TVD is practicing

If a DB rips or punches the ball out of the receivers hands, its not a drop. Its a great play by the DB.

I get ****ting on players for making mistakes on here, but every once in a while, factual statements mean that we can attest to the opposition making good plays.

If a receiver gets a ball knocked out of his hands by a defender, that means the receiver dropped the ball. If a defender punches, pulls, pokes or rips at the ball and the ball doesn’t come out of the receiver’s hands, that means he didn’t drop it.

If a receiver gets a ball knocked out of his hands by a defender, that means the receiver dropped the ball. If a defender punches, pulls, pokes or rips at the ball and the ball doesn’t come out of the receiver’s hands, that means he didn’t drop it.

then we'll have different definitions of a drop.

If a receiver gets a ball knocked out of his hands by a defender, that means the receiver dropped the ball. If a defender punches, pulls, pokes or rips at the ball and the ball doesn’t come out of the receiver’s hands, that means he didn’t drop it.

The coaches track drops. How much are you willing to bet this was counted as a drop?
The coaches track drops. How much are you willing to bet this was counted as a drop?

Was the ball knocked out of his hands? If so , it’s considered a drop regardless of how the fans or coaches want to sugar coat it.

Was it a great play by the defender? Absolutely!! With that said, I’d be willing to bet that CY would want that play back.
Was the ball knocked out of his hands? If so , it’s considered a drop regardless of how the fans or coaches want to sugar coat it.

Was it a great play by the defender? Absolutely!! With that said, I’d be willing to bet that CY would want that play back.
Not saying you are wrong about your interpretation of a drop, but I gotta say that is a new one for me. A ball getting slapped out of hands simultaneously has never been a drop in my book. You have anything to back that up?
Not saying you are wrong about your interpretation of a drop, but I gotta say that is a new one for me. A ball getting slapped out of hands simultaneously has never been a drop in my book. You have anything to back that up?

Nah!! Coaches just drilled the idea of, if you can touch the ball you can catch it , into this thick skull of mine. I played a lot of football growing up and I played wide receiver every year and if I touched the ball when it was thrown to me and I didn’t catch it, I considered it a drop. I never gave the defender credit. I just owned the drop.
Much of CIS and even the game announcers called the 4th quarter pass to Colbie Young a drop. I thought is was a PBU live in real time. Every situation is different and needs context. We see fumbles all the time with RBs that carry the ball away from their body getting swiped or punched out, yet we expect a WR to hold onto the ball when it's on his fingertips and the DB gets his hand in there to swipe. I just don't buy that logic. It all depends on the timing of the play and where the ball is relative to the defender. Does the WR have time to secure the catch and/or shield the ball from the defender allowing that split second to secure the ball? I don't think time or space allowed for a catch in this situation.

I snapped a photo at the exact moment the ball touched Colbie's hands. Looking at the photo, you can see the defender Wiggins has very good positioning close to Colbie's body on the ball side closest to Colbie's hands. Wiggins hand is inside or on top of Colbie's at the moment the ball touches Colbie's hands. If the ball had been thrown on the inside or the defender was a fraction late, I believe Colbie would have made the catch. Instead, there simply wasn't the time or the space to make the catch. It was a PBU. Sometimes, defender wins.
Especially if its a high caliber nfl level type defender.. was a good play by him
As me and my dog watch the replay for the first time I will say Emory played solid that second half. At the game it’s hard to truly see everything and not just be emotional.

That drive to start the 4th quarter was great. He took his check downs, made couple throws and was in command of the offense.

The announcers mentioned how before this drive he was talking in the bench to the team. Kid seems more of a vocal leader than TVD.

TVD is on a couple bars when he plays. Zero emotion. I’ll be good with whoever starts

As me and my dog watch the replay for the first time I will say Emory played solid that second half. At the game it’s hard to truly see everything and not just be emotional.

That drive to start the 4th quarter was great. He took his check downs, made couple throws and was in command of the offense.

The announcers mentioned how before this drive he was talking in the bench to the team. Kid seems more of a vocal leader than TVD.

TVD is on a couple bars when he plays. Zero emotion. I’ll be good with whoever starts

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Bars is funny 😂😂😂
Do people want TVD to run around waving his arms like a hysterical female?

Then you'll be satisfied with his emotional output?
If he’s not picking up excessive taunting penalties and not getting kicked out off the game for personal foul penalty accumulation by the end of the 1st quarter then bench him.
No. I want to see him be a leader and not pout all game. Dude is a zombie on the field.

You closely look at his lips and posture during the game?

Sorry, nothing personal but your opinion about his demeanor is straight up over-emotional bull****.

Him acting the way you want him to won’t change a ******* thing about his performance or the team’s performance.

You know some people prefer their QBs to keep their **** together and stay calm, rather than acting like hyperactive crybabies.
That’s a weak response. Nobody here asked for that but carry on with this take

What’s weak is supposedly grown men becoming hysterical about another man’s ”lack of emotion”.

Maybe you’re right, if I ever need a service, like say heart surgery, I’m going to ask for an emotional cardiovascular surgeon.

I sure don’t want someone focused on his craft, cool as a cucumber.

Or maybe judge people by their results?
You closely look at his lips and posture during the game?

Sorry, nothing personal but your opinion about his demeanor is straight up over-emotional bull****.

Him acting the way you want him to won’t change a ******* thing about his performance or the team’s performance.

You know some people prefer their QBs to keep their **** together and stay calm, rather than acting like hyperactive crybabies.

Opinion backed up by video evidence and him seeing a therapist for his mindset. Dude looks shook a lot. There is no denying he hangs his head a lot and doesn’t show emotion. Those are facts. Not worth going back and forth we cleary have differing opinions on his demeanor.
Don’t bother. It’s a waste of time around here with this discussion. They act like you want TVD to be Ray Lewis or something
I think most of us recognize that TVD needs to elevate his game in terms of consistency.

But the fact that some people want Emory to start over TVD just because Emory showed a little more emotion in his first ever collegiate start is crazy talk to me. He played a hèll of a game but we overreact all the time and have done the same thing with TVD.

The same people crying about TVD’s lack of emotion are probably the same people that were declaring TVD a 1st round pick and better than Penix, Nix, and even Mayes 3 weeks ago.