MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


1) FSU has had a back channel Big 10 offer since last year. Do you also believe FSU also has had a back channel SEC offer since last year?

2) ESPN really doesn't want to lose FSU to the Big 10. Could we also say Greg Sankey really doesn't want to lose FSU to the Big 10? And relatedly, do you think Sankey (with the backing of key administrators at SEC schools) is the final decision-maker as it pertains to his conference additions via expansion? Or do you think Sankey answers to ESPN? IMO, Sankey calls the final shots here - not ESPN.

3) ESPN might pull off a last minute deal to get FSU into the SEC. This implies that the B1G has been and remains the favorite to land the Noles - and the only way it doesn't happen is if the SEC comes up with the equivalent of hitting four 3-pointers in the final minute to win by one. What makes you think the SEC sports conference would be an underdog to land a school in Talla-*******-Hassee located 2 hours from UF, 3½ hours from Auburn, 5 hours from UGA, 5½ hours from Bama, 6½ hours from LSU and South Carolina and so on ... for a B1G sports conference whose geographic center is about to be somewhere near Cedar-*******-Rapids, Iowa??? Gonna ask this again (because this seems lost upon the 'FSU to the B1G' chorus: How would the ECONOMICS of joining the SEC sports conference compare to the economics of joining the B1G sports conference ... and, again, we're not talking the AAU academic consortium of which Miami (unexpectedy via a favor?) became a member last year while FSU did not.

4) Nobody outside of the FSU AD and president really know the final destination/decision. You don't think Greg Sankey knows? You don't think Burke Magnus at ESPN knows? Do you believe FSU (and Clemson) would go through the costs and hassles of these lawsuits without having their preferred destination waiting with open arms once they've escaped the dying ACC? Instead of school presidents or conference commissioners or TV network bosses going in blind, is it possible all parties are aligned and each knows how these events will play out once the settlements are complete? Why would these powerful entities let things needlessly drag out in court where there's a settlement to be had so everybody can move on? Here's a quote last fall from the K-State's athletic director re: OU and UT leaving early for the SEC that seems relevant to what's happening with the ACC: "Kind of dumbfounded,” Kansas State athletics director Gene Taylor said of some of the Big 12 AD’s feelings toward the settlement. “We fought back as hard as we could,” Taylor said, but the conference’s lawyers advised the AD's, Big 12 commissioner Brett Yormark, and the schools’ presidents and chancellors that the bylaws were “not as rock-solid as everybody thought and we could be tied up on lawsuits forever.” Is it possible that ESPN and FOX are aligned with Sankey and his B1G counterpart Tony Petitti and what we are seeing play out now is just posturing in order that the two networks and two most powerful conferences can keep their hands clean to avoid lawsuits while the ACC unravels, i.e. (imo) exactly what we saw with the scripted U-Dub/Oregon exit from the Pac-12 that shocked so many, including (apparently) other school presidents in the Pac-12?

Enjoy your posts on this subject and not coming at you in any way. I'm not much for Cane-on-Cane violence.

Just like to hear the reasoning from folks who see it differently as that might impact how I view things
I have believed that the Big 10 has been MUCH more interested in establishing a 'southern tier' by adding a few ACC schools for some time than the SEC was in adding them. The way I view it is SEC interest in ACC programs has been "defensive" rather than offensive, being forced to look at it and act rather than having had that move as a near term goal.

With that point of view FSU has been the Big 10 primary target with a full share offer and potentially even some "exit financing assistance" from the Big 10 or their media partner. Several people had commented back in the Fall of 2023 that the SEC was interested in FSU, but at a half share. There appeared to be stronger interest and potentially a better financial package from the Big 10.

As far as who knows the final destination, I stated "nobody outside of the FSU president and AD" ... meaning that the INSIDERS on Warchant didn't know as information wasn't being leaked. Obviously Sankey, Petitti, FOX and ESPN know what THE SITUATION is ... it might still be a situation in flux ... who knows what horse trading is going on between FOX, ESPN, with the CFP and VENU sports all being intertwined.

It might end up being two schools moving and a new ESPN offer to the ACC, or as @TOC posited, it could end up being a surprise aggressive move by the SEC / ESPN to grab 6 ACC programs and shock the world. There are many moving pieces and long term impact of decisions that we most likely aren't even seeing or aware of. Things might even change more dramatically for all involved once DISCOVERY by FSU & Clemson becomes part of the dialog. Might get dirty enough to blow up the ACC, which again is a reason the ACC might want to push for some sort of settlement (but a settlement has to be approved by members).

The whole thing is fascinating to watch unfold and speculate. I hope YOU'RE right and FSU / Clemson hit the SEC, and UNC is politically blocked from leaving the ACC, then it is Big 10 for Miami.
LOL, isn’t this the media insider that Rickd has so much faith in?
Regal is the guy who started the Conference Realignment thread on Warchant and is the guy that Genetics has been genuflecting to daily as the "God of information". He has information from the media side, but he has NOT made a definitive comment on destination ... only that this entire process was going to happen, FSU will be leaving.
LOL, isn’t this the media insider that Rickd has so much faith in?
Regal actually has contacts on the media side. Not sure if he worked for Disney / ESPN or FOX ... but he is a Nole alum who recently retired after a media career in which he rose to some senior executive level.
Regal actually has contacts on the media side. Not sure if he worked for Disney / ESPN or FOX ... but he is a Nole alum who recently retired after a media career in which he rose to some senior executive level.
If only we had Miami alums, who actually have worked for those networks and have current contacts …

Then we too could post 8d conspiracy bull****
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Well it sure beats reading the bull**** comments you have contributed.
Ok media guru

Glad to see you think the Nevada office of the FBI is now getting involved

How was Roswell on your trip?

You Are Dumb Patrick Star GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Man you are deep in that Warchant rabbit hole. That board is not known for their objectivity.
…is ours? Or any Board for that matter?

I beg most of you to go back and skim through this thread, the spin zones and alterations have been pure comedy to read. People making definitive statements, belittling those with serious concerns…well let’s just see what happens when FSU and Clemson announce their departures.

And the best part, we’re not even remotely close to the finish.
For all you aspiring lawyers out there, here are the Florida jury instructions for tortious interference. To win your case and get the big bucks, you will need to convince the jury that your facts fit into the bold portions of the instructions in the screenshot. At the end of the triaal these are the questions that the judge will ask the jury to answer.

The "greater weight of the evidence" means "a preponderance of the evidence" which means "more likely true than not," which we explain to be "you must be 50.01% sure". Judges have accepted the argument that a preponderance of the evidence standard equals the following: "If the evidence on both sides were perfectly balanced, like the scales of justice, a single feather would be enough to tip the scales in favor of one side." So if its 50/50 and i have a feather of evidence in my favor, boom.

Please note that the i have no clue if the ACC GOR/ESPN contracts are or are NOT contracts terminable at will (as I haven't seen them). I

…is ours? Or any Board for that matter?

I beg most of you to go back and skim through this thread, the spin zones and alterations have been pure comedy to read. People making definitive statements, belittling those with serious concerns…well let’s just see what happens when FSU and Clemson announce their departures.

And the best part, we’re not even remotely close to the finish.
For the most part I don’t disagree but come on man, the ringleader of the Warchant realignment thread is implying that the FBI and Nevada gaming commission are looking into ACC improprieties. That’s next level delusion.
For the most part I don’t disagree but come on man, the ringleader of the Warchant realignment thread is implying that the FBI and Nevada gaming commission are looking into ACC improprieties. That’s next level delusion.
Oh I 100% agree, I’m just putting things into perspective.

I mean once upon a time, we ran with Gruden coming to Miami, that we were the most attractive team for expansion, and loads of other fairytales.
I'm going to say something here, and refer back to a post I made earlier.

We (and other fans on other threads) have long hypothesized about the "number" of teams. I believe that the chaos of the situation will lead to "more than just two". The Big 10 was JUST FINE with USC/UCLA...until Washington/Oregon offered to suck **** for half-shares.

As I mentioned yesterday, ESPN can do the math. And (just to keep the numbers simple) if ESPN was paying 15 ACC schools $40M each, it could certainly afford to pay the SEC $80M each for 8 ACC schools, while "not opting into the unapproved 2025 extension that was improperly granted by the ACC Commissioner".

At 16 SEC schools on an 8-game conference slate, that is 64 SEC games to televise. If you moved to 24 schools and a 9-game slate, you then have 108 games worth of content. With a 10-game slate, it's 120 games.

If the SEC and ESPN were going to pull off the most genius "one-fell-swoop" move to dominate college football permanently, then they would arrange to take 8 teams, bump up the number of games, pay whatever it takes, and then let 2025 come and go without opting in for the remaining ACC TV contract years.

Boom. Done. No matter what the Big 10 does after that, it would be a hollow echo.

F$U and Miami. Clemson and GaTech. UNC and NC State. UVa and VaTech.

What can the Big 10 do? Take Notre Dame and Pitt and Stanford and Cal? Yay for them.

Checkmate. Double the money for 8 ACC teams to join the SEC, and then pay the ACC nothing. The math checks out. It costs ESPN nothing more than they were already going to pay under two contracts, now you just do it under one contract. Plus, you don't have to televise Syracuse and Boston College and Wake any longer.

But the synergy? Off the charts.
I'll give credit where it's due, and this post isn't too bad. But if ESPN can do the math, why would they want to give up the profitable ACC Network, with reach into PA, MA, NY and all over the mid Atlantic? Right now, even considering the above somewhat realistic take, they still will make more money on the current ACC deal then they would on this bigger SEC deal.

Not to mention the NC judge isn't cooperating and already wrote a 70 page opinion. NC business court is a rocket docket. We think this is a unilateral ESPN decision but it isn't.
But if ESPN can do the math, why would they want to give up the profitable ACC Network, with reach into PA, MA, NY and all over the mid Atlantic? Right now, even considering the above somewhat realistic take, they still will make more money on the current ACC deal then they would on this bigger SEC deal.

It's a safe bet ESPN can do the math

If ESPN doesn't stand in the way of (and maybe even helps) FSU and Clemson leave for another Disney media property, then it's safe bet the folks in Bristol think there's even more money to made by super-sizing the SEC. IMO, the proof will be in the pudding when the SEC goes to 24
For the most part I don’t disagree but come on man, the ringleader of the Warchant realignment thread is implying that the FBI and Nevada gaming commission are looking into ACC improprieties. That’s next level delusion.
Got to admit, that comment caught me by surprise. The FSU AD was commenting about anti-trust issues being a foundation of their case ... but the reaction to the ACC / Clemson scheduling "issue" really seems way overboard. Hinting there are many other ACC issues that would be found in discovery.
I believe there are a couple of guys on Warchant that have more direct contacts than Flugs and they have been pretty consistent all along.

-FSU has had a back channel Big 10 offer since last year.
-ESPN really doesn't want to lose FSU to the Big 10
-ESPN might pull off a last minute deal to get FSU into the SEC
-Nobody outside of the FSU AD and president really know the final destination / decision.

Flugs has always maintained the position "FSU has no offer from anybody to any conference", and I don't believe that is correct. They might not have a notarized letter on embossed conference stationary, but they have a back channel confirmation of a landing spot. The bigger question is, how much horse trading is ACTUALLY going on involving FOX, ESPN, Venu Sports, the Big 10 / SEC and HOW MANY ACC programs will potentially be involved? How drastically will the ACC be "reconfigured"?

-Just two teams for now (FSU & Clemson)?
-OR are four teams going to participate? Two to the Big 10 and two to the SEC?
-OR more than four?

Will UNC, a charter ACC member and Tobacco Road blue blood, remain as the glue to hold the ACC together? Or will they bail?

We will see if anything happens in July.
People are giving B1G, SEC, Fox, ESPN, et al way to much credit re: strategic coordination.

WAY, WAY to much credit.

For reals.