
I really like the new uniforms. The new helmets are much cooler than the ones they currently wear. Honestly, I wish they would go with one of the new helmets in every game and get rid of the whit helmet with the stripes.

Stop it with your facts and logic.

Such a tired argument and asinine as well. Miami has always been different. We aren't a traditional power. In fact we're supposed to hate the blue bloods. Not try to be like them. It really is amazing all these Miami fans who were apart of the revolution that was this program now want to be seated at the same table with people we're supposed to despise.

Why don't you commission someone to make our very own version of "Touchdown Jesus" on campus while you're at it?

Miami isn't supposed to look traditional. Wake up. And stop using Ohio State(you really should be flogged for comparing us to them). Go look at what they've worn the last 3-4 years. They change it up all the time. I believe they might have a permanent non-traditional "rivalry" jersey they wear at home. They even brought out a road version of it against Michigan. They wore the home one against Clemson in bowl game as well.


Huh? That picture you posted is a MINOR tweak of the same uniform Ohio State has worn for 50 years. As to the other part, you're probably one of those fans that hates marching bands and loves horrible rap music pipped into the stadium. This is college football, not the NFL. College football is all about tradition.

Any Ohio State fan would say those are major tweaks. Black facemasks. Green Buckeyes stickers. Big gray numbers. Giant wide stripe on the helmet.

Miami Hurricanes football isn't about tradition. Mothafluckers forgot all about what we were about. The players and the fans thought all that stuff was dumb. You were in the middle of it and didn't even understand it. Our mascot walked around with fatigues and a toy automatic gun and you're talking to me about tradition. Absolutely dumbfounding.

You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.

Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.

This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.
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All green looks fantastic. But if we're nitpicking, "surge"? Gotta call that one "money" or better yet "chronic".
i think the units r awesome. there is gonna be a difference in thought bout these unis bc some ppl like traditional and imo boring designs from the 80s or the new looks which i think what we got is awesome.
Such a tired argument and asinine as well. Miami has always been different. We aren't a traditional power. In fact we're supposed to hate the blue bloods. Not try to be like them. It really is amazing all these Miami fans who were apart of the revolution that was this program now want to be seated at the same table with people we're supposed to despise.

Why don't you commission someone to make our very own version of "Touchdown Jesus" on campus while you're at it?

Miami isn't supposed to look traditional. Wake up. And stop using Ohio State(you really should be flogged for comparing us to them). Go look at what they've worn the last 3-4 years. They change it up all the time. I believe they might have a permanent non-traditional "rivalry" jersey they wear at home. They even brought out a road version of it against Michigan. They wore the home one against Clemson in bowl game as well.


Huh? That picture you posted is a MINOR tweak of the same uniform Ohio State has worn for 50 years. As to the other part, you're probably one of those fans that hates marching bands and loves horrible rap music pipped into the stadium. This is college football, not the NFL. College football is all about tradition.

Any Ohio State fan would say those are major tweaks. Black facemasks. Green Buckeyes stickers. Big gray numbers. Giant wide stripe on the helmet.

Miami Hurricanes football isn't about tradition. Mothafluckers forgot all about what we were about. The players and the fans thought all that stuff was dumb. You were in the middle of it and didn't even understand it. Our mascot walked around with fatigues and a toy automatic gun and you're talking to me about tradition. Absolutely dumbfounding.

You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.

Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.

This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.

Fin bringn that ether, I agree n love um because its diverse n shyts on old tradition itsw hat made me like um. Diversity is Miami
i think the units r awesome. there is gonna be a difference in thought bout these unis bc some ppl like traditional and imo boring designs from the 80s or the new looks which i think what we got is awesome.

Exacrly n in 10 years we will upgrade them again........when i was young watching the 2000 canes n i saw that uniform i said holy **** those r amazing. Fell in love rt there, UM is just different n really was oregon b 4 oregon. My boy loves fsu n aroung thatt ime he loved ums 2000 uniforms, my point is teenagers eat this up n it keeps us beingt alked about n who knows if theres a 13 year old phenom who loves this uni. Its about the younger gen n it always will b.
Such a tired argument and asinine as well. Miami has always been different. We aren't a traditional power. In fact we're supposed to hate the blue bloods. Not try to be like them. It really is amazing all these Miami fans who were apart of the revolution that was this program now want to be seated at the same table with people we're supposed to despise.

Why don't you commission someone to make our very own version of "Touchdown Jesus" on campus while you're at it?

Miami isn't supposed to look traditional. Wake up. And stop using Ohio State(you really should be flogged for comparing us to them). Go look at what they've worn the last 3-4 years. They change it up all the time. I believe they might have a permanent non-traditional "rivalry" jersey they wear at home. They even brought out a road version of it against Michigan. They wore the home one against Clemson in bowl game as well.


Huh? That picture you posted is a MINOR tweak of the same uniform Ohio State has worn for 50 years. As to the other part, you're probably one of those fans that hates marching bands and loves horrible rap music pipped into the stadium. This is college football, not the NFL. College football is all about tradition.

Any Ohio State fan would say those are major tweaks. Black facemasks. Green Buckeyes stickers. Big gray numbers. Giant wide stripe on the helmet.

Miami Hurricanes football isn't about tradition. Mothafluckers forgot all about what we were about. The players and the fans thought all that stuff was dumb. You were in the middle of it and didn't even understand it. Our mascot walked around with fatigues and a toy automatic gun and you're talking to me about tradition. Absolutely dumbfounding.

You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.

Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.

This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.

That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day they're nothing more than uniforms, and they're ugly, and they're not getting us a single recruit. And, me being obtuse. Ha. You lecture me on our history. Come on. I teach a Sports History course and spend a week analyzing " the U" and how Miami revolutionized college football. Please don't act like we were the only school that wore bandanas or cut off jerseys. Did you watch FSU? Oklahoma? Because we're not Alabama it doesn't mean we have to look like Maryland.
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Huh? That picture you posted is a MINOR tweak of the same uniform Ohio State has worn for 50 years. As to the other part, you're probably one of those fans that hates marching bands and loves horrible rap music pipped into the stadium. This is college football, not the NFL. College football is all about tradition.

Any Ohio State fan would say those are major tweaks. Black facemasks. Green Buckeyes stickers. Big gray numbers. Giant wide stripe on the helmet.

Miami Hurricanes football isn't about tradition. Mothafluckers forgot all about what we were about. The players and the fans thought all that stuff was dumb. You were in the middle of it and didn't even understand it. Our mascot walked around with fatigues and a toy automatic gun and you're talking to me about tradition. Absolutely dumbfounding.

You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.

Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.

This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.

That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day they're nothing more than uniforms, and they're ugly, and they're not getting us a single recruit. And, me being obtuse. Ha. You lecture me on our history. Come on. I teach a Sports History course and spend a week analyzing " the U" and how Miami revolutionized college football. Because we're not Alabama it doesn't mean we have to look like Maryland.

that's your opinion. i think the new unis is bad *** and about the recruits, duh a Uni doesn't get em to commit, but recruits now a days are into flashy Uni's, alot a different combinations. That could be on of the factors in his decision.
One thing I love but didn't notice before is the faint green accenting on the black cleats. That **** looks amazing.
Any Ohio State fan would say those are major tweaks. Black facemasks. Green Buckeyes stickers. Big gray numbers. Giant wide stripe on the helmet.

Miami Hurricanes football isn't about tradition. Mothafluckers forgot all about what we were about. The players and the fans thought all that stuff was dumb. You were in the middle of it and didn't even understand it. Our mascot walked around with fatigues and a toy automatic gun and you're talking to me about tradition. Absolutely dumbfounding.

You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.

Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.

This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.

That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day they're nothing more than uniforms, and they're ugly, and they're not getting us a single recruit. And, me being obtuse. Ha. You lecture me on our history. Come on. I teach a Sports History course and spend a week analyzing " the U" and how Miami revolutionized college football. Because we're not Alabama it doesn't mean we have to look like Maryland.

that's your opinion. i think the new unis is bad *** and about the recruits, duh a Uni doesn't get em to commit, but recruits now a days are into flashy Uni's, alot a different combinations. That could be on of the factors in his decision.

Yes, it is my opinion, never said it was anything other than that. Recruits do like them, never said they didn't, but you're never convincing me uniforms are anywhere higher than the 90th reason a recruit picks a school.
Any Ohio State fan would say those are major tweaks. Black facemasks. Green Buckeyes stickers. Big gray numbers. Giant wide stripe on the helmet.

Miami Hurricanes football isn't about tradition. Mothafluckers forgot all about what we were about. The players and the fans thought all that stuff was dumb. You were in the middle of it and didn't even understand it. Our mascot walked around with fatigues and a toy automatic gun and you're talking to me about tradition. Absolutely dumbfounding.

You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.

Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.

This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.

That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day they're nothing more than uniforms, and they're ugly, and they're not getting us a single recruit. And, me being obtuse. Ha. You lecture me on our history. Come on. I teach a Sports History course and spend a week analyzing " the U" and how Miami revolutionized college football. Because we're not Alabama it doesn't mean we have to look like Maryland.

that's your opinion. i think the new unis is bad *** and about the recruits, duh a Uni doesn't get em to commit, but recruits now a days are into flashy Uni's, alot a different combinations. That could be on of the factors in his decision.

Agreed. The unis aren't ugly and ppl who think so just have to get over it. They don't really care what the fan from way back in the day cares about the designs bc the design is supposed to draw the younger gen. If u were a fan from the 70s and 80s, ur gonna be a fan today. If a new uni calls u to question ur fanhood then u weren't really a fan. The unis r for the kids in hs and middle school and the current players. They love em and I love em as well. The school along w nike did an amazing job.
Stop being delusional. At what point do you think a bird smoking a pipe is gonna make its way on to any Miami uniform in your lifetime?

There are logos without the pipe genius. Look at hurricanesports.com at all the vintage gear. Not exactly delusional when the school sells it.

Is that avatar a logo without a pipe? That is what you referenced. And the logo isn't fire. It looks like a bird was forced to put on a 1950's era sweatshirt by his crazy 90 year old oxygen tank having owner.

Smh. And people wonder why our fan base sucks.

You've used that line in this very thread or another about uniforms and it was just as ineffective and lazy that time as well.

Lazy maybe but totally accurate. We have your statement on the best Sebastian logo on record and now another fan says he/she rather have the new helmets than the old ones. Terrible bleeping fans.
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You're completely missing the point. I'm talking about ****ing uniforms. You're talking about something completely different. Apples to oranges. The players don't need to be wearing crap to be different. The new uniforms look ridiculous in my opinion, and no recruit is going to pick Miami over Alabama, Auburn, USC, etc because of some space age design. The fact that you keep bringing up the 80s as your "point" and thinking that you've "won" the argument is absurd. You've "proved" nothing. Those teams that revolutionized college football in the 80s wore boring *** traditional uniforms doing it.

Those players did everything in their power to make those uniforms as individualized as they could. Whether it be do rags or multicolored leggings.
And you weren't just talking about uniforms. Don't change the argument. You said college football was about tradition. Then you used rap music versus bands as some sort of old man's exclamation point. Stop being so obtuse. The uniforms are about grabbing attention. They aren't to be the deciding factor in whether a recruit picks Miami as their school of choice. They are certainly part of the package. Just like the new field-turf practice fields and the athlete dining hall.

This about you and what you want, not the program. That is fine, but don't try to sell us with that tradition nonsense. And don't compare us to schools who we are nothing like us. No one thinks Miami has classic uniforms. No one really identifies us with anything other than the U. On Saturdays on TV the U will still be prominent on any helmet that is chosen and that is what matters.

That's all fine and dandy, but at the end of the day they're nothing more than uniforms, and they're ugly, and they're not getting us a single recruit. And, me being obtuse. Ha. You lecture me on our history. Come on. I teach a Sports History course and spend a week analyzing " the U" and how Miami revolutionized college football. Because we're not Alabama it doesn't mean we have to look like Maryland.

that's your opinion. i think the new unis is bad *** and about the recruits, duh a Uni doesn't get em to commit, but recruits now a days are into flashy Uni's, alot a different combinations. That could be on of the factors in his decision.

Agreed. The unis aren't ugly and ppl who think so just have to get over it. They don't really care what the fan from way back in the day cares about the designs bc the design is supposed to draw the younger gen. If u were a fan from the 70s and 80s, ur gonna be a fan today. If a new uni calls u to question ur fanhood then u weren't really a fan. The unis r for the kids in hs and middle school and the current players. They love em and I love em as well. The school along w nike did an amazing job.

I really think everyone is missing the **** point. Questioning fanhood? Getting over it? No need to over dramatize this. I think they're ugly as ****. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. It won't change the way I support the team. Come on.
Did people not read the SEC thread? If you think a gimmick uniform is going to matter when some bag man buys our recruits, you need to be evaluated for dementia.

Changing the helmets is a disgrace. Copying Oregon isn't being trendsetting.
Green tops , orange bottoms with white helmet is growing on me fast . I like them all but that's sticking out. , just like the troopers.
Did people not read the SEC thread? If you think a gimmick uniform is going to matter when some bag man buys our recruits, you need to be evaluated for dementia.

Changing the helmets is a disgrace. Copying Oregon isn't being trendsetting.

I agree on the recruiting only, we will never b where we the fans want us 2 b unless i hit the lotto n become thee bag man king.
Did people not read the SEC thread? If you think a gimmick uniform is going to matter when some bag man buys our recruits, you need to be evaluated for dementia.

Changing the helmets is a disgrace. Copying Oregon isn't being trendsetting.

Yeah, I heard Al called Phil Knight personally and said we want to look just like Oregon, SMFH and the dumb **** people post.

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