Why don't we love Hard Rock?

well a campus stadium isnt happening and neither is one close to campus. just gotta leave earlier or take 826 to turnpike
This was a thread about why don’t we love hard rock, and traffic is definitely a reason. I as I said the extension of the north corridor would aleve that issue
HRS is closer to a neutral field for a big game vs. a true home field for Miami for everything I listed...

That’s just flat out untrue.

Now, if we’re having a suck year, it might be true, but but it would also be true in our own stadium whether it was on campus or not. Our fans don’t show up if we’re not playing well.

But your assertion that for a big game it’s closer to a neutral field: flat out false. I know you don’t go to games, but I do, so I would know.
Whenever these threads come up, you can tell the fans that have gone to road games and the fans that haven't. For us that have travelled, we know how terrible most on campus facilities are. This November, I'll be in Tallahassee, dealing with the clusterf**k that is Doak. When you compare it to Hard Rock, it's like comparing a broken down Yugo to a new Porsche.

The only thing missing from Hard Rock is the product being worth a crap. Once that happens, and the 'Canes are consistently winning, playing in big games, the atmosphere will come. People forget that when the 'Canes weren't winning, the OB was a morgue.
That’s just flat out untrue.

Now, if we’re having a suck year, it might be true, but but it would also be true in our own stadium whether it was on campus or not. Our fans don’t show up if we’re not playing well.

But your assertion that for a big game it’s closer to a neutral field: flat out false. I know you don’t go to games, but I do, so I would know.

How is it flat out “untrue?”
Let me ask u:

Have u been at the Mercedes Benz vs. Sanford Stadium for UGA?

Have u been to AT&T vs. DKR Memorial Stadium for UT?

Have u been to the Super Dome vs. Death Valley for LSU?

Let me this very clear so u don’t feel this incessant need to defend HRS:

1. IT’s not REMOTELY a Miami Hurricane stadium just from an aesthetics standpoint
2. There’s little to no school paraphernalia sold at game events
3. We have zero vested interest in this stadium

Those 3 screams neutral field. It’s a NFL stadium for a NFL team that we happen to occupy. Do u think just b/c The Super Dome rocks for LSU that it’s now considered a home field for them? Or if UT packs out AT&T field that it’s now a home field for them? That’s the problem u fail to understand.

Pitt literally has a partnership w/ The Steelers, including facilities. That ain’t us w/ Ross & The Dolphins.

So whatever u want to tell & convince urself of, personally do u.
I really, really want to be a **** right here. I'll take the high road for now. You are wrong. I could probably name 21 wealthy alumni in PB county and I hardly known anyone.
I’m sure there are wealthy alumni all over South Florida. I don’t doubt that. What I’m questioning is if they’re donating money to the football program or if they really care about Miami’s athletic programs at all. It wasn’t long ago when Richt was begging people to donate money to build the IPF. We’re making improvements to facilities but in reality, we’re still light years behind major programs in this area. Just makes me wonder why we’re so far behind.

You can say whatever you want to me. I’m an adult.
As someone’s who about to start a road tour of hurricane away games and have only known sun life/hard rock stadium, I feel like I’m going to be impressed/disappointed. More so in the fan interaction for non big games. But there is no denying that when miami is them there is almost no comparison. The Trajan bandy pick 6 has been the loudest thing I’ve ever heard in my life, and I work in a plane for a living. While having some version of the OB would be amazing, I don’t think the hard rock is all bad just cause it won’t matter when Miami returns to being them.
Simply put, nothing about it resembles a college football stadium.

It is what it is and that's okay by me. I haven't been since the renovations and have no plans to. I do find it odd though that the number one attribute people give it is comfort. The OB was anything but comfortable.
When does the lease at Hard Rock expire?

Asking for a friend.
