Unique Brissett II JUCO RB (title edited)

Sorry if I missed...But what actual juco does he go to?
I think he goes to Globe Institue of Technology in Manhattan, I'm not 100% sure on that though.

There are highlights vs. Concord and Shepherd in there...Those are Division 2 schools I believe
Yeah could be, I don't actually know, all the info I have has came directly from his Twitter & he described himself as a JUCO.

I haven't been able to find much on him at all.
Richt putting out the bat signal on his twitter account should tell us all we need to know about how concerned they are about RB after Walton. I love Choc's and Burns' potential, but they have questionable readiness physically and mentally. Homer just doesn't look like an every-down back to me, at least not at this point. I'll be interested in seeing how serious Brissett is about the Miami offer. He would have a legitimate shot at the #1 role next season after Walton (most likely) goes pro early, while Lingard and Davis get their sea legs.
Does this guy even exist ? I can't find a profile, is he related derosier?
I guess man, walton still will get majority of the carries followed by homer. The hope is for burns to make it through fall camp without injuries,if he does I think he has big time potential. Talent is there

brock I honestly don't expect A N Y T H I N G from Burns.

The Penn St offer is what made me think it was legit, because it was retweeted by their recruiting people.

I honestly don't know what the deal is, but if he's making that up, that's pretty **** dumb of me to not realize it.
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Richt putting out the bat signal on his twitter account should tell us all we need to know about how concerned they are about RB after Walton. I love Choc's and Burns' potential, but they have questionable readiness physically and mentally. Homer just doesn't look like an every-down back to me, at least not at this point. I'll be interested in seeing how serious Brissett is about the Miami offer. He would have a legitimate shot at the #1 role next season after Walton (most likely) goes pro early, while Lingard and Davis get their sea legs.

Only problem with potential is it means you ain't done it yet...in the case of Chocolate you wonder if the light will ever come on and with Burns I'm afraid that's all we will ever get out of him is potential.

Still don't know how he iwas one of only two RBs we went after and he hadn't played in two years..sometimes if it looks like a wounded duck and quacks like a wounded duck it's Burns...have a feeling the kid never plays here.Hope I'm wrong but I don't think so.
I don't think some of these folks get how bad our depth is at rb.

Potential deejay is not bad
It's the most talented backfield in the acc behind fsu still...

Richt appreciates your optimism I'm sure, just doesn't want to gamble an entire season on 3/4 backs with ZERO college carries between them and a history of injuries. By the way, pretty clear he DOES NOT want to play Deejay at Rb.

Seriously, this school looks like it has dicey accreditations. Has no real college accreditation outside of NYS, except for some medical assistant program.

It's basically a technical school, maybe like that old Lindsey-Hopkiins was in Miami, but has expanded somewhat into offering academic degrees.

I wonder if we can get this kid past admissions? Probably, since we're so desperate for a RB.

There was another JUCO in Brooklyn where we were recruiting a DL some years back. Seemed like the same story. Dubious academics. The kid we recruited went elsewhere.

Just joking about FIT, though. I took the New York State Bar Review course in their buildings. Too late in the day to see the students. I always imagined they had a ton of good looking women among the student body, since they were all into fashion.
Seriously, this school looks like it has dicey accreditations. Has no real college accreditation outside of NYS, except for some medical assistant program.

It's basically a technical school, maybe like that old Lindsey-Hopkiins was in Miami, but has expanded somewhat into offering academic degrees.

I wonder if we can get this kid past admissions? Probably, since we're so desperate for a RB.

There was another JUCO in Brooklyn where we were recruiting a DL some years back. Seemed like the same story. Dubious academics. The kid we recruited went elsewhere.

Just joking about FIT, though. I took the New York State Bar Review course in their buildings. Too late in the day to see the students. I always imagined they had a ton of good looking women among the student body, since they were all into fashion.

And a lot of gäy guys.