MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Cincinatti, West Virginia, UCF?


I don’t think it’s entirely far-fetched. Pairing Miami with GT actually makes a lot of sense if ND won’t join right now. But in the end, while I believe the AAU stuff is very real with B1G, I do find it hard to believe SEC wouldn’t take FSU and Clemson.


Particularly since ESPN seems to be orchestrating the financial end of it, I have no idea why the SEC wouldn't want to lock down its footprint even tighter.
Is it possible that they’re winging it on the fly??? 🤣
Doubtful .... but even WITH a handshake agreement with the B10 there are undoubtedly CONDITIONS. Conditions that might take a season playing as an independent to be able to meet.

-Law suit finalized and absolute certainty regarding media rights.

Leaving under a cloud of unresolved issues is easily done but doubtful that the B10 will take them in under a cloud ... so they might need to play a season as an independent while the legal issues are resolved. That could be where a TNT might come in. Pure speculation.
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People are listening to a guy named Genetics. Why is my full of **** source any different than any of the other full of **** sources?

Although I am somewhat confused, I believe that in this case we would prefer a source that is lower on the **** scale, right?
It's not all up to Sankey. He can strategize, propose and push, but at the end of the day he needs the conference members approval which is 3/4 vote I believe. If he had it it would be a done deal apparently ... but so far he doesn't have it.
Right now it doesn't matter what he has or does not have since FSPoo and Clemmie are still chained to the ACC
I need to hear Marc from IT weigh in.

Preferably while he's being emotional in hallway bathroom.
Marc is an Ole Miss grad but he's not a rabid college football fan at all. He does love the Jets though. They're doing some sort of a server swap with a new archiving tool implementation so he's busy playing project manager right now. I haven't seen much of him since he's been hanging out with the nerds.
There was a lot of emotion involved when they finally decided to sue. They were super butt hurt about being left out of the playoffs and wanted to lash out at the ACC.
It wasn’t the ACC’s fault but point taken.

This was part of the plan way before the season started. FSU was always going to take the lead on this and Miami was fine with it.
Right now it doesn't matter what he has or does not have since FSPoo and Clemmie are still chained to the ACC
They're not "chained" anywhere. They can announce departure tomorrow for the 2025 season and continue the court action. They are waiting for a court ruling on the ESPN media agreement / GOR definition. FSU is receiving (finally) an un-redacted copy of the agreement this week. Once they have a document to actually reference in a filing the door will be open with a minimal (if any) media buyback fee. That is the only reason they are delaying ... lower the exit cost.
Doubtful .... but even WITH a handshake agreement with the B10 there are undoubtedly CONDITION. Conditions that might take a season playing as an independent to be able to meet.

-Law suit finalized and absolute certainty regarding media rights.

Leaving under a cloud of unresolved issues is easily done but doubtful that the B10 will take them in under a cloud ... so they might need to play a season as an independent while the legal issues are resolved. That could be where a TNT might come in. Pure speculation.
This makes more sense than the FSU and Genetics nonsense they're spewing now. FSU and Genetics spin seems to be "they've promised us we're in if we do these things (that you mention) and if we're in the AAU (which they think is imminent, even though the AAU doesn't expand all that often and it took Notre Dame forever to get an invite), then we can join at some future date." And to pay the bills while they're independent they will seek equity investors. This sounds as reckless as any other get rich quick scheme, but they seem to think they have all the answers.
First of all, you are a liar and an idea thief, even as you continue to post desperate pleas for people to give you credit for things that other people said long before you ever posted.

Second, I have a LONG history of advocating for the expansion of the ACC. Ten years ago, when the ACC couldn't seem to get the ACC Network launched, I posted about forming an Atlantic & Pacific conference, that would be able to program Saturday time slots from noon to midnight. I have continuously supported that idea, particularly after I was in Nevada and wanted to watch a noon (EST) Miami game.

Third, you vomit out so much bull**** that is wrong, then you sift through the detritus of your porsts to figure out the 10% of the time you got lucky and landed on an idea, only to come back here to trumpet yourself.

You're just a sad and pathetic attention-*****. If you were actually right more frequently, people would take notice. You wouldn't have to resort to reminding people constantly.

The only sure things in life are death, taxes, and you acting like a Karen.

Haircut Karen GIF by moodman

Don’t get mad that I’m batting 1.000 and you are below the Mendoza line. The reason I draw attention to the fact that I’ve been right on everything and you have been wrong on everything is that I freely admit I have no sources. I just have Google and the capability to do critical thinking, whereas you pretend to have sources and have a Karen meltdown anytime anyone dares to question your nonsense. I’m doing a public service to ensure people treat your posts and opinions with the amount of respect they deserve, which is very little.
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