MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Maybe the fact that they tried to get more money than anyone else solely because they had ONE good season (after almost a decade of bad results) and after that they sued the conference causing many teams to scramble publicly and jeopardizing the conference reputation.
They are trying to get more money because they have the highest viewership in the conference. And have had it for several years. Even when they were down and Clemson ruled. But that very well may be the reason.
So, Mark Rogers was referencing that FSU is on bad terms with ND and maybe also UNC and that would potentially hurt them when trying to join the BIG 10. What happened to cause that? I'm not surprised but I never heard that before.
Flugar said the same but I don’t have details on that - just know Notre dame isn’t also a fan of the Tallahassee location and logistics separate from that
Maybe the fact that they tried to get more money than anyone else solely because they had ONE good season (after almost a decade of bad results) and after that they sued the conference causing many teams to scramble publicly and jeopardizing the conference reputation.
Or because they voted against Stanford….
Shhhhhh!! Not too loud or @NorthernVirginiaCane will hear you
Lol. Read the opinions put out thus far by the north carolina business court, and then check out the only credible reporting on FSU's options (none presently) and then get back to me.

I will anxiously await Miami's announcement that they are leaving the ACC. Not happening this year or anytime soon. Book it.
Lol. Read the opinions put out thus far by the north carolina business court, and then check out the only credible reporting on FSU's options (none presently) and then get back to me.

I will anxiously await Miami's announcement that they are leaving the ACC. Not happening this year or anytime soon. Book it.

Sure, sure.

Read the rulings in the Florida and South Carolina courts, and then get back to us.

So you think all the Big 12 stuff is just made up? You think it has no merit at all? You think that several ACC schools are looking into joining the Big 12, but that the ACC GOR is still ironclad and irrevocable?

You have been booked.

Lol. Read the opinions put out thus far by the north carolina business court, and then check out the only credible reporting on FSU's options (none presently) and then get back to me.

I will anxiously await Miami's announcement that they are leaving the ACC. Not happening this year or anytime soon. Book it.
You are a wet fart
Correct, but there is a difference between how FSU has handled things vs Clemson. Clemson wasn't called a "disruptive partner" here. Clemson went to court, the appropriate way of challenging things. FSU went to court, but has also been shouting in a bullhorn about how badly it wants out and has been tearing down the conference's reputation any chance it can.

I don’t disagree with you and pleased that Rad has been working quietly behind the scenes, but it’s clear as day whoever that quote came from is from a specific school, and being very naive to the ACC’s bs that has put the conference and the schools in this position

We have all always known a transition to a new conference wasn’t gonna happen until the courts forced ACC/ESPN to disclose their shiesty documents, of course anyone from BigTen of SEC is gonna neg fsu during this time of airing of dirty laundry

It’s annoying how many people put stock in all these unnamed sources
Sure, sure.

Read the rulings in the Florida and South Carolina courts, and then get back to us.

So you think all the Big 12 stuff is just made up? You think it has no merit at all? You think that several ACC schools are looking into joining the Big 12, but that the ACC GOR is still ironclad and irrevocable?

You have been booked.

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Big 12 is not an option. Academics are still a reality.
Big 12 is not an option. Academics are still a reality.

For whom?

Regardless of what you think about MIAMI, there are other schools rumored to be going to the Big 12. So, again, I will renew my question, if ANY of the schools in the ACC go to the Big 12, how do you think they plan on doing it with an IRONCLAD AND IRREVOCABLE Grant of Rights?

I want answers, not a sidestep from you.
So, Mark Rogers was referencing that FSU is on bad terms with ND and maybe also UNC and that would potentially hurt them when trying to join the BIG 10. What happened to cause that? I'm not surprised but I never heard that before.

It’s a view that the teams the Big10 covets are Notre Dame and UNC. Also, what has been printed should not be relied on as accurate. It sounds like ESPN is flexing some muscle. They or their allies are the likely source for most of what has been printed.
Brett "The Miami coaching search is a mess" McMurphy is now credible?

The finest of CIS posters @Cribby called out his bull**** during the search.
Cribby also said two years ago with confidence (along with many others) we were going to the SEC and then it changed to the BIG.

Things change, No one knows **** until the GOR info is more readily available to decipher.
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I would have to re-read the Clemson filings, I'll be honest, I've paid more attention to the F$U filings.

In a perfect world, I would prefer:

A) Given Clause X in the Super-Secret ACC-ESPN Media Rights Agreement, which pre-dates and/or supercedes the Grant of Rights, we ask for a clear judicial interpretation that the Grant of Rights ceases to bind any university which chooses to leave the ACC, and that to rule otherwise would cause the Grant of Rights to function as an impermissible duplicative and punitive exit penalty over and above the exit fee specified in the ACC Constitution.

B) Given the unilateral action taken by the ACC Commissioner to grant ESPN an extension of time on its option to broadcast ACC games until 2036, we ask for a clear judicial interpretation that any extension of ESPN's option deadline is a "Three-Quarters" or "Two-Thirds" matter under the ACC Constitution, requiring a vote of the entire ACC membership prior to such an offer being communicated to ESPN by the ACC Commissioner.

Boom. Done. Not a huge expenditure of legal fees.

Those are the two issues that matter.
INTERESTING ... The Florida AG has scheduled the next hearing in her law suit against the ACC for Monday, July 22 at 10:15.

-90 minute hearing scheduled.
-30 minutes for plaintiff and 30 for defendant.
-15 minutes for ESPN. Intervenor.
-Has requested the SEC, B10 and B12 be present "if the court has questions".

Her suit is 100% about the ESPN media agreement and what it really says. Lot of time between now and August 15. Really believe a lot of this "disinformation" is ACC generated for public perception and to rattle cages.
Lol. Read the opinions put out thus far by the north carolina business court, and then check out the only credible reporting on FSU's options (none presently) and then get back to me.

I will anxiously await Miami's announcement that they are leaving the ACC. Not happening this year or anytime soon. Book it.
Care to define “anytime soon?”