The Realist Ish I've Ever Wrote

If you never followed college football in your life and somebody asked you whether it would be easier to recruit young black men to come play in Miami FL or in Tuscaloosa AL, it wouldn't even be close.

Yet they get more all Americans in one class than we get in five classes.

Miami should NOT have this difficult a time recruiting, and it's a giant waving red flag that something is deeply wrong.

If a person never followed CFB then their opinion wouldn't be based on actual football and football related selling points would it?

Sure Miami is a better vacation destination that most schools. But these kids arent selecting vacation spots are they?

Of the teams ahead of us in recruting name 1 rock solid thing from a football perspective that Miami can offer that none of those schools can offer?

I get it. We haven't gotten any of the "****" commitments from the elite skill players but this notion that we are struggling when we have a lock for a top 20 class and possibly a top 15 class after a decade of mediocrity is kinda silly.

I guess your definition of "good enough" is different from mine. I expected that when we went out and paid $4 million per year for an SEC coach, and when our probation finally ended in October, that we would see some kind of improvement in our recruiting. To a layman, it seems our recruiting is at the same level as it was under Al Golden.

We'll see where this goes, but I'm troubled.

You mention that we don't have anything football related to sell, but whose fault is that?

I'm not saying I'm happy with recruting. But at some point we gotta take an honest look at this program and realize that the Miami we were and want to be is not the Miami we are right now. Sure we cool with recruits parents but for these kids all they know is bummy Al Golden squads getting beat by 30 points.

The most shocking thing to me is that this generation of kid doesn't feel that strong sense of loyalty to the home town team. Richts success will ultimately be determined by his ability to restore that over time.

[MENTION=9116]Rellyrell[/MENTION], you're hanging in there against a mob and still swingin! I think the Vern and Golden references set them off.

We gotta give Richt until the close of NSD. If it stays as is on the WR/CB front and we lose the OL's too then a whole bunch of these dudes piling on you today will be squawking really loudly about how bad recruiting is. Keep your hoodie down and your head up!
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Well obviously you don't write a lot if that's realist thing you ever wrote....

[MENTION=13955]Zbrod95[/MENTION]: dude I always defend u when cats were ?ing ur "insight" and u come at me like this, bro? Lol. It's all good, my guy. I got u.

Actually I wrote that because I expect more from you since you're a vet in hope you realize how whiney you sound about an extremely strong class filled with guys we wouldn't have gotten under golden but ok if you want to take it like that then fine....

So it's "whiny" to voice concerns over our recruiting and two of our recruiters? I expect better from you to accept avg. Right now, as the current class is, it's right in the middle. It's not a bad class, but it's not overwhelming either. Maybe ur OK w avg, maybe ur OK getting 8-9 wins a year. If so, knock urself out.
[MENTION=9116]Rellyrell[/MENTION], you're hanging in there against a mob and still swingin! I think the Vern and Golden references set them off.

We gotta give Richt until the close of NSD. If it stays as is on the WR/CB front and we lose the OL's too then a whole bunch of these dudes piling on you today will be squawking really loudly about how bad recruiting is. Keep your hoodie down and your head up!

Bro, lol. I was tarred and feathered when I spoke out against Golden in year 3, bro. It's the nature of the beast. Some ppl don't wanna hear the truth. I'm still hopeful for this class, but if anyone is saying otherwise that for a 1st year proven coach, they haven't been disappointed, they're lying.

Bro, I recall when Sam Bruce was committed they sucked him off, then when there were rumors of him wavering, he was a midget, overrated WR. Then when he inked with us, he was a living legend. Then when he got kicked off the team, good riddance to that cancer. It's how some of these fair weather fans are. Imma stay being real, and imma stay being a fan regardless, bro and never will I ever be a homer...not for the Canes or any other sports team I love. Hoodie down, D Boy stance on fleek. Lol.
[MENTION=1396]blackvern[/MENTION], don't worry homie, I got u.

Imma keep this "relatively" short and sweet (b/c I feel a lot more than imma say):

Worst recruiting job I've ever seen by a 1st year coach at a prestiges school. Worst than Golden and Shannon, by far.

How it happen? Poor staff assembly (not balancing coaching with recruiters), poor player evaluation, poor October play, and poor player personnel handling (see Sam Bruce).

Biggest blunder; not having recruits sign financial agreements to keep dialogue open during dead period.

Some were skeptical of the hire, I was positive w/ caution. Let this sink in gentlemen:

We're losing battles for 3 star players....not 5 star or high 4 star, but 3 star guys.

If this doesn't scare u of our future, then I don't know what will.

And b4 I hear from the "Green and Orange Shades Crew" that 2018 will be better, let me explain how this works, it doesn't get better b/c u want it to get better, u must first prove it on the field and u can't prove it on the field by continuing to have B- and C+ rated classes, which is why we Canes fans have been saying the same ish, hoping for "next year's class" since 2013!

Great post as usual, Relly!

The same faqqots that dangled on Alfredo's **** are doing the same with Rick. They never learn.

This is what you get when you have an inept BOT and a Grade-A *** guzzler for an AD.

They had the easiest job in the world after they fired Grolden. Hire Butch, Herman, Patterson, etc.

Yet they hire the wrong guy...again. Not surprising that we are in the state we are in.

I hope that all you Rick slurpers are ready for the long haul. You wanted him, you got him.

Interesting considering your view of Richt when he was hired a year ago

Coaching staff is a B- to C so far, in my opinion. We got Richt and Kool, which are excellent coaches. A couple of good coaches and a few question marks. Which balances my grade out to a B- or C.

We still have a few hires to go though, so the grade can still improve a lot.