MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I'm sure you will continue to remind me.

If you displayed an ounce of self-awareness, it wouldn't be necessary.

21,000-plus posts, and you still have no inside information, accurate analysis, or insights into what is happening. But you sure can criticize other people as if you actually know better or could do better.

On a per-capita-post-basis, you are one of the most worthless posters on CIS. Brock contributes more than you do.
You are a hateful troll.

Dan was hired to boost fund-raising and building-building.

Stop acting like "not hiring a baseball coach" makes someone a figurehead.

If you can't read between the lines on what was happening under Frenk, then you are one of the clueless ones. I've dropped enough crumbs to fill a bread truck.
Genetics is the human embodiment of herpes.


I'll make this simple, I trust the Fox sources shared by a friend of mine more than the "Fox sources" that Genetics implies that he has (but doesn't actually have).

Nobody ever claimed that Miami was a "main target of the SEC". "Even back then".

He's an ******* no matter what.

Genetics did a deep dive and investigated the prior posts of Genetics and found that Genetics was incorrect when he said those things, so now Genetics can absolutely claim to be correct, as Genetics has rebutted the prior inaccurate reporting of Genetics.

What is there to say?

Genetics is the greatest waterboy since Adam Sandler.

I do not claim to have those sources myself. My friend does.

Miami needs to signal its intentions more clearly, which was being impeded when Frenk was the UM President.

Fox knows that Miami is a good take. There may be a couple other schools that bring more of their own fans to the table (state schools with their large alum bases), but Fox is very aware of how ratings ALSO go up when Miami plays just about any other good team.

This is about more than just "the South Florida TV market" or "Miami fans". Miami is a strong draw as a heel.

I've been trying to educate the ignorant on the benefits of synergy, while they rave on about "how Miami hasn't been relevant in 20 years" or Mario's 2-year W-L record or the moderately better TV ratings for Clemson/F$U.

So let's win big, starting in August. Let's humiliate an SEC "blue blood" which has won a championship more recently than we have. Let's blast through our ****** conference schedule, including CONQUERING another team which has won a championship more recently.

Let's win the PR battle.

Fox knows who we are. The notion that Fox doesn't want Miami is a joke.

You know who else Fox didn't want before they took half-shares? Washington and Oregon.

And let's not forget that Genetics told us that the Big 10 would not be taking Washington/Oregon.

After you, Mr. "Ironclad and Irrevocable".

If you want an honest assessment of the game that F$U is playing, it's that they think they can spark a bidding war once they are free of the ACC. While they would be happy to take Big 10 money, they think that the SEC is just waiting in the weeds in order to pounce when F$U is available.

We shall see.
The Office Boom GIF
If you displayed an ounce of self-awareness, it wouldn't be necessary.

21,000-plus posts, and you still have no inside information, accurate analysis, or insights into what is happening. But you sure can criticize other people as if you actually know better or could do better.

On a per-capita-post-basis, you are one of the most worthless posters on CIS. Brock contributes more than you do.
I did save money by switching to Geico.

I have to admit, this might have been your funniest post ever.

I pointed out that certain people (such as yourself) constantly troll Miami.

Your response give me a hard time for criticizing Genetics. As well as criticizing an inaccurate Miami poster who used his professional status as an "attorney who writes enforceability opinions on contractual assignments" to tell us how it was impossible to get out of the GOR early.


Keep chasing me around, though, with your nose up my *** while you "hold insiders accountable".
I have to admit, this might have been your funniest post ever.

I pointed out that certain people (such as yourself) constantly troll Miami.

Your response give me a hard time for criticizing Genetics. As well as criticizing an inaccurate Miami poster who used his professional status as an "attorney who writes enforceability opinions on contractual assignments" to tell us how it was impossible to get out of the GOR early.

I wish I could formulate enough words to explain how little I care. You do you booboo.
I wish I could formulate enough words to explain how little I care. You do you booboo.

Sure. But you cared so little that you cut-and-pasted about 6 or 8 of my posts.

I guess we can also see how little you care about your own hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness.
1. Football Success
2. Football Ratings
3. Academics

For the 1st point, long term outlook we are clearly top 3, arguably 1st or 2nd depending what factors you are weighing. There is zero question we're above Clemson, UNC, etc for anything longer than the past like decade. I'd say we are definitely better than ND and FSU over the last 40 years. But obviously FSU has an argument just for being very good more than us even if they didn't win as many championships. ND has an okay argument if the time period is longer. Short term we are 4th, with ND, FSU, Clemson all clearly having more success than us recently. However the investments we've clearly been making under Mario kinda make that not as relevant for future performance - especially if it appears Dabo isn't keeping up with modern CFB. We have recruited at an elite level which should be pretty telling of the direction the program is heading. We win big this year, and it's clear we are probably about to leapfrog all of them when viewing this as even just a 3 year decision.

For the 2nd point we are clear 4th among all ACC/B12 programs over the last like decade in rating. 1 is ND by a wide margin. Then 2/3 is Clemson/FSU. Maybe some debate between those two because Clemson probably has a higher median rating, whereas FSU's peak games are likely far better ratings draws. Of course over this like 10 year time period we have sucked and still drawn quite good ratings - good enough to be the clear 4th best expansion target if you're only considering ratings. There is a pretty MAJOR gap between us and the next best programs for ratings which would be TCU, OkSt, WVU, and Colorado for B12 and Louisville, VTech, UNC, and Stanford from ACC.

For the 3rd point, it is clearly us and ND at the top with our recent entrance into the AAU, joining the likes of UNC, Stanford, Cal, UVA, GTech etc. This category is just a simple pass/fail for the most part. All the AAU programs are auto passes. The question is with the non AAU members FSUs/Clemson/Louisville/Virginia Tech/NCSt, etc. FSU (and VTech) would be in the Upper middle territory where it's reasonably exception worthy, cause they could be joining relatively soon. ... Clemson however is waaaay down the rankings and just plain doesn't seem to be a B10 fit, unless they completely throw Academics out the window. This is pretty important imo, as this is legit the deciding factor on if the B10 should go after Clemson or not. If they care about this 3rd point at all, Clemson won't be a priority B10 member.

So based on those 3 metrics the target order imo for B10 SHOULD be:

Do whatever you can to get them

Great all-around fits, MUST get at least 1, ideally all

Has good reason to join, but major reasons against as well. Add until you reach you're target conference size.
Georgia Tech
(this tear is mostly bad performance ratings wise. HOWEVER ALL these programs are arguably as good or better for ratings than Purdue, Minnesota, Indiana, etc. Clemson has the major academic asterisk. But adding programs like UNC, VTech, TCU, and GTech also are entering new markets/states. And of course UNC has a great Basketball program...)

Unlikely, but possible eventually
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You are a hateful troll.

Dan was hired to boost fund-raising and building-building.

Stop acting like "not hiring a baseball coach" makes someone a figurehead.

If you can't read between the lines on what was happening under Frenk, then you are one of the clueless ones. I've dropped enough crumbs to fill a bread truck.

Hateful? Yep, I hate that there is about to be a P2 in Florida and we aren't in it...