or supercedes the Grant of Rights, we ask for a clear judicial interpretation that the Grant of Rights ceases to bind any university which chooses to leave the ACC, and that to rule otherwise would cause the Grant of Rights to function as an impermissible duplicative and punitive exit penalty over and above the exit fee specified in the ACC Constitution.

B) Given the unilateral action taken by the ACC Commissioner to grant ESPN an extension of time on its option to broadcast ACC games until 2036, we ask for a clear judicial interpretation that any extension of ESPN's option deadline is a "Three-Quarters" or "Two-Thirds" matter under the ACC Constitution, requiring a vote of the entire ACC membership prior to such an offer being communicated to ESPN by the ACC Commissioner.

Boom. Done. Not a huge expenditure of legal fees.

Those are the two issues that matter.
The conference isn't going to dissolve solely because of FSU and Clemson leaving.
This! If the Big12 can survive UT and OU leaving, the ACC can easily survive with FSU and Clemson leaving. Will it be a great conference is another conversation but it ain’t folding because of those 2.

A big reason why Miami has been quiet during this entire process is to cultivate a good partner/stable image. We already killed one conference in the past. We do not want to have our finger prints on killing another one (even though the ACC doesn’t deserve anything from us for how we’ve been treated).

A big reason why Miami has been quiet during this entire process is to cultivate a good partner/stable image. We already killed one conference in the past. We do not want to have our finger prints on killing another one (even though the ACC doesn’t deserve anything from us for how we’ve been treated).

This is true.

It also SUCKS to have a magical mystery legal document that tightly constrains your junk, without any opportunity to have a judge rule on the insanity of its terms and limitations.
So, Mark Rogers was referencing that FSU is on bad terms with ND and maybe also UNC and that would potentially hurt them when trying to join the BIG 10. What happened to cause that? I'm not surprised but I never heard that before.

So what’s the gameplan… wait till 2036 like a GOOD PARTNER?

I've staked out my argument.

Whether ANY member of the ACC goes to the Big 10, SEC, or Big 12...

...we need clarity on the GOR. Or else for the ACC to release us all from the GOR.

And the chances on that second one seem to be...



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This! If the Big12 can survive UT and OU leaving, the ACC can easily survive with FSU and Clemson leaving. Will it be a great conference is another conversation but it ain’t folding because of those 2.

Survive is one thing, thrive is another, and that’s what this is all about. Will the ACC and Big 12 continue to have a seat at the big table long term? That’s the question and the concern.
ACC and B12. Only one will SURVIVE.

They’re both grasping to hold onto the last THREE key properties. FSU CLEMSON AND MIAMI hoping SEC and B10 leave them SCRAPS

I know I’m annoying but we’re the ONE unlike the other two trying to control OUR DESTINY. What is our plan… be the GOOD GIRL hoping each deep throat and staying silent and waiting for the prom king will FINALLY ask to be their girlfriend?
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So, Mark Rogers was referencing that FSU is on bad terms with ND and maybe also UNC and that would potentially hurt them when trying to join the BIG 10. What happened to cause that? I'm not surprised but I never heard that before.
Maybe the fact that they tried to get more money than anyone else solely because they had ONE good season (after almost a decade of bad results) and after that they sued the conference causing many teams to scramble publicly and jeopardizing the conference reputation.