Very Telling Quote

This guy's transformation has been glorious to watch.

They can't even line up right.

LULZ. That was the classic mantra of the agenda team. Coach D went from a guy who took Temple to a top 16 defense to braindead in 2 years all because some dopey fans had agendas and axes to grind.

The anti-D'Onofrio guys are just sitting back waiting for us to have a tough game defensively so they can start shredding him again and feel like they were right about him. The egos are too big to just admit they were idiots about him. They've been taking subtle jabs all year claiming that we haven't been tested yet all the while forgetting how atrocious we were last year against almost everyone.
This guy's transformation has been glorious to watch.

They can't even line up right.

LULZ. That was the classic mantra of the agenda team. Coach D went from a guy who took Temple to a top 16 defense to braindead in 2 years all because some dopey fans had agendas and axes to grind.

The anti-D'Onofrio guys are just sitting back waiting for us to have a tough game defensively so they can start shredding him again and feel like they were right about him. The egos are too big to just admit they were idiots about him. They've been taking subtle jabs all year claiming that we haven't been tested yet all the while forgetting how atrocious we were last year against almost everyone.

LMAO. Pure Gold.
This guy's transformation has been glorious to watch.

They can't even line up right.

LULZ. That was the classic mantra of the agenda team. Coach D went from a guy who took Temple to a top 16 defense to braindead in 2 years all because some dopey fans had agendas and axes to grind.

The anti-D'Onofrio guys are just sitting back waiting for us to have a tough game defensively so they can start shredding him again and feel like they were right about him. The egos are too big to just admit they were idiots about him. They've been taking subtle jabs all year claiming that we haven't been tested yet all the while forgetting how atrocious we were last year against almost everyone.

I like that he acts like he knew Coach D sucked the whole time now
Looks like there are a few folks that need to dial it down a bit. That's probably the case with all of us at one point or another.
This guy's transformation has been glorious to watch.

They can't even line up right.

LULZ. That was the classic mantra of the agenda team. Coach D went from a guy who took Temple to a top 16 defense to braindead in 2 years all because some dopey fans had agendas and axes to grind.

The anti-D'Onofrio guys are just sitting back waiting for us to have a tough game defensively so they can start shredding him again and feel like they were right about him. The egos are too big to just admit they were idiots about him. They've been taking subtle jabs all year claiming that we haven't been tested yet all the while forgetting how atrocious we were last year against almost everyone.

LMAO. Pure Gold.

There is no more wind in 'my sails'. I just found this thread but I only found this board just as the season started.

I gave coach D a pass last year with all the craziness going on. Did I like it. No. Was I a wee bit PO'd about Robinson's situation during game one. Yes. A lot of things that I see us do do not make sense to me, but everyone has their own strategies.

This year was a new year. I was actually glad to see our D play hard the first 5 games. Then Zero Dark Thursday hit. What I saw in the first half had me worried. It was like last year all over again. In the 2nd half, it wasn't much better but the D stopped UNC enough to win the game.

Wake was just a WTF is this guy doing? The wide splits? REALLY? Instead of posting your DL like they did, put at least 2 guys up against the center. He can't block both of them. Hit the QB or stop the RB in the backfield and that crap stops quickly. Not adjusting to that told me we were in for a looooooooooong game and even longer season.

We all know what happened the last 3 games, I have lost faith in Coach D (and Al's) scheme. It might work in the mid west where you can get the type of bodies to run that system, I just have major doubts of it working here. He/They better turn this around, otherwise you think the stadium is empty now, they haven't seen anything yet.
The anti-D'Onofrio guys are just sitting back waiting for us to have a tough game defensively so they can start shredding him again and feel like they were right about him. The egos are too big to just admit they were idiots about him. They've been taking subtle jabs all year claiming that we haven't been tested yet all the while forgetting how atrocious we were last year against almost everyone.

And lookie who's leading the charge now...

There's a whole lotta dumbarse bandwagoning in this thread.
I just know that Oregon is the only team in this country that has the "ability" to beat Miami by double digits.... all that other bs about Duke's great offense or FSU and Clemson i give no ****s about.

There isnt a team on Miami's schedule that I feel like miami fans should "worry" about or have to pass "the test" against lol gtfoh w/ that weak ****.

The only test that matters is winning and losing.... so all that other **** like crying about how bad the defense was last year or now the cool thing is to throw Stephen Morris under the bus even though he does have a victory over Florida, yall just make sure yall keep doing that as the season goes on.

The issue is not just the defense. Golden is not a good game day coach. Has no idea how to maximize oppourtunities and does not have a good feel for the game. The 4th and 1 decision to punt was atrocious. Think about it, what is the higher percentage play....getting one yard or having our defense stop their offense. We gave up 38 points in less than 50 minutes and the guy punts the **** ball down 8 with 10 minutes to go. This was evident though last year in the Viringia game. We had the ball and a chance to put them away and we ran the ball three times and punted it to Virginia. Our defense could not stop Virginia all game and Virigina couldn't stop us. So he decided to play conseravtive and let the defense win the game for us. There are plenty of examples but those affected us the most.

Golden must learn to take advatnage of opportunites and start getting a better feel for the game. He needs to stop the play not to lose, conserative mentality. If not, even with all the talent in the world, we will lose a game or two each year off of this.

I tried to find a thread where the usual suspects were blasting me simply because I kept saying that I still had serious concerns about coach dorito. I think this was after the USF game. I bet you could find recent posts of all them calling out dorito now.

This guy's transformation has been glorious to watch.

They can't even line up right.

LULZ. That was the classic mantra of the agenda team. Coach D went from a guy who took Temple to a top 16 defense to braindead in 2 years all because some dopey fans had agendas and axes to grind.

The anti-D'Onofrio guys are just sitting back waiting for us to have a tough game defensively so they can start shredding him again and feel like they were right about him. The egos are too big to just admit they were idiots about him. They've been taking subtle jabs all year claiming that we haven't been tested yet all the while forgetting how atrocious we were last year against almost everyone.
I just know that Oregon is the only team in this country that has the "ability" to beat Miami by double digits.... all that other bs about Duke's great offense or FSU and Clemson i give no ****s about.

There isnt a team on Miami's schedule that I feel like miami fans should "worry" about or have to pass "the test" against lol gtfoh w/ that weak ****.

The only test that matters is winning and losing.... so all that other **** like crying about how bad the defense was last year or now the cool thing is to throw Stephen Morris under the bus even though he does have a victory over Florida, yall just make sure yall keep doing that as the season goes on.

