Tears USF Twitter tears

Nah, Miami's fan base isn't any worse or different than any other fan base other than maybe more diversity(?) and less college aged kids (maybe?). It's just the narrative that we're thugs from the media with the whole Catholics vs Convicts thing is more than most fan bases have been labeled with. What other fan base has that wrongful image?

Take away the bias and look at any other fan base and I'm sure you'd see the same amount of "fights." People get really upset when you get in their face about bull**** and then get upset when other retaliate? It's absurd. Talking **** is a part of the game. If you don't want your feelings hurt, don't talk ****.

All of these people that are saying "Miami has the least classiest fan base" are either blatantly racist or the least classy fans themselves that most likely started the **** talking unprovoked.
When I say rough, I meant in comparison to these pretentious SEC type golf attire fanbases we interact with. We are Walmart. They are Target. In and of itself, neither are bad. Just different. My issue is the lack of self awareness to see the speck in their own eyes first. Closeted bigotry? Perhaps. Don’t even care tbh. Just own up to it & stop playing the victim.
This right here. Every fan base has ****** fans. Do you guys not see how racist those sec teams get when they suck? But some how we are the “worst”
Yeah, the SEC teams collectively hate LSU fans for the same reasons, but they aren’t as “diverse” so they don’t get the racism.

It’s really just an alcohol thing, methinks.
When I say rough, I meant in comparison to these pretentious SEC type golf attire fanbases we interact with. We are Walmart. They are Target. In and of itself, neither are bad. Just different. My issue is the lack of self awareness to see the speck in their own eyes first. Closeted bigotry? Perhaps. Don’t even care tbh. Just own up to it & stop playing the victim.
This is the part that grinds my gears so to speak. 95% of the people calling Miami the worst fan base are 100% the biggest pussies that start it 9-10 times. I've never seen a fight in Hard Rock that was unprovoked. It's always the opposing ******* talking ****, we make a big play, talk **** back and then they try to puff out their chest and ask if we want to fight. Most times it's a no and security comes to prevent it from escalating, other times, they get their wish and a fight happens.
I would take my kids to see UVA and UNC when they were younger and I lived in Richmond. I wouldn’t take them to VT. I’m surprised that USF is problematic. I didn’t realize they actually cared about football there.
They don't. Tickets for students are $5 so you show up drunk and pretend to care which involves yelling "**** you" to the opposing team and fan bases and then leaving when the other team is up by more than 7 points. I bet there were several hundred student tickets bought by Canes fans that go to USF.

Also, if you're taking young kids to a football game, especially college games, there is going to be things said you prefer them not to hear. You either make sure you don't sit near the student section or explain to your kid that there's a lot of grown-ups that don't act like grown-ups.
Nah, Miami's fan base isn't any worse or different than any other fan base other than maybe more diversity(?) and less college aged kids (maybe?). It's just the narrative that we're thugs from the media with the whole Catholics vs Convicts thing is more than most fan bases have been labeled with. What other fan base has that wrongful image?

Take away the bias and look at any other fan base and I'm sure you'd see the same amount of "fights." People get really upset when you get in their face about bull**** and then get upset when other retaliate? It's absurd. Talking **** is a part of the game. If you don't want your feelings hurt, don't talk ****.

All of these people that are saying "Miami has the least classiest fan base" are either blatantly racist or the least classy fans themselves that most likely started the **** talking unprovoked.
I don’t believe for a second that our fan base initiates more fights or inappropriate behavior than most collegiate fan bases. It’s that our fan base LOOKS different than most collegiate fan bases. We do not attend games wearing button down shirts and khaki pants.

You have to read between the lines, folks. It’s not that our actions are any different. It’s how we dress. How we talk. The music we listen to and the number of neck tats we display. It’s what we represent. They don’t like it. Period.

Why is it that opposing fan bases use the “you didn't even attend the University of Miami” line? It’s their way of saying you don’t belong here. You are not good enough to enjoy this game. This game is for the privileged few who attend college. It’s an exclusive club.

It’s utter nonsense and simply a coping mechanism and a form of elitism to mask bias and racism.

And…for the record…I have degrees from both the University of Miami and an Ivy League institution. I know what it’s like to be different and represent a threat to long standing institutions.

F^&Q them and keep winning.
I don’t believe for a second that our fan base initiates more fights or inappropriate behavior than most collegiate fan bases. It’s that our fan base LOOKS different than most collegiate fan bases. We do not attend games wearing button down shirts and khaki pants.

You have to read between the lines, folks. It’s not that our actions are any different. It’s how we dress. How we talk. The music we listen to and the number of neck tats we display. It’s what we represent. They don’t like it. Period.

Why is it that opposing fan bases use the “you didn't even attend the University of Miami” line? It’s their way of saying you are not good enough to enjoy this game. This game is for the privileged few who attend college. It’s an exclusive club, folks.

It’s utter nonsense and simply a coping mechanism and a form of elitism to mask bias and racism.

And…for the record…I have degrees from both the University of Miami and an Ivy League institution. I know what it’s like to be different and represent a threat to long standing institutions.

F^&Q them and keep winning.
Btw, that line is the DUMBEST trash talk ever. (I have a BA from UM, and an MBA and a JD both from top 25 schools as well). Every single one of these public schools have WAY more fans that didn’t go to their school, AND they take pride in that! How do they simultaneously brag about their fanbase and attendance and all that, and think that it’s all from just their alumni. It’s not at all. One of my grad degrees is from UF, and I now live in Georgia, and there are easily 3-4x as many fans for these public schools as there are alums. Their fanbases are like NFL teams (as is ours), because it’s regional. But we are the only one criticized for it. It’s so illogical though, and I always laugh when they try to pull that as trash talk.
USF doesn't lol. it's just bc miami was in town. there were more canes fans than USF fans imo. most of it is just drunk dudes who have nothing else to do.
I gotta agree with you on that one too. Their fans were not that into the game even when it was close. They just showed up because Miami was in town and they wanted to hangout. It was a 7pm kickoff so you gotta think a lot of people had been drinking all day too. And a lot of them left early when the game was still in reach for them. They were not ready for a real passionate fan base to show up like that, and like Malik said, we not just gon talk **** on Twitter, we want all the smoke in person too!!!
Student section mostly. Chanted Fvck Miami the whole first half. I heard it 500x. How do I get my 10 year old daughter to understand that? So unnecessary.
Yeah, you could hear that on TV also.

I have a 7-year old and I just tell him, in a very matter-of-fact way, that just because some people are grown up, doesn’t mean they act like grown-ups. And I think our team showed the kids a good lesson in rising above it and not letting it get to you. Sometimes in life people are going to try to put you down and you have to try to ignore it and “play through,” so to speak. It sucks, but that’s life. My kid recently went through some pretty traumatic stuff, so unfortunately we’ve had a lot of talks like this lately.