TreVonte Citizen - Year One

@DMoney you know I rarely bug you about anything, but was wondering if you had any input here. If you read past above post, you’ll see there is conflicting info here and this may not be true.
Sure would be nice if SMD, BJ or one of merry band of reporters would ask Mario, "Hey, where is Mr. Citizen at in his recovery? Full-go for offseason workouts? Plans for spring practice? And this Zion Nelson guy, where's he at physically and plans for offseason?
Sure would be nice if SMD, BJ or one of merry band of reporters would ask Mario, "Hey, where is Mr. Citizen at in his recovery? Full-go for offseason workouts? Plans for spring practice? And this Zion Nelson guy, where's he at physically and plans for offseason?
He doesnt need to rush back for spring, it makes no sense.. He plays rb, he will be ready by season start..
Would be great to hear buddy was mistaken and Citizen is actually working out.
I would absolutely love to be mistaken and apologize if I was but I walked right next to him and his backpack read “Citizen”. Was definitely not coming hear to troll. Hoping I’m wrong or what he had on was some type of pre caution.
I would absolutely love to be mistaken and apologize if I was but I walked right next to him and his backpack read “Citizen”. Was definitely not coming hear to troll. Hoping I’m wrong or what he had on was some type of pre caution.

I wouldn’t worry about it, but there is a history of people posting ridiculous stuff, and since you’re not a frequent poster, there was no way to know. You did the right thing by posting that and by following up with your most recent post.