As if you needed more news today...

Dot's update on Warchant....

10:55 a.m. As of mid-morning no decision has been made. Coley is really struggling with what to do.

Again, this has nothing to do with money as FSU is willing to match Miami's offer. What I did hear new this morning is that family issues are driving this more than anything else. As you may know Coley and his wife are from South Florida and have family down there.

What is also new is that Jimbo Fisher is apparently willing to give Coley more responsibility as offensive coordinator. However, I don't know if that includes having the total freedom to call all the plays (I actually kind of doubt that).

shotgun marriages don't work. Surprised Jimbo would make this offer and I'd be even more surprised if Coley bit.
Dot's update on Warchant....

10:55 a.m. As of mid-morning no decision has been made. Coley is really struggling with what to do.

Again, this has nothing to do with money as FSU is willing to match Miami's offer. What I did hear new this morning is that family issues are driving this more than anything else. As you may know Coley and his wife are from South Florida and have family down there.

What is also new is that Jimbo Fisher is apparently willing to give Coley more responsibility as offensive coordinator. However, I don't know if that includes having the total freedom to call all the plays (I actually kind of doubt that).

Anyways, lets direct our attention to all of these shirtless, and ripped Noles ohhhhh yeahhhhh...

I would SMH at Coley if he decides to stay. Jimbo clearly doesn't want to handover the playcalling and only has done so because his hand has been forced. Why would you stay and deal with tension between you and the head coach?
Some more Buzz from Warchant....

They have some well connected insiders over there. The main guy they seem to listen to is reporting that Jimbo has agreed to give up playcalling. Also, reporting the Coley informed Jimbo he was taking the UM offer, but that is when Jimbo made concessions and now Coley is thinking about it. Another insight he shared that at this point for Coley it's as much about family as football. Both Coley and his wife are Miami natives with a ton of family down here.
I would SMH at Coley if he decides to stay. Jimbo clearly doesn't want to handover the playcalling and only has done so because his hand has been forced. Why would you stay and deal with tension between you and the head coach?

I would agree, that is not a good working enviornment. Extorting your boss generally does not end well.
Some more Buzz from Warchant....

They have some well connected insiders over there. The main guy they seem to listen to is reporting that Jimbo has agreed to give up playcalling. Also, reporting the Coley informed Jimbo he was taking the UM offer, but that is when Jimbo made concessions and now Coley is thinking about it. Another insight he shared that at this point for Coley it's as much about family as football. Both Coley and his wife are Miami natives with a ton of family down here.

I can already see Jimbo on his knees begging him to stay.
Here's what I think: If Coley wants the UM gig, and Alshermond offered it to him, then he will take it today at the latest. Otherwise, it was just posturing on his part to get a raise and playcalling duties at his alma mater. There is absolutely zero reason for this to drag out longer than today if he is actually interested in the UM gig and it was offered to him. Zero reason.
Some more Buzz from Warchant....

They have some well connected insiders over there. The main guy they seem to listen to is reporting that Jimbo has agreed to give up playcalling. Also, reporting the Coley informed Jimbo he was taking the UM offer, but that is when Jimbo made concessions and now Coley is thinking about it. Another insight he shared that at this point for Coley it's as much about family as football. Both Coley and his wife are Miami natives with a ton of family down here.

So basically Warchant is pulling a Ferman so they can be right either way when Coley decides what he is going to do.
Here's what I think: If Coley wants the UM gig, and Alshermond offered it to him, then he will take it today at the latest. Otherwise, it was just posturing on his part to get a raise and playcalling duties at his alma mater. There is absolutely zero reason for this to drag out longer than today if he is actually interested in the UM gig and it was offered to him. Zero reason.

Sometimes it's a courtesy. Two scenarios I can easily think might take place are him telling Jimbo he made up his mind and Jimbo asking him to delay announcing/accepting so they can get some stuff in oreder....or Jimbo may have just ask that he sleep on it.
Here's what I think: If Coley wants the UM gig, and Alshermond offered it to him, then he will take it today at the latest. Otherwise, it was just posturing on his part to get a raise and playcalling duties at his alma mater. There is absolutely zero reason for this to drag out longer than today if he is actually interested in the UM gig and it was offered to him. Zero reason.

Sometimes it's a courtesy. Two scenarios I can easily think might take place are him telling Jimbo he made up his mind and Jimbo asking him to delay announcing/accepting so they can get some stuff in oreder....or Jimbo may have just ask that he sleep on it.

Then Al tells him to kick rocks. Signing day is less than 2 weeks away and he needs to announce an OC ASAP
Jimbo knows his 2013 class is ruined without Coley. He will probably lie to Coley's face to get him to stay.