Bat Signal

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Game, set and Match.
done the office GIF
He’s enormous but I don’t see it. He holds a lot , has awful technique and doesn’t move that well imo . But they know way more than I do. They coach that position up and have a good track record. It’s definitely size and upside though. I guess we’ll see.
I don't think he's good at all. Would love to be wrong.
He’s a 16 year old HS junior for ***’s sake. The ‘Id love to be wrong’ faction of the fanbase is literal AIDS.
There is no problem with a fan thinking a take is a bad take. U can't agree with everything the staff does. Sometimes more so than not the fans here have been right for ages. Might be a bad take or pay off down the road. I'm sure when we think it's a bad take we want to be wrong, we don't want to celebrate a bad take obviously.
I like this approach. Get the lower ranked dogs early. We don’t want to miss out on these types while big game because we all know that takes time. Can’t afford to keep missing out on the mids that always end up haunting us the most.

Yep we’ve done poorly here for a while. These are the type of 3 star dogs we haven’t prioritized who we sometimes try late for and they go off to VT to kick our *** for a few years. Now we get them locked in early and have time to focus on the blue chips without ******** ourselves at the end.
There is no problem with a fan thinking a take is a bad take. U can't agree with everything the staff does. Sometimes more so than not the fans here have been right for ages. Might be a bad take or pay off down the road. I'm sure when we think it's a bad take we want to be wrong, we don't want to celebrate a bad take obviously.

Your points are valid. The only reason I don't care for the "have been right for ages" argument anymore is that we have fundamentally changed how we scout and evaluate. Both in quanity (number of people hired to evaluate film and track player development) and quality (Alonzo is using NFL-draft-style evaluation questions and methods).

That's all. I just can't worry about "what we did for the last 20 years" any longer. Will we occasionally reach or miss on some guys? Possibly, but that doesn't mean it's 2011 all over again.

Just my 2 cents.
The Frankie T of the class.

But also: this one is a legit 3 star. I expect two of our current three stars ( Day and Hellcat) to both become 4 stars. That was a grest job by the staff on both dudes.
I’m 100% ok with a Mirabal project or two each year, as long as he keeps big game hunting.
He’s enormous but I don’t see it. He holds a lot , has awful technique and doesn’t move that well imo . But they know way more than I do. They coach that position up and have a good track record. It’s definitely size and upside though. I guess we’ll see.

I don’t mind these long term project type OL sprinkled in with studs. Helps fill gaps in experience down the road should a few of them actually pan out pretty well their upperclassman seasons. We might lose a starter to injury, portal etc and as we know if that happens this year we’re probably pretty screwed.
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