Transfer Portal - Baseball 2024-25

Catcher for the next few years....just entered the portal
Galentines Day GIF by BuzzFeed
I took notes of this kid watching their games this past weekend.
What do we know about two catchers that we have coming in?
The 2025 Miami Springs Catcher is very good and we need to be on him.
Cam Johnson Lsu in the portal. Big time potential. Give me him, McCausland, Sheerin and some young power arms from big schools who got pushed out like the two we’ve landed and things would look up,
Starting to see grad transfers and lower level guys pop up. Figured a thread of guys anyone sees would be good. Doesn’t mean Miami should be on all of them or even be on them at all. But maybe just a guy who is intriguing.

Here is one that just came across my feed. Big kid good stuff. Will be 2 years removed from injury so could have his best days in front of him.

What the **** has happened to this program over the last few years?

I was not a fan of JD being hired in the first place-

I look at these tournaments especially with FSU and UF they are playing quality baseball Miami is no where to be found -

Our season was terrible-

I know you know the landscape-

Can we get back to being the Miami of old?

What the **** has happened to this program over the last few years?

I was not a fan of JD being hired in the first place-

I look at these tournaments especially with FSU and UF they are playing quality baseball Miami is no where to be found -

Our season was terrible-

I know you know the landscape-

Can we get back to being the Miami of old?


Yes, we can absolutely get back. But it's going to take an outside guy to do it. Someone who has the energy to work hard and do it right, like Jim did when he came in back in '94.
What the **** has happened to this program over the last few years?

I was not a fan of JD being hired in the first place-

I look at these tournaments especially with FSU and UF they are playing quality baseball Miami is no where to be found -

Our season was terrible-

I know you know the landscape-

Can we get back to being the Miami of old?

Yeah I’m with Wander. Maybe Jd will surprise me but I just don’t have a good feeling. I think a clean break from the last 20 years is needed. It’s 2024 so winning 50 a year isn’t realistically baseball may be the most competitor sport from top 25 down to mid major. But we should win 36-42 per year…loaded teams a bit more and “down years” should not be what we had this year. It should be similar to Uf this year where you win 30-34 but once in the tourney you still have plenty of dudes to make a deep run.

I also hope we go after bigger frames overall. Watch most of these final 16 teams and they all have a lot of bigger frames kids. We have way to many sub 6’0 Chunky frames guys. The portal should allow you to go out and get big kids who throw hard or have pop. Then we just need to develop.
Yes, we can absolutely get back. But it's going to take an outside guy to do it. Someone who has the energy to work hard and do it right, like Jim did when he came in back in '94.
Agree, and FSU just proved this weekend that it can be done quickly. We just need the right strategy and commitment from the administration.
The best kid in the portal right now to me is Zac Cowan from Wofford.

I’m not looking for best pro prospect, I’m looking for best player. I think he’s better than Chrest, or at least is a higher probability of being good.
Bronzini from LSU just entered. Big lefty. Elite 2022 recruit. Hasn’t had much mound time. Definitely not a finished product.

Speaking of LSU. I wonder if Jay Johnson would consider taking the Texas job. Reports say they are going after him hard.