
i think the units r awesome. there is gonna be a difference in thought bout these unis bc some ppl like traditional and imo boring designs from the 80s or the new looks which i think what we got is awesome.

Exacrly n in 10 years we will upgrade them again........when i was young watching the 2000 canes n i saw that uniform i said holy **** those r amazing. Fell in love rt there, UM is just different n really was oregon b 4 oregon. My boy loves fsu n aroung thatt ime he loved ums 2000 uniforms, my point is teenagers eat this up n it keeps us beingt alked about n who knows if theres a 13 year old phenom who loves this uni. Its about the younger gen n it always will b.

Need a decoder.... Wtf he just say?

"be sure to drink your ovaltine"

I love the new uniforms but hat the Clam logo in the helmet 9/10 for me
The thing is, when I first saw them my initial reaction was, "OK, not as bad as I thought they would be". I knew they were re-introducing green, more helmets, and continuing the smoke thing so it was whatever. Then I clicked on the pic and noticed the klam(S). If they got rid of that, it's really not that bad.

i think the only thing that i don't like it on is the helmet. sure, it's a ****** logo, but on the jerseys it's barely visible and from a distance you can only really see the orange beak, which kind of adds a nice bit of contrast.

The white jersey with green pants is so ****ing ****.

All 4 of those combos look awesome to me! I think some people complaining about the chrome helmet with smoke combo may change their tune when they see them on the field.

Green top orange pants looks cool
even though I have always prefered troopers and orange before

The key here is all the pants look clean not too much going on and make the different jerseys combos look good.

Now Just win in them
Personally I like them, better then the ones we had previously.

Players seem to love them which is what matters

The white jersey with green pants is so ****ing ****.
Seeing them all side by side like this, I actually don't mind the orange and white jerseys. They're pretty cool. I'm less thrilled with the green because they messed with the helmet too much. The "smoke" costumes are simply an abomination. We don't even resemble the University of Miami. We look like the latest in a long line of Oregon wannabe's playing to the lowest common denominator.
Only thing I don't like is the clam. I hate that ****.

But I love the orange helmet, I can't lie.

I am pleased.
Re: 'Cuse...white and blue look pretty good. Gray looks strange. Numbers look goofy (someone asked why they're on stilts lol).

I guess the off-colored shoulder edge/sleeve is a thing for Nike now.
Only thing I don't like is the clam. I hate that ****.

But I love the orange helmet, I can't lie.

I am pleased.

i think the klam works in this design surprisingly well. love the beak on the sleeves and love the way in the helmet it looks like and outline of the ibis.

on a side note...anyone think our new set up is somewhat similar to syracuse, particularly the sleeves. it always seems when they give us a new set up other teams get some of the same elements.
on a side note...anyone think our new set up is somewhat similar to syracuse, particularly the sleeves. it always seems when they give us a new set up other teams get some of the same elements.

FSU, Miami and Syracuse all were designed using the same template it appears.

Illinois seems to have used a pretty basic template in their rebranding though.
There is a pic on instagram with the uniform on the left (green top orange pants) but they used the orange helmet. Looks really good to me.