Wisconsin accuses Miami of tampering

Mickey's. Schlitz close second. I played beer pong with old style once. Don't do that ever.
Should cost Wisky scholies or something then. "Wet noodle" NCAA needs to grow a spine.
They can’t enforce any of this. Even if we did “tamper,” we would challenge their decision in court and it would end up like the Tennessee and Virginia cases.
They can’t enforce any of this. Even if we did “tamper,” we would challenge their decision in court and it would end up like the Tennessee and Virginia cases.

Here's what is weird about Wisconsin screaming "tampering".

First, they are acting like it was the "tampering" that convinced Xavier Lucas to leave Wisconsin. As if he was SOOOOO happy at Wisconsin that he would NEVVVVVER look at another school, without some insidious "tampering".

Second, if you listen to what Darren Heitner said, he indicated that when Xavier Lucas got back to Florida, he learned his father was sick. Now, I don't think anyone ever claimed it was "life-threatening", but if you've been away from home for 6 months and then you find out things have changed, it might shake up your priorities a bit.

Finally, let's continue to follow this line of inquiry. Let's say you are Xavier Lucas and you decide you would like to move back to SoFla, then you might, as an individual, and of your own accord, choose to reach out to Miami to see if they might be interested in your transfer. Should Cristobal take that call? Perhaps, under a strict reading of the rules, one could say "nah", but that is certainly a far cry from "tampering" in the sense of how the word is normally used.

Might Miami have said "we'd love to have you if you transfer"? Who knows. But this FANTASY about what Wisconsin thinks is "tampering" and the reality of the situation are two very different things.
Here's what is weird about Wisconsin screaming "tampering".

First, they are acting like it was the "tampering" that convinced Xavier Lucas to leave Wisconsin. As if he was SOOOOO happy at Wisconsin that he would NEVVVVVER look at another school, without some insidious "tampering".

Second, if you listen to what Darren Heitner said, he indicated that when Xavier Lucas got back to Florida, he learned his father was sick. Now, I don't think anyone ever claimed it was "life-threatening", but if you've been away from home for 6 months and then you find out things have changed, it might shake up your priorities a bit.

Finally, let's continue to follow this line of inquiry. Let's say you are Xavier Lucas and you decide you would like to move back to SoFla, then you might, as an individual, and of your own accord, choose to reach out to Miami to see if they might be interested in your transfer. Should Cristobal take that call? Perhaps, under a strict reading of the rules, one could say "nah", but that is certainly a far cry from "tampering" in the sense of how the word is normally used.

Might Miami have said "we'd love to have you if you transfer"? Who knows. But this FANTASY about what Wisconsin thinks is "tampering" and the reality of the situation are two very different things.
Pretty sure if the player initiates contact it's not tampering even by the book.
Try playing it with tequila. That'll put some pelo on the ole huevos. It'll also likely end with cops and ambulances, but don't let that get in the way of a good time.
We all worked at a restaurant, the next shift we had peeps puking from the fart smells.

I did with moonshine once. No one talked to me for about a year. Cops definitely came lol. I've done some of the dumbest ****. But the stories.......

The cops found me talking to a street light at 3am tripping balls on acid. All I had on was boxers. My pops told em to let my dumbass freeze and shut the door on the officer. Good times
We all worked at a restaurant, the next shift we had peeps puking from the fart smells.

I did with moonshine once. No one talked to me for about a year. Cops definitely came lol. I've done some of the dumbest ****. But the stories.......

The cops found me talking to a street light at 3am tripping balls on acid. All I had on was boxers. My pops told em to let my dumbass freeze and shut the door on the officer. Good times
I wish I could LOL react 5x. Thank you for sharing that with me. I mean you had me at "puking from the fart smells."
the treasure of the sierra madre movie quotes GIF

Badgers….We don’t need no stinkin badges
Pretty sure if the player initiates contact it's not tampering even by the book.
So here is the book, latest version. Go to page 76 for the relevant part. Rule for the rule about talking to athletes that are signed with a school. What makes this situation unique is that UW violated the request, AND seems to also have neglected to provide him the Hearing Opportunity also in the rules.


Now if you carefully read the wording at the top, it says:

“An athletics staff member or other representative of the institution’s athletics interests of an institution that provides athletically related financial aid to its student-athletes shall not communicate or make contact with a prospective student-athlete…directly or indirectly…. Duration of Contact Prohibition

Contact with a prospective student-athlete who has signed a financial-aid agreement with another institution is prohibited unless and until: (Adopted: 10/9/24)”

And then it goes on to list a number of exceptions, one of which is the one I mentioned above, being the request for release and hearing opportunity. Another obviously is the school actually putting the kid in the portal within the two business days.

Under Hearing Opportunity, there is an out if the school fails to conduct the hearing. After 15 days, the release is granted by DEFAULT and the school has two days to inform the NCAA. (There is more to this that y’all can read, but that is the part that would involve tampering).

So says nothing about who initiates contact, BUT it also gives parameters for when Miami’s ATHLETIC staff would have been allowed to start talking to Lucas - IF they did speak to him prior to his academic transfer.