Yesasirrrr!! Lol ***** comical. And it gets worse. You named players on teams where the recruit can see who was recruited to replay those players. And they aren't "projects" or high upsides.
And imma say this out loud and DUCK.... for some reason, the fan base defaults to "i trust Mario's evals" will NEVER convince me 1 person or staff is correct more times than the consensus or composite. Ain't no way we gone sit here and say some if not all these kids should be higher ranked than their current or end of year rankings.
AND THATS FINE!! let's just stop acting like our evals are better than the those for the other 97 of top 100 kids commited to other schools. It's maddening.
That being said....

I only care about the recruit that actually ends up playing at the collegiate level. I only follow recruiting for the bragging rights when we hit.