TVD Staying at UM Mega-Thread (F off Nick and the local Miami media dreck)

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B Jack throwing bar room haymakers...

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Barry on saving the UM program:


I don’t know anything about legalities but brewing coffee at a super night temp would extract less desirable flavors from the grounds and serving food/drink extra hot dampens flavors. It’s probably more about masking their sh*tty coffee than making it taste better.
It was to make sure it was still hot when people got to work.
Im asking because I’m trying to understand if this was retaliatory by them. I think they were and have been the aggressor. I don’t think this is the only player of ours they’ve tried to pick off and they’ve already hired away coaches from us.
Jokes on them with the last coach they hired away from us.
I agree that he doesn’t want that. We can be a threat, and we’ve gotten some players they were after, but they win most recruitments. They sure do seem to come after us at times though - when we’re vulnerable- for players and staff.
100% agree. I was making a similar point yesterday. Miami is far from bama but Saban does not want Miami elite and any chess move that has an added benefit of ******** Miami over has an appeal to it.
You get a call from your best friend saying he thinks his girl might be cheating so he's leaving her. You aren't really a fan of hers, so you tell him she isn't all that, he could do better, and you start listing her flaws and cutting her down. He hangs up and everyone feels better. A few days later he shows up at your house with her on his arm like it's all good and you know he told her all the **** you were talking.

You probably told the truth, he's probably a dumbass for taking her back, but running your mouth reckless before the dust settled was ill-advised.

That's this thread.
Power run ? 🤔 I don’t ever remember seeing pulling guys in Lashlee scheme unless it was Brantley from the H back lol it was Hb dive up with 5 lineman on a 6 man box lol
They ran QB power with King quite a bit. Then they would hit for big passing gains with the fake QB power and just drop the ball over everyone's head to a wide open running back.
Lmao... I love when people try to teach me about football. U feel free going with whatever you would like. Reality or not it's your choice. What I will say is if you think that was lashlees offense he was calling when Tyler came in I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU. Lashlees offense is a power run offense. Hence why we always tried to pound cam even without any success. King his first season here ran lashlees offense to a tee and was FAR more productive in it. But Koo. Do u.
This is correct. Lashlee's offense was not the typical Air Raid system. He is a Gus Malzahn disciple and his system is heavily predicated on a running QB and a power rushing game. He didn't quite have the offensive line to make it work here and when Tyler took over he had to change his game plan because obviously running Tyler 15 times a game would be stupid. To both of their credit, they managed to make it work the second half of the 2021 season.
As he trades in that 7 Series.
For a lambo truck
I think Mario and Company made a grave error giving TVD the money. First of all this sets a precedent to all players on the team you can renegotiate a prior NIL deal which is going to haunt them. Second, yes there were many variable involved including his health last year but he had a **** poor year Third, the timing and the optics of this is as bad as it gets. Fourth, NO player is above the team. Last, he better have just an incredibly season because the fan base will be all over him. Personally, I think this move is going to backfire on Mario and TVD. I hope I'm wrong but don't think so. I am no longer rooting for this kid and he has been elevated to my **** list.
This is the world of CFB now. It’s happening everywhere. The idea is for Mario to stack chips and depth at every position, especially QB, to avoid one player having so much leverage like TVD did.
You get a call from your best friend saying he thinks his girl might be cheating so he's leaving her. You aren't really a fan of hers, so you tell him she isn't all that, he could do better, and you start listing her flaws and cutting her down. He hangs up and everyone feels better. A few days later he shows up at your house with her on his arm like it's all good and you know he told her all the **** you were talking.

You probably told the truth, he's probably a dumbass for taking her back, but running your mouth reckless before the dust settled was ill-advised.

That's this thread.

Great analogy. ******* idiot buddy had a stable of girl friends just last year. Dummy ****ed it up and now is only as smart as his options… and we were laughing at a dude we didn’t like who did the same thing a few years ago… we were like “what an idiot” — life happens fast … *******..
I think there’s a difference in whether TVD has people actively gauging interest on his behalf as if he wants out or if Bama put feelers out to see if he was interested? Oh and just my two cents… Bama doesn’t kick the tires on TVD without some level of Kevin Steele saying he’s worth pursuing.

And while I have my own issues with TVD’s play and consistency… I’m not mad at him “listening” to potential high end suitors. It’s smart… deep down you all know it.

Miami has played the portal game very well… but that game gives and takes away. And using back channels to see whether a kid is interested may be suspect to some folks on here but I’m almost certain we’ve done it several times to land some transfers. That’s the game now.
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