*Update Eddie Nunez Emerges as Strong Candidate for Miami AD Job

What is your methodology for evaluating an AD candidate behind a computer?

You don't know anything. Neither do I. It's throwing darts. At least with a coach, we can watch the product. None of us have heard of any of these guys until this week. We aren't in the room and we aren't asking the questions.

As for the "Columbus Crew," the irony is that they are the guys doing everything that message board posters want. They pushed Jurich, they pushed to fire Blake and they are pushing to fire Manny. The three guys most responsible for the Manny hire (who is half-white, doesn't speak Spanish and went to Miami Country Day) were Blake James, David Epstein and Mark Richt.

It's a dumb angle.

DMoney, you are a smart guy, so respectfully take note of the following. Manny is one hundred percent white, he's half anglo and half cuban. race and ethnicity are two different things. don't conflate them and don't let anyone believe you cannot be white and hispanic at the same time.

/rant over

Speaking of dingbats…

Many of us were off that bandwagon after a 2 minute search and 4th and 17, to be fair. Not really a reason to call someone a dingbat.
I would also point out something that I mentioned to another person via DM.

Pre-Covid, you could fly in a candidate or two and do an all-day panel interview. I am curious as to the logistics of a Covid-era/travel-restrictions/working with Turnkey and a BOT Civil War might be doing to the process. I could imagine that interviews have been "split up" from what they normally are, with some of the preliminaries being done over Zoom/Teams and/or by Turnkey instead of UM personnel.

If so, it might be harder to address all of the issues at once, the ones you can normally hash out during an all-day interview. Again, JUST A SET OF QUESTIONS, not saying I have deep insight into how UM is conducting every meeting and every call. I'm just commenting on what I have observed in the changes to the interview process in the business world pre-Covid vs. now.
If anything, I think it is easier to do things on an expedited basis in today's world. I have no idea if UM has experience hiring people during the last year and change, but Turnkey sure as **** should. From talking with a number of friends in a number of industries, Covid has accelerated the hiring process because you do not have to figure out travel schedules, when people will all be in an office, etc. You can schedule Zoom interviews as schedules permit and move it along.
First off, if you’ve sent me a direct message and I haven’t replied I apologize. It’s important to understand a few things regarding the situation we’re in. First and foremost is this is JF’s decision. I’m no fan of many members of the board of trustees and would love to blame them if this goes wrong. However, doing so would not be true to the situation especially since numerous influential members have made their support of him very clear. 90% of what has been put out so far is either short of information or completely incorrect. Barry J stating these guys, and oh by the way some other he just doesn’t conveniently name, shows the guesswork that’s at play. The names I’ve stated have been contacted and spoken to, period.

I’d love to say I know who the AD will be. I have a gut based on what I know but nothing more at this point. JF is playing this very close to the vest, in part because of the BJ situation being put out there a couple months ago. Right now I regret that decision a bit as I believe more valid and detailed information would be accessible at this point. I am willing to say the timeline looks like tomorrow/Thursday based on some schedule shuffling that’s been going on today which is out of the norm.

I can say there’s two competing thoughts at play here for those that count. The first is bringing in an alpha AD. The second, because this decision is largely but not exclusively football driven (contrary to the buffoons at the Herald), is to have someone who is willing to have pieces around him who have the clout to provide advice. Not sham made up positions advice but actual clout within the various entities in the department. I’d say we are 25% on the first and 75% on the second.

Regardless, I will reiterate that Manny is done just like I said a couple months back when the agreement with BJ for a mutual parting of the ways was happening. The difference is Manny HAS NOT been told such yet. For those worries about the recruiting pics and trail just take a look at how Kelly was with a recruit, on ND’s dime and time, when the news leaked in him. It’s inconsequential and part of the game.

And last but not least. Up until two weeks ago I was not bullish on Mario coming here. To say that has changed is a massive understatement. There have been significant talks between some of those that matter and represent the school. I’m not a betting man but will put out there that I’d be floored if it didn’t happen. The only hang up would be money but as I said before that is NOT an issue contrary to the same old bs that gets kicked around. JF understands what the market is and is not wanting to repeat this process again. Call me nuts, and all will not be happy, but we will be light years ahead of where we were here in about a week.
Thanks for the response. No I hadn't DMed you I don't ever ask for off the board info. Feel weird personally bothering people. I feel the same on Mario. Was skeptical a few weeks ago, but the Lincoln Riley situation (obviously agreed to earlier and kept silent) and the fact that Mario isn't being brought up as a name for a single one of the other gazillion current openings is making me feel like he's coming. I like your info on the schedule shuffling within the office. Things like that give me far more confidence it's happening soon than the Twitter and podcast clowns continually saying tomorrow.
banana hml404 GIF by truTV’s Hack My Life
nunez´s resume is pretty darn good.

For 14 years, starting in 2003, Nuñez served in a variety of high-level administrative capacities at LSU, one of the nation’s top athletic departments. He also has served as the department’s liaison with LSU Sports Properties, the Tiger Athletic Foundation and University Licensing and Brand Management.

While he held seven positions and titles at LSU, the department continually flourished. Under his guidance, LSU experienced of $400 million in facility renovations and construction, and Nuñez led the renegotiations of a 10-year multi-media rights agreement with Outfront Media Sports.

Additionally, he oversaw the planning and management of the LSU Athletics Strategic Plan, Marketing and Promotions, Athletic Communications, Social and Digital Media, Creative Services, Video/Network Broadcast Services and all capital projects.

While he has made his mark collegiately at LSU, Nuñez began his career as a collegiate administrator at Vanderbilt University, where he was the Director of Game and Event Management. Additionally, he assisted in construction and planning of numerous facility upgrades.
lol, people are moaning and crying about this guy? christ alive
What is your methodology for evaluating an AD candidate behind a computer?

You don't know anything. Neither do I. It's throwing darts. At least with a coach, we can watch the product. None of us have heard of any of these guys until this week. We aren't in the room and we aren't asking the questions.

As for the "Columbus Crew," the irony is that they are the guys doing everything that message board posters want. They pushed Jurich, they pushed to fire Blake and they are pushing to fire Manny. The three guys most responsible for the Manny hire (who is half-white, doesn't speak Spanish and went to Miami Country Day) were Blake James, David Epstein and Mark Richt.

It's a dumb angle.

So they have 0 juice despite having all that money.