MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

There is some speculation that the infamous COMPOSITION CLAUSE can be triggered on Monday IF FSU announces their departure on Monday as a composition change of 2 schools can trigger it (SMU being added and FSU being removed). THEORETICALLY that could mean ESPN presents a modified media proposal prior to this season.
It’s already been proven to be wrong. That’s not what the composition does. It does not eliminate the deal. And today would have been the last day under that theory anyway not tomorrow
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Here’s what I think after reading hundreds of posts, tweets, and commentary on realignment:

Genetics is right about FSPoo going to B1G.
I’m not sure he’s right about us being left out of the P2 landscape.

Just a partially informed opinion. Your mileage may vary.
If you want an honest assessment of the game that F$U is playing, it's that they think they can spark a bidding war once they are free of the ACC. While they would be happy to take Big 10 money, they think that the SEC is just waiting in the weeds in order to pounce when F$U is available.

We shall see.
That is my impression as well. I don’t think fsu is as sought after by the Big 10. I think they trying to move SECs hand
From working in the shadows to.....

Miami needs to signal its intentions more clearly, which was being impeded when Frenk was the UM President.

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Sorry that this is so complicated for you to understand, but you are referring to two different power broker(s).

Frenk is (was) just one (very powerful) individual. Difficult though it is for you to comprehend, it's quite possible to have one powerful individual undermine the actions of other very powerful individuals.

Fox and the Big 10 might have been a bit confused on who speaks for UM. Not any longer.
Are you an *** every waking moment or do you alternate hourly

Every waking moment.

He knows nothing, but he sure as **** can criticize everyone else who does.

Oh, but he "give credit" when he thinks it is due. As if anybody needs his "credit".
Sorry that this is so complicated for you to understand, but you are referring to two different power broker(s).

Frenk is (was) just one (very powerful) individual. Difficult though it is for you to comprehend, it's quite possible to have one powerful individual undermine the actions of other very powerful individuals.

Fox and the Big 10 might have been a bit confused on who speaks for UM. Not any longer.

Miami to the B1G!

“Behind the scenes”

La ciudad MÁS chismosa del mundo… yeah, they’re in FULL FORCE quiet as can be.

The Columbus mafia sure kept a WRAPS on where they were channeling their HEAD COACH search.

John H Ruiz always been SUPER QUIET on Twitter.

Mas family famous for being HUSH HUSH.. no one ever knew where the CUBANS were being attacked from.

Behind the scenes is fantastic copium. It’s the perfect COVER. But i keep coming BACK to Occam’s razor.

Theres a reason Rad said to the media “we love the ACC.” While fsu ad was all “idgaf, this place sucks.”

Theres a reason fsu is suing and we’re NOT.

there’s a reason that Miami has seen fsu win all court battles and still seven months later ISNT suing.

Theres a reason Clemson jumped in months after FSU and we sit ON THE SIDELINES.

There’s a reason UNC voted against suing and we joined the losers by suing.

There’s a reason UNC was publically in-fighting about leaving while we roll Rad out to gush on THEIR balls.

Painful… but all we have is “MOVE IN SILENCE” where every other thing we do we’re chismeando enfrente de la familia. But on conference realignment WERE FORT KNOX.

Take your cheap quote and like farming. I’ll even give you ONE. But evidence points against BEHIND THE SCENES. so I’m ****ED.
You need another shot meng.
Sorry that this is so complicated for you to understand, but you are referring to two different power broker(s).

Frenk is (was) just one (very powerful) individual. Difficult though it is for you to comprehend, it's quite possible to have one powerful individual undermine the actions of other very powerful individuals.

Fox and the Big 10 might have been a bit confused on who speaks for UM. Not any longer.
Does Miami's AAU status give them a better chance of potentially ending up with the BIG10 or are things going on behind the scenes run deeper than that????
Here’s what I think after reading hundreds of posts, tweets, and commentary on realignment:

Genetics is right about FSPoo going to B1G.
I’m not sure he’s right about us being left out of the P2 landscape.

Just a partially informed opinion. Your mileage may vary.
Respectfully, I don't think Genetics is right about anything.

I think he spews wishful thinking hoping it comes into existence.

He's taken so many different positions now, he can't be "wrong" on anything.

I'm hearing FSU to B1G, but things can change at 11th hour.

I'm hearing SEC will make a run at FSU, but things can change at 11th hour.

I'm hearing ACC is trying to salvage relationship with FSU, but so many hard feelings to overcome at this late stage. Can they do it? Maybe. Maybe Not.

I'll be porsting later on X for engagement in a few hours...follow me!!!!
It’s already been proven to be wrong. That’s not what the composition does. It does not eliminate the deal. And today would have been the last day under that theory anyway not tomorrow
Have you actually seen the composition clause in the ESPN media agreement? If so please provide a link. I haven't and have not seen a definitive comment from anybody that has. From everything I have read the composition clause can be enacted by ESPN any time the conference membership either changes by two schools OR drops below 15 members.

One attorney on another board was asking for a clarification if "one school coming aboard (SMU) and another announcing departure (FSU) might constitute a TWO SCHOOL CHANGE and potentially enact the composition clause". Nobody said it "eliminated the deal" ... but IF by the end of the month of July we have FSU + Clemson announcing they are out, ESPN can enact the composition clause and "re-assess" what the media agreement is worth once those two (or more) schools are gone. That would be their opportunity to present a revised media offer to the ACC, which would be combined with a new GOR.

Lot of people have stated that they expect the FSU announcement to be timed to coincide with conference media days:

-ACC media days July 22-25
-Big 10 media days July 23-25
-SEC media days July 15-18
Just a word of advice, especially for those who do not follow this topic closely. These schools being discussed as expansion candidates are often much closer choices to these conferences than some people would like to make it appear. The difference between school X and school Y is not some huge drop off. All these candidates have pluses and minuses. This is one of the reasons that this topic is so fluid. One break for one side or the other at a moments notice could tip the scales in one direction or the other. See the Oregon and Washington situation. Everyone thinks they know the outcome of a situation until Humans are introduced into the decisions making process...
Does Miami's AAU status give them a better chance of potentially ending up with the BIG10 or are things going on behind the scenes run deeper than that????

It helps. It certainly does not hurt us.

Things are definitely complicated. Just DM'd with another poster on whether ND might be complicating things. The analogy I used when Radakovich was being considered for AD is that a big shark swimming below the surface can scare all the other fish out of the area. ND may be circling around under the surface.

Being under the uncertainty of the GOR hinders everyone in the ACC, particularly in their conversations with other conferences. F$U and Clemson have signaled their intentions via lawsuit. Miami has not signaled its intentions quite as decisively.

If this was a decision made solely by the Big 10 Presidents, and everyone was getting a full-share, I think that Notre Dame and Miami and UNC are the most attractive of the eastern candidates (and obviously everything turns on what ND decides). In a half-share world, I think the Big 10 Presidents would have taken Stanford/Cal over Washington/Oregon.

But Fox is involved as well. And in that situation, the demographics start to push against the academics. The only reason that F$U is where it is in the Big 10 conversation is due to demographics-over-academics.

The interesting question is on Clemson. Without a med school, it is doubtful that they are on any sort of of accelerated AAU consideration. I previously posted a link showing that Clemson INTENDS to raise itself to AAU caliber, but I really think they need a med school and med research to do so, and that takes time.

So one of two things could be at play.

Either Clemson has been assured of a spot in the Big 10, regardless of academics AND demographics (go back and check out "South Carolina" for population and demographics)...or Clemson has been assured of a spot in the SEC, which makes a lot more sense. And which would also indicate that the SEC is much more secretive about its plans. And will not just take one team.

I highly doubt that Clemson filed its lawsuit with no idea whether any other conference would invite them to join.
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