MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I was scoffed at for saying the Big XII would be our best move.

Here's me looking at all y'all now:

Come Austin Powers GIF
The ACC stated that the judges ruling regarding the GOR was that it's binding and that Clemson won't contest it.

Now I just read that the judge in question dismissed Clemsons motion to dismiss that the GOR will be accepted by a judge as a legally binding contract.

I'm confused.
Have NOT seen or read the specific wording of what you reference. Clemson SO FAR is the only one that has a non redacted copy of the ESPN media agreement. It had been commented a couple of months ago that the ESPN Media Agreement DEFINES the terms of the GOR and states "the media agreement is in force as long as the university is a MEMBER OF THE CONFERENCE" meaning ... you leave the conference and your FUTURE media rights go with you. What remains with ESPN are media rights to past games only. It has been stated that the ACC GOR, by itself, is only a PARTIAL document and it exists SOLELY to support the ESPN media agreement. So .... it COULD BE .... CLEMSON agrees that the GOR is legally binding, however, the GOR as per the ESPN media agreement, only gives ESPN media rights for PAST games and future games only as long as a school is a member of the ACC Conference.
Have NOT seen or read the specific wording of what you reference. Clemson SO FAR is the only one that has a non redacted copy of the ESPN media agreement. It had been commented a couple of months ago that the ESPN Media Agreement DEFINES the terms of the GOR and states "the media agreement is in force as long as the university is a MEMBER OF THE CONFERENCE" meaning ... you leave the conference and your FUTURE media rights go with you. What remains with ESPN are media rights to past games only. It has been stated that the ACC GOR, by itself, is only a PARTIAL document and it exists SOLELY to support the ESPN media agreement. So .... it COULD BE .... CLEMSON agrees that the GOR is legally binding, however, the GOR as per the ESPN media agreement, only gives ESPN media rights for PAST games and future games only as long as a school is a member of the ACC Conference.
Think I've send a tweet of the statement the ACC made in here.
What reportedly is the reason why?
Why? Come on. Georgia and Auburn certainly don't want to legitimize FSU for recruiting as an SEC member. Kentucky, Auburn, Miss State believe FSU would pass them by from a competition standpoint. Defensive reaction.
Why? Come on. Georgia and Auburn certainly don't want to legitimize FSU for recruiting as an SEC member. Kentucky, Auburn, Miss State believe FSU would pass them by from a competition standpoint. Defensive reaction.
Are those the reported reasons or the ones you are assuming (i.e. the reports don't give reasons so you are inferring them)?

These just don't pass my sniff test. Literally all could have been said about Texas and they got through without a hitch. If FSU brings more money to the SEC's members (like Texas), I don't see anyone having an issue aside from Florida who wouldn't want to help out their main rival and they'll just shut up like A&M did.
Are those the reported reasons or the ones you are assuming (i.e. the reports don't give reasons so you are inferring them)?

These just don't pass my sniff test. Literally all could have been said about Texas and they got through without a hitch. If FSU brings more money to the SEC's members (like Texas), I don't see anyone having an issue aside from Florida who wouldn't want to help out their main rival and they'll just shut up like A&M did.
The SEC didn't post the vote results with comments. An SEC guy posted the "results" and HE gave what he believed to be the reasons. Christ .... all of this stuff is going on back channel and people are asking for certified documental proof?
It is so NOT our best move.

It might be our only remaining move.

But it's not our BEST move, in any universe.

You were wrong when you said this to me ten months ago, and you're wrong now.

Instead of being the guy who marries the hot, rich chick and loses everything in the divorce, and ends up living in a van down by the river, maybe you should marry the ****, chunky girl with the giant tata's who will cook, clean, raise the kids and love you forever for who you are. Okay, offbeat analogy. lol

Seriously though. UM can be a premier program in the Big XII. In the Big Ten, UM is an afterthought; A political outsider, just like in the ACC. I still maintain my position that UM is better off taking nominally less money to be in the Big XII than in the Big Ten.