MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Sure does make that TV money look like pennies in comparison.


But what I think we are missing is that I-A football teams are essentially getting paid $100M a year for the best possible advertising they can get.

We just have to be honest. And echo what Spineless Frenk said nearly 10 years ago. It is worth the investment in sports EVEN IF IT IS NOTHING MORE than a marketing exercise for your university's academics.

Like it or not, the student of today is no longer so easily categorized. Even the students who (in theory) have the GPA and SAT to get into an Ivy League school...can ALSO be interested in student life (including athletics)...and are no longer choosing the Ivy League as such an "automatic" any longer.

This is why kids who, fifty years ago, might have seemed the type to go to Harvard or Yale might, instead, pick Michigan or Stanford or Northwestern or Vanderbilt or Duke or UNC or UCLA or Texas or GaTech or Florida...some of those schools offer state tuition, others might offer proximity, but regardless, a lot of today's students prefer to choose schools where they can put on a t-shirt and brag about the old alma mater, even if they skip half the games and sell their tickets to make money.

So there are two ways in which Miami cannot allow itself to be left behind in Big 2 membership. One is the "basic level" economics of sports, in and of itself, which is what a lot of posters just keep arguing about (and some fantasize about an alternate reality in which the Big 12 money will be comparable to Big 10/SEC money, which is never going to happen). But the more important LONG-TERM big-picture issue is what an exclusion from the Big 10 would mean to UM on an ACADEMIC level, particularly as our rankings have been slipping.

The Big 10 is an absolute imperative. It's existential.
Latest from you know who:

FWIW, Miami's most likely future will be with the remade ACC or Big 12. Going back to 2022, I have learned that Miami was not a main target of the Big Ten or SEC even back then, and there is no indication that has changed today. They still remain not approved by FOX

What an a**hole.

Genetics is the human embodiment of herpes.


I'll make this simple, I trust the Fox sources shared by a friend of mine more than the "Fox sources" that Genetics implies that he has (but doesn't actually have).

Nobody ever claimed that Miami was a "main target of the SEC". "Even back then".
What the **** was the point of bringing in a highly paid AD if the board is going to make these decisions?

As a point of balance, with two prior long-term baseball coaches, I don't think anyone was expecting the new AD to have to hire a new coach.

Regardless, there are valid concerns on hiring coaches, something that I do not believe was ever considered to be one of Radakovich's strong suits.
This guy is all over the place. He said that FOX wanted Miami in the BIG along with the OSU and Michigan presidents. It’s somewhere in this 1000 page thread 😂

Genetics did a deep dive and investigated the prior posts of Genetics and found that Genetics was incorrect when he said those things, so now Genetics can absolutely claim to be correct, as Genetics has rebutted the prior inaccurate reporting of Genetics.
Genetics is the human embodiment of herpes.


I'll make this simple, I trust the Fox sources shared by a friend of mine more than the "Fox sources" that Genetics implies that he has (but doesn't actually have).

Nobody ever claimed that Miami was a "main target of the SEC". "Even back then".
What do your sources claim?
When you are wrong about this, and thus go 0 for 243, will you please take a sabbatical?
Angry Season 3 GIF by The Office
What do your sources claim?

I do not claim to have those sources myself. My friend does.

Miami needs to signal its intentions more clearly, which was being impeded when Frenk was the UM President.

Fox knows that Miami is a good take. There may be a couple other schools that bring more of their own fans to the table (state schools with their large alum bases), but Fox is very aware of how ratings ALSO go up when Miami plays just about any other good team.

This is about more than just "the South Florida TV market" or "Miami fans". Miami is a strong draw as a heel.

I've been trying to educate the ignorant on the benefits of synergy, while they rave on about "how Miami hasn't been relevant in 20 years" or Mario's 2-year W-L record or the moderately better TV ratings for Clemson/F$U.

So let's win big, starting in August. Let's humiliate an SEC "blue blood" which has won a championship more recently than we have. Let's blast through our ****** conference schedule, including CONQUERING another team which has won a championship more recently.

Let's win the PR battle.

Fox knows who we are. The notion that Fox doesn't want Miami is a joke.

You know who else Fox didn't want before they took half-shares? Washington and Oregon.

And let's not forget that Genetics told us that the Big 10 would not be taking Washington/Oregon.
So he’s just an expensive figurehead?

A spineless puppet isn’t exactly what we need right now…

So who’s hand is up the puppet’s *** and guiding us with FSU to the B1G?

You are a hateful troll.

Dan was hired to boost fund-raising and building-building.

Stop acting like "not hiring a baseball coach" makes someone a figurehead.

If you can't read between the lines on what was happening under Frenk, then you are one of the clueless ones. I've dropped enough crumbs to fill a bread truck.
All these insiders and they cant even state what conferences they are going to and the contract. It tells me everyone is speculating

If you want an honest assessment of the game that F$U is playing, it's that they think they can spark a bidding war once they are free of the ACC. While they would be happy to take Big 10 money, they think that the SEC is just waiting in the weeds in order to pounce when F$U is available.

We shall see.