Brilliant Coaching (If not **** Move) or Lucky Corching?

Isn’t this a referee F up with regard to the clock? 12 men on field is a dead ball foul, no? I think I know the answers, but not 100% sure.
My understanding is that coming out of the timeout, the clock starts on the snap (0:10) which is when the foul occurred. Clock should go back to 0:10, no?
Had me thinking, with somewhere around 15 seconds left with the team on the opposing 30 or so, is there any reason not to put 15 on the field, take 2-3 penalties up to the 40 and just defend a long hail Mary?
Lane likes the idea.
So was the clock suppose to run on that play? Because they blew it dead shouldn’t the clock revert to time before the ball was snapped?
So was the clock suppose to run on that play? Because they blew it dead shouldn’t the clock revert to time before the ball was snapped?
It is not a dead ball foul (I think). Its a free play for O basically until referees blow the whistle.

But it's tik tok, on the clock, but the party don't stop, no...
Isn’t this a referee F up with regard to the clock? 12 men on field is a dead ball foul, no? I think I know the answers, but not 100% sure.
My understanding is that coming out of the timeout, the clock starts on the snap (0:10) which is when the foul occurred. Clock should go back to 0:10, no?

No, it’s a free play like an offside.
Isn’t this a referee F up with regard to the clock? 12 men on field is a dead ball foul, no? I think I know the answers, but not 100% sure.
My understanding is that coming out of the timeout, the clock starts on the snap (0:10) which is when the foul occurred. Clock should go back to 0:10, no?
No, 12 men on the field is not a dead ball foul when the defense has 12 men, or more. The offense still has the opportunity to have a positive play (or score) and decline the penalty.
You’re going to to try to tell me the guy that ****ed around with their extra points that put them in a 3 point deficit purposely put 12 players on the field?
i'd much rather see smart **** like this than the absolute ***** culture lane kiffin has built

those fake injuries make the games almost unwatchable - and it's wild because they aren't even playing uptempo teams
Ole Miss games unless blowouts are well over 4 hours long. Injuries timeouts like every series of the other teams offensive possession
Exactly. Buddy Ryan play from the 80s. Literally infinite percent on purpose. Was clearly the design.
Before the snap, it looked like Oregon had more than 11 men on the field. I thought that they would surely see this and call time out. They did not. Play was ran and then penalty called. The reaction from the Oregon coaching staff and players said it all. None of the coaches were upset, or going frantic and yelling at each other or the player. The players were calm. The plan had worked to perfection. That 12 man on the field was definitely on purpose.
i'd much rather see smart **** like this than the absolute ***** culture lane kiffin has built

those fake injuries make the games almost unwatchable - and it's wild because they aren't even playing uptempo teams
Colorado KState game last night had 4 straight plays of “injured” KSt players and I was screaming at the TV I can’t watch this **** because how bad it slows down the game.
Coming out of a timeout and then running him in late, would think so..

This is not even close to the same circumstances

Actually I’ll just move along. If people think taking a penalty to move them closer to a game winning field goal and only relying on a colossally brain dead decision by the QB is the same as this Buddy Ryan goal line situation then I’ll just say god bless your Sunday and move along