I don’t do twitter so I’m not sure what he says on there but Ive never seen or heard anyone say that Campbell has ever said one thing positive or show he was about Miami.
I know the kid has played things VERY close to the vest but he's missed chances to visit to go meet other coaches ,missed chances to visit with other recruits etc.
His own kin supposedly has no clue what’s going on but I’m sure if he’d have said he loved the school or wanted to play for his “ mentor or father figure “ anything Rattler would have probably let us know.
I can’t see how everyone can think this kid is so certain to sign with us.Id just like to see one positive statement or something to show he has any love for the school.
I’ve never seen anything positive maybe I’m wrong.Im just not as certain as some that he’s all Cane.Hope I’m wrong.I REALLY hope I’m wrong but I find it hard to believe it without the kid showing any kind of interest or at least give off a positive vibe about coming.
“I never see anything positive and i don’t be on social media”.....
You got to chill , only in home visit he has posted about was miami.
He also said this in an interview after the state title game 2 weeks ago
The Miami Hurricanes have been the team trending for most of the fall in Campbell's recruitment. They sent coaches Mike Rumph, Manny Diaz, and Ephraim Banda out for an in-home visit this past week and currently lead in the 247Sports Crystal Ball predictions.
“They have been doing well and they have a great class coming in and I know some of the guys and I feel like their future is bright