MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Geriatric seems to be alluding to something similar that might crush fsu fans. He’s saying fsu might go on TNT as a network bridge before they go to a new conference. TNT would be stupid to pay decent money since they’ve got a national cable footprint but fsu is a regional brand and desperate.

He’s also saying he’s going to profile the teams that could be #20 for the B1G and he’s going to exclude one that will be a surprise to most. We know that’s Miami since he’s a warchant slurper.

He’s also going to model USF, Tulane and Memphis to the ACC. Somehow he thinks he’s an ACC expert now too.
WBD is turning TruTV into TNT Sports they will need more content and nothing is up for sale anytime soon.
If you honestly beleve that F$U and Clemson would join a Big 12 with an easternmost team of Iowa State...

Look, the best defense is a good offense. If you build a better squad than what the Big 12 offers, then you create a situation where F$U/Clemson would be insane to go to the Big 12.

The Big 12 is only "attractive" because they are being more aggressive right now. There is nothing inherently better about the Big 12 teams or markets that the ACC already has.

How is that Big 12 Network going? What channel is that?

And, look, circumstances could change. I'm not predicting a "winner" or saying one side will absolutely win the battle between Jimmy and Timmy.

But if the ACC Commissioner wants to be aggressive and win this, he will take the east. He will take USF and UCF and WVU and Cincy.

The market has already said that the western teams are not worth as much.
Cincinatti, West Virginia, UCF?
Pardon me for asking as I don’t follow this closely so I’m sure I have missed plenty but how would that be good for UM?
The most hilarious scenario would be:

-SEC presidents decline FSU in spite of ESPN pressure.
-BIG 10 presidents decline FSU due to lack of AAU ... in spite of FOX pressure.
-FSU ends up as "the jewell" of the Big 12.
-Miami goes to the BIG 10 with Ga Tech, and ND does a scheduling agreement with the B10.
-UNC / UVA / Va Tech / NC St to the SEC

ACC becomes a glorified G5, and the B12 gets further relegated in access to the CFP.
The most hilarious scenario would be:

-SEC presidents decline FSU in spite of ESPN pressure.
-BIG 10 presidents decline FSU due to lack of AAU ... in spite of FOX pressure.
-FSU ends up as "the jewell" of the Big 12.
-Miami goes to the BIG 10 with Ga Tech, and ND does a scheduling agreement with the B10.
-UNC / UVA / Va Tech / NC St to the SEC

ACC becomes a glorified G5, and the B12 gets further relegated in access to the CFP.
I don’t think it’s entirely far-fetched. Pairing Miami with GT actually makes a lot of sense if ND won’t join right now. But in the end, while I believe the AAU stuff is very real with B1G, I do find it hard to believe SEC wouldn’t take FSU and Clemson.
The most hilarious scenario would be:

-SEC presidents decline FSU in spite of ESPN pressure.
-BIG 10 presidents decline FSU due to lack of AAU ... in spite of FOX pressure.
-FSU ends up as "the jewell" of the Big 12.
-Miami goes to the BIG 10 with Ga Tech, and ND does a scheduling agreement with the B10.
-UNC / UVA / Va Tech / NC St to the SEC

ACC becomes a glorified G5, and the B12 gets further relegated in access to the CFP.
Assume this would mean Clemson goes with FSU and I would pay a lotttttttt of money to hear a Dabo rant after this scenario came into place. Would play the biggest victim in the world.

My hunch now is nothing happens this year.
I don’t think it’s entirely far-fetched. Pairing Miami with GT actually makes a lot of sense if ND won’t join right now. But in the end, while I believe the AAU stuff is very real with B1G, I do find it hard to believe SEC wouldn’t take FSU and Clemson.
According to "comments" at this moment ESPN is pushing hard for the SEC to agree to take FSU and there are 5 university votes against. Believe they need to flip ONE vote to get SEC approval.
Assume this would mean Clemson goes with FSU and I would pay a lotttttttt of money to hear a Dabo rant after this scenario came into place. Would play the biggest victim in the world.

My hunch now is nothing happens this year.
Still believe there will be an FSU announcement before August 15 ... playing out of the ACC in 2025 either as an independent or in a new conference.
According to "comments" at this moment ESPN is pushing hard for the SEC to agree to take FSU and there are 5 university votes against. Believe they need to flip ONE vote to get SEC approval.

If true, Florida definitely has to be one of those votes.

Also, I still don't understand in what world does the B1G take UVA over Miami. That's some mind boggling ****.
We are seeing the internet totally congested with misinformation that borders on the ridiculous. Just read one "report" that ESPN desperately wants FSU / Clemson in the SEC but at the moment there are 5 or more schools voting against their admission, hence the B12 talks being necessary as the only vehicle that ESPN can direct them to ... if they don't end up in the Big 10. TNT having their broadcast rights was also thrown out as potentially part of that scenario (owned by Warner Bros Discovery). Swaim / Fluaguar / Genetics / B12 Mafia ... everybody has their version posted as "breaking" for clicks.
I do agree that it seems like people are gonna say whatever to get the clicks. Even if that means embellishing a little or leaving certain information out
Not only have you been 15000% wrong on everything, but now you steal my ideas and don’t give me credit?

First of all, you are a liar and an idea thief, even as you continue to post desperate pleas for people to give you credit for things that other people said long before you ever posted.

Second, I have a LONG history of advocating for the expansion of the ACC. Ten years ago, when the ACC couldn't seem to get the ACC Network launched, I posted about forming an Atlantic & Pacific conference, that would be able to program Saturday time slots from noon to midnight. I have continuously supported that idea, particularly after I was in Nevada and wanted to watch a noon (EST) Miami game.

Third, you vomit out so much bull**** that is wrong, then you sift through the detritus of your porsts to figure out the 10% of the time you got lucky and landed on an idea, only to come back here to trumpet yourself.

You're just a sad and pathetic attention-*****. If you were actually right more frequently, people would take notice. You wouldn't have to resort to reminding people constantly.
Sure sure

But how does ACC keep the schools wanting to leave??

I'll also put it this way.

Do you think it would be easier to pull six ACC teams into the Big 12 (what, with huge ACC exit fees PLUS the GOR uncertainty) or do you think it would be easier to pull three Big 12 teams into the ACC?

I get that there are hurt-feelings. But if you can prove to F$U and Clemson (and possibly others) that they would not have to pay exit fees PLUS they could get more money than the Big you've got something.

The perfect olive branch would be to dissolve the GOR.
The FSU / Clemson strategy to sue the ACC into adding Cinci, WVU and leveling up USF and UCF to their level is really something...

Your reading comprehension is pathetic.

It's not an "FSU/Clemson strategy to sue the ACC into adding" anyone.

It's what the ACC can do to blunt the Big 12 trying to poach teams.

Try harder.

Waaaah, waaaah, "leveling up USF and UCF", waaaaah waaaaah.

What in the actual **** do you think is going to happen once F$U joins the Big 12, which already has UCF and is likely to add USF now that they are in the AAU and are building an on-campus stadium.

You're some kind of genius, aren't you? F$U is about to "level up" UCF and USF if they join the Big 12. Who gives a **** if that happens in the ACC?
According to "comments" at this moment ESPN is pushing hard for the SEC to agree to take FSU and there are 5 university votes against. Believe they need to flip ONE vote to get SEC approval.

These "commenters" are greatly underestimating Greg Sankey's ability to take what (or who) he wants.

FSU and Clemson leave and the ACC becomes extremely vulnerable to poaching, particularly with the ESPN renewal likely to be very much up in the air (at best).

That's exactly what Sankey, Petitti and Yormark want to happen
These "commenters" are greatly underestimating Greg Sankey's ability to take what (or who) he wants.

FSU and Clemson leave and the ACC becomes extremely vulnerable to poaching, particularly with the ESPN renewal likely to be very much up in the air (at best).

That's exactly what Sankey, Petitti and Yormark want to happen
It's not all up to Sankey. He can strategize, propose and push, but at the end of the day he needs the conference members approval which is 3/4 vote I believe. If he had it it would be a done deal apparently ... but so far he doesn't have it.