Canes to B1G?

Do people here remember how Penn state used to get worked by the Big Ten officiating crews in their first couple seasons in that conference? Penn State would have won the big ten in their first season had it not been for the conference referees.

In their eyes it would have looked very bad for a new team to come in and win the conference in their first year. The only saving grace to that saga was getting to watch joe paterno cry like the ***** he because for the first time in his career he did not get every call.

Mike Ryan is a producer to show so I doubt you’ll find any from him. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t hear things. This is very out of character of him so I was surprised when I read the story. I take it for what it’s worth but it’s definitely interesting.

Fair enough. I’m sure he knows some people. I’m sure he knows a lot of people. I just don’t think he knows “those“ people.,
We should join the SEC.

The Big10 is a great conference, but Miami is not a northern team. I know that Miami sees itself as the Stanford of the South or whatever and our leadership would probably rather hobnob with the President of Michigan rather than Alabama... but I just hope our snobbery doesn't become a barrier for us.

From a recruiting standpoint, to a travel standpoint, to a money standpoint, the SEC makes way more sense. If FSU is in the SEC and Miami in the Big 10, that helps FSU recruiting-wise in my opinion. I think South Florida kids prefer the SEC.

Miami is in the Southeast. Join the Southeastern Conference if it's an option (and it would be if we wanted it). It's not rocket surgery.

I don't hate the idea of the Big 10, but I think the SEC is a better choice IMO.
The SEC side-stepped A&M so they could capture the midwest - Texas and OU. The SEC's not going to do that with us. We don't have a significant TV advantage compared to Texas and OU. Our best bet would be to go to the Big 10. They have a solid cache of good teams on Ohio State, PSU, and Wiscy. Renewing a rivalry with Nebraska which would essentially replace FSU (if they moved to the SEC, they're not playing us again).
This move would mark the end of the Miami Hurricanes football program.

I think the move to the ACC already took care of that. If we are going to be a nearly dead program, at least we can get rich in the B1G. Miami should be good at both athletics and academics; but at least be good at just one of those. Right now we suck in both those areas. Miami with an extra 20-30 million that would come from the B1G athletics, Miami could at least try to improve its academic standing.

Oh, there is also the small matter of the $10 BILLION (yes, with a capital B) in research grant money exclusive to B1G schools through the Big10 Academic Alliance. When the SEC has a 10 billion pot of money that Miami can dip into for academic research, then we can compare apples to apples about which conference is the most beneficial to the university.
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Have you seen the ACC? You can’t be that stupid. Big 10 is a much better league. I rather play Nebraska, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Wisconsin than UNC, GT, Louisville of the world’s.
If the ACC would only start winning then the matter would be settled. UM , FSU, Clemson and UNC all should be consistent top 20 teams. GT has potential also.
This happening is not a pipe dream. Ppl have to start looking beyond the traditional conferences. Miami, Clem, USC, FSU etc would be dumb not to try and get ahead of what’s coming. Only one school probably could wait another expansion out and that Norte Dame.

Dont think so, with scheduling being the problem. As the conferences expand in number of members, so will the conference games.
I don’t know why some of you are against this. We got the academic profile of the conference and OSU/PSU every year is going to make us and the Big 10 a **** ton of money. Way more than them going to get any other school. **** we can even turn up our old rivalry with Nebraska. Let FSU bat their eyes at the SEC. We’re would finally be going to a conference that won’t treat us like a 2nd rate program because they would want us to return to form and create a 4 headed monster with PSU, OSU, and Michigan. Us going there might even tip ND that way since there’s a ton to benefit for them as well.
I just don’t see the “tradition rich” Ohio Taint, Pedo State, and Meeechigan welcoming us with open arms. Those arrogant cucks will probably thumb their noses up at us. The others might be more inclined to accept.

I also believe the logistics are not favorable. That being said, it may come to a point we’re we have no alternative.
FLIP SIDE: OSU, Michigan, Penn State, etc gonna hate noon and 3:30 kickoffs in South Florida in September and October.

Especially when we ban misting fans and tents on the visiting sideline as a safety hazard ;)
Not going to matter for OSU. They would still roll us.
So we’re pretending a majority of the ACC teams we play every year aren’t in cold weather areas? We play @ Pitt every other year as the final regular season game of the year.
Not this year.
I just don’t see the “tradition rich” Ohio Taint, Pedo State, and Meeechigan welcoming us with open arms. Those arrogant cucks will probably thumb their noses up at us. The others might be more inclined to accept.

I also believe the logistics are not favorable. That being said, it may come to a point we’re we have no alternative.
They can thumb their noses all they want. Us and ND are their only chance at developing a super conference to go up against the SEC and their decision makers know it. The big 10 would have all the vested interest in the world for us to join and be the 2001 Miami Hurricanes again. It makes them a **** ton of money. It makes OSU a **** ton of money. It makes PSU a **** ton of money. It potentially makes ND a **** ton of money if they join. That’s not including the rest of the conference either.

A deal with the Big 10 if we jump and use our current leverage will probably finally give the financial means to compete with the blue bloods as well.
They can thumb their noses all they want. Us and ND are their only chance at developing a super conference to go up against the SEC and their decision makers know it. The big 10 would have all the vested interest in the world for us to join and be the 2001 Miami Hurricanes again. It makes them a **** ton of money. It makes OSU a **** ton of money. It makes PSU a **** ton of money. It potentially makes ND a **** ton of money if they join. That’s not including the rest of the conference either.

A deal with the Big 10 if we jump and use our current leverage will probably finally give the financial means to compete with the blue bloods as well.

On one hand, you have the SEC that might give payouts of 55 million per team (I assume with a reworked deal) and a conference with a reputation of putting athletics before academics.
On the other you have the B1G that might give payouts of 60-65 million per team AND allows any conference member to access a $10 billion pot of research money.

When Miami joined the ACC, the school administration couldn't stop talking about how it was the most academically elite conference of them all. The B1G is arguably the #2 academic conference (although Nebraska dragged the conference academic standing down quite a bit; Pac12 also has an argument for being the #2 in academics behind the ACC). No other conference has even close to the amount of research grant money available as the B1G. I think the school admin already knows which conference it will join if Miami leaves the ACC.