Tears USF Twitter tears

Pretty funny that we were louder than the home fans. On tv you could hear all the cane fans yelling for defense and “ it’s great to be a Miami hurricane” skit scat how bout that.
You should have heard how loud it was for the C-A-N-E-S Canes chant. I had a couple of nice bulls fans by me who had to ask what are you guys saying. Lol
He's right about one thing, we'll never get it. Clowns.
I would take my kids to see UVA and UNC when they were younger and I lived in Richmond. I wouldn’t take them to VT. I’m surprised that USF is problematic. I didn’t realize they actually cared about football there.
You’re correct about UNC. I attended the UHC game in Chapel Hill last year with my son (was working at UHC) and their fans were cool. We talked trash back and forth but nothing crazy that had me thinking about fighting or arguing.
USF fans thought they actually had a chance to win and was talking crazy before the game.

Some of the fans started to leave early after the first TD in the 3rd quarter but when Horton caught the ball and it was called a TD. A mass of USF fans started to leave instantly. When the play was reviewed, me and another Miami fan told them to come back and they had a chance. We scored on the next play, we told they asses never mind yall can leave now lol.
Yeah, you could hear that on TV also.

I have a 7-year old and I just tell him, in a very matter-of-fact way, that just because some people are grown up, doesn’t mean they act like grown-ups. And I think our team showed the kids a good lesson in rising above it and not letting it get to you. Sometimes in life people are going to try to put you down and you have to try to ignore it and “play through,” so to speak. It sucks, but that’s life. My kid recently went through some pretty traumatic stuff, so unfortunately we’ve had a lot of talks like this lately.
I hear you. We aren’t bubble parents. I just find it beneath the college football experience to have the family friendly atmosphere ripped away so that people can come off as edgy, tough or cool. Grow up.
Honestly you're all sawft.

We have to segregate fans in the UK because we'd kill each other if we were sat in the same stand.

Up your game, lads.
Away fans have been banned entirely in league play in Argentina since 2013. They are allowed for cups and supercups.
How’s that old saying go…

You want to BE us ….you need to BEAT us……until then STFU and know your place
Amazing they have enough fans to find tears!
For a fanbase and team talking so much **** and then playing dirty the entire game they really know how to cry foul like a *****
Miami’s fanbase is rough. Oh well. It’s a melting pot of every type fan you can have. A lot of these fan bases think just bc they all wear khakis & a polo that they’re superior. At least Miami fans are authentic.

As far as behavior at games goes, what I saw at Florida/USF is despicable, on all sides. Makes it where I can’t take my kids to any games. Didn’t use to be that way. Pretending it’s one sided is just disingenuous.
So true a statement on the Miami fan base....Another reason I have stayed a 'Cane fan for 45 Years, probably one of the most egalitarian group of fans in the country.