Changes to coaching staff

At a minimum, Gattis needs to go, and a new OC needs to have his choice of whether to retain the rest of the O staff (Mirabal not included, that's Mario's call and Mario's call only).

I have also read/heard that Addae is a potential liability that we'd be better off letting go of or not fighting for. As for Steele, I want him to come back. He has a stellar reputation in the coaching community, and this defense has had good moments this year. Better personnel will = better results with him.

Either way, I agree with the Josh Pate segment this week that this coaching staff will look completely different come three years' time.
weird GIF by Cosmic Evil
At a minimum, Gattis needs to go, and a new OC needs to have his choice of whether to retain the rest of the O staff (Mirabal not included, that's Mario's call and Mario's call only).

I have also read/heard that Addae is a potential liability that we'd be better off letting go of or not fighting for. As for Steele, I want him to come back. He has a stellar reputation in the coaching community, and this defense has had good moments this year. Better personnel will = better results with him.

Either way, I agree with the Josh Pate segment this week that this coaching staff will look completely different come three years' time.
addae was gone the moment cormani didnt even mention him in his interview. he committed to an analyst and mario and didnt bother to even acknowledge the DB coach lol.

steele - off field in an analyst role and get a young blood in there. try again for schumann.

O staff - yes all including mirabal are up to the new OC. no rerun of what mario did the first time around where he got told no by better candidates. if the new OC has a preferred OL coach, so be it. move mirabal off field and stay on in that capacity. OL wont be an issue regardless of whether Mirabal is here or off field bc mario is still here. no one on the O staff is untouchable when we get a new OC in here.
….I agree with the Josh Pate segment this week that this coaching staff will look completely different come three years' time.

Take any college team anywhere, and it’s more likely thatn not that the staff will look completely different three years from the present. That’s not exactly an earthshaking prediction.
Take any college team anywhere, and it’s more likely thatn not that the staff will look completely different three years from the present. That’s not exactly an earthshaking prediction.

I had the same thought when I heard it. Coaching carousel.
Besides, in his entire career as a HC Mario's never had the same OC for more than 2 years. And he's never had the same DC more than 3 years. Mirabal and Salave'a are the only assistant coaches on staff I'd be surprised to see out in 3 years.
I don’t know why Mario settled on Gattis. Likely due to timing and the Bama/Morrehead connection.

I’ve posted the other KNOWN candidates Mario was talking to. I feel like the Gattis hire was circumstantial and when looking at the other options he was on the right track.

Here is the team scoring rankings:

Golesh - Tenn. #1. 47.4 ppg
Candle - Toledo #23. 35.1ppg
Reese - Notre Dame #46 29.7ppg

Longo - UNC #10 40.1
G Riley - TCU #8 40.5
Raggerio- Wake F #20 35.9

Mario wants to win and this season is only going to make him more maniacal. I feel good that he’s gonna go get a DUDE(s) to run this offense. I’m also betting that they will be an improvement on the recruiting side from what’s currently in place
Hopefully he won’t pick wrong this time
There are a lot of good OCs out there, and we have the money for any candidate we want.

Rad and Alonzo have to meet with Mario and give him some advice on the OC hire. Mario has to take the Saban approach to running a program. A CEO Coach that runs recruiting and works with some specific position groups (OL), but with coordinators that are empowered to run their side of the ball with almost complete autonomy. That's how Mario succeeds here.
That’s the problem now always looking for flashy hires. Get somebody in here that can get the job done not the flashiest name

God **** it come on. No one is saying hire based on flash. I’ve already explained my point on what I think the profile of the next OC looks like.

Besides this guy working with Mario for 1yr at FIU, go ahead and pound the table and convince me why you love Tim Cramsey

I did the work for you, here’s his resume. Tell me you’d be excited if he was the next OC at Miami

God **** it come on. No one is saying hire based on flash. I’ve already explained my point on what I think the profile of the next OC looks like.

Besides this guy working with Mario for 1yr at FIU, go ahead and pound the table and convince me why you love Tim Cramsey

I did the work for you, here’s his resume. Tell me you’d be excited if he was the next OC at Miami

View attachment 215192
I know nothing about him and wasn’t talking about him. I’m saying in general
Man, bring me this guy right here. He’s already in So Fla. If he don’t go back to Clemson, bring this dude here

I sincerely hope Mario has at least already reached out to him and kicked the tires. A good OC (he was the true brains behind Clemson's offense, not Tony Elliot) AND an ace recruiter? What can you not love about that?
Man, bring me this guy right here. He’s already in So Fla. If he don’t go back to Clemson, bring this dude here

As WR coach? Yes, great recruiter BUT:

- We don’t know exactly how involved was with playcalling while at Clemson (it looks like Elliott was the man in charge there).
- At that time it was very easy to recruit elite WR with that orange paw logo on the shirt, it’s not a gimme that it will translate (i.e. Addae landed 5-star after 5-star at UGA)

I think we could do better than Scott tbh.
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I sincerely hope Mario has at least already reached out to him and kicked the tires. A good OC (he was the true brains behind Clemson's offense, not Tony Elliot) AND an ace recruiter? What can you not love about that?
His daddy was an OC and HC in college , he was raised to be an offensive guru. Anyone that wouldn’t like this hire is crazy