You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.
Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.
This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.