another one of those posts from Pete….

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So just like Sunday, we'll trust the brow by about 7:30 right?
oh, I believe Pete - something will likely happen. If it doesn't, then the person committing/decommitting/transferring/getting a new job/having a *** change will have just changed their mind. I just think Pete is being unprofessional in his manner of pot-stirring.

oh, I believe Pete - something will likely happen. If it doesn't, then the person committing/decommitting/transferring/getting a new job/having a *** change will have just changed their mind. I just think Pete is being unprofessional in his manner of pot-stirring.

you think Dorito finally had the operation and now has a pair?!?!
oh, I believe Pete - something will likely happen. If it doesn't, then the person committing/decommitting/transferring/getting a new job/having a *** change will have just changed their mind. I just think Pete is being unprofessional in his manner of pot-stirring.

you think Dorito finally had the operation and now has a pair?!?!

we can hope, can't we?
If this news is anything but Cook or Jackson, people are going to be ****ed
If this news is anything but Cook or Jackson, people are going to be ****ed

Anyone expecting a commitment from two players who already said they're announcing at a future date deserve to be ****ed.
My things is, I don't get why Pete felt the need to tweet that. Is he still insecure about people questioning his insider connections?

I just don't think that tweet was needed. Pete should know as much as any of us that these kids change their minds all the time and nothing they say or do is guaranteed. Pete, we enjoy your articles and know you have connections, but this type of thing brought you heat last cycle.

Thats my point. Naive of people to think Pete tweeted that out because he was just looking to give us some good news. The man is trying to build a reputation.

And if he's right that something goes down today that's exactly what will happen. He will continue to build a reputation as a guy who knows things.

He didn't even post the warning here anyway. Someone else posted his tweet here.

Are you crybabies gonna beat the fck out of Santa if he doesn't come to your house first, or will you be OK with him as long as he shows up on the right day?
This thread has it all. OP messing around with Aziz, people taking it seriously on both sides, Aziz coming in and fanning the fire and last but not least those of us trolling to get reactions out of them that do not know any better.
Many of you need to get a grip. Pete said something would pop today. Didn't give a time. If you can't appreciate what he does for this site maybe it's best you go back to whatever site you came from.

Maybe you (and other mods) need to get a grip. This is the business you're in and if you can't appreciate your diehard fans who get riled up, then maybe you should go back to whatever other business you were in before. It's the nature of your target demographic, I think D$ can appreciate that.

/sorry, that post just came off as over board, and I'm not even one of the people to get on anyone's case
My things is, I don't get why Pete felt the need to tweet that. Is he still insecure about people questioning his insider connections?

I just don't think that tweet was needed. Pete should know as much as any of us that these kids change their minds all the time and nothing they say or do is guaranteed. Pete, we enjoy your articles and know you have connections, but this type of thing brought you heat last cycle.

Thats my point. Naive of people to think Pete tweeted that out because he was just looking to give us some good news. The man is trying to build a reputation.

And if he's right that something goes down today that's exactly what will happen. He will continue to build a reputation as a guy who knows things.

He didn't even post the warning here anyway. Someone else posted his tweet here.

Are you crybabies gonna beat the fck out of Santa if he doesn't come to your house first, or will you be OK with him as long as he shows up on the right day?

I hate to break it to you, but Santa isn't real.
My things is, I don't get why Pete felt the need to tweet that. Is he still insecure about people questioning his insider connections?

I just don't think that tweet was needed. Pete should know as much as any of us that these kids change their minds all the time and nothing they say or do is guaranteed. Pete, we enjoy your articles and know you have connections, but this type of thing brought you heat last cycle.

Thats my point. Naive of people to think Pete tweeted that out because he was just looking to give us some good news. The man is trying to build a reputation.

And if he's right that something goes down today that's exactly what will happen. He will continue to build a reputation as a guy who knows things.

He didn't even post the warning here anyway. Someone else posted his tweet here.

Are you crybabies gonna beat the fck out of Santa if he doesn't come to your house first, or will you be OK with him as long as he shows up on the right day?

I hate to break it to you, but Santa isn't real.

Maybe Pete's news isn't real as well?
My things is, I don't get why Pete felt the need to tweet that. Is he still insecure about people questioning his insider connections?

I just don't think that tweet was needed. Pete should know as much as any of us that these kids change their minds all the time and nothing they say or do is guaranteed. Pete, we enjoy your articles and know you have connections, but this type of thing brought you heat last cycle.

Thats my point. Naive of people to think Pete tweeted that out because he was just looking to give us some good news. The man is trying to build a reputation.

And if he's right that something goes down today that's exactly what will happen. He will continue to build a reputation as a guy who knows things.

He didn't even post the warning here anyway. Someone else posted his tweet here.

Are you crybabies gonna beat the fck out of Santa if he doesn't come to your house first, or will you be OK with him as long as he shows up on the right day?

I hate to break it to you, but Santa isn't real.

you shut your mouf!
"Bro, I bet you I can get more people to reply to a post without saying anything substantive than you can!" - Pete Ariz to Gary Ferman
My things is, I don't get why Pete felt the need to tweet that. Is he still insecure about people questioning his insider connections?

I just don't think that tweet was needed. Pete should know as much as any of us that these kids change their minds all the time and nothing they say or do is guaranteed. Pete, we enjoy your articles and know you have connections, but this type of thing brought you heat last cycle.

Thats my point. Naive of people to think Pete tweeted that out because he was just looking to give us some good news. The man is trying to build a reputation.

And if he's right that something goes down today that's exactly what will happen. He will continue to build a reputation as a guy who knows things.

He didn't even post the warning here anyway. Someone else posted his tweet here.

Are you crybabies gonna beat the fck out of Santa if he doesn't come to your house first, or will you be OK with him as long as he shows up on the right day?

I hate to break it to you, but Santa isn't real.

I would have appreciated you breaking that crushing news via PM.
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