Will Jalen Grimble take the next step this season???????

It's the offseason so there will always be overanalayzation of a teams makeup. I am not pleased with coach D, but it's not like he had a elite group of guys out there. He had young players that weren't ready to play right away. However, it's up to him & the rest of his staff to work with what he had and develop his guys. We cant just echo we arent talented enough on D. We offerred the kids, so we have to develop them. If we go out this year and put on that terrible D like we did last year, I believe the talks of Coach D being fired are very reasonable. Not sure if that will happen with coach D seeming to be Goldens guy but we will see. I don't see anything wrong with what Wildcat or gogeta are doing, just speaking their mind.

I agree with above.

I want and like an aggressive attacking D that creates confusion and deception on every down, even if the D stays in its base D - just the other team does not know it at the snap.

However, take the UVA game that everyone likes to ***** about - we already know that the defense has issues and very few playmakers - then the only 3 playmakers on defense are hurt/suspended for part/all of that game - ie EJ, DP, Bush - who do you put in to replace each of these guys much less all 3 - there is already a dearth of playmakers and zero depth -
yes I know that the D made both of UVAs QBs look great - again what is DC going to do here? DL play already poor - did Porter play and if so how much?

I just do not know what could have been tried with the players that were available - bend but break (that is what happened despite a few key stops) or bring more heat/attack/blitz and then who are you going to bring minus your 3 best players on D?

So what would everyone done differently with who was available on defense - how would you scheme minus your 3 best playmakers and best defenders and a limited or no Porter?

I personally would go down swinging and aggressive, but I just do not know if we had the talent or the depth with those players out to execute.