Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Like I said yesterday “ the longer this drags out the less likely it’ll happen“. Friday and even yesterday afternoon things sounded very positive. Yet here we are…..again. At some point Miami will have to move on.
What is the reason Mario is so stuck on Candle? Like why is he this obsessed with him?
Lol man this is wild stuff they didn't vet these candidates earlier, I mean last game was in November
hopefully this works out in the end, but through 1 calendar year w Mario as a coach, its been as dysfunctional to a start of a tenure as I can remember. I expect some of the off field **** from a first year HC and inexperienced ADs but not from Mario and Rad. Rad strike 1 was extending Gino imo.
hopefully this works out in the end, but through 1 calendar year w Mario as a coach, its been as dysfunctional to a start of a tenure as I can remember. I expect some of the off field **** from a first year HC and inexperienced ADs but not from Mario and Rad. Rad strike 1 was extending Gino imo.
It really is some strange stuff like it can't all be blamed on the previous culture and regime
What is the reason Mario is so stuck on Candle? Like why is he this obsessed with him?
Animated GIF
hopefully this works out in the end, but through 1 calendar year w Mario as a coach, its been as dysfunctional to a start of a tenure as I can remember. I expect some of the off field **** from a first year HC and inexperienced ADs but not from Mario and Rad. Rad strike 1 was extending Gino imo.
And it SHOULD be okay to admit that YEAR 1 of Mario’s tenure, OUTSIDE OF RECRUITING, has been dysfunctional and horrid!
Of all the names we heard last go round the only one that was a departure from Mario’s preferred system was Briles. And we were told that was a money grab by Briles and not real. The bigger issue is that Mario appears to not be interested in doing something different which limits the candidate pool.

Why would he have such a hardon for Candle? A current HC. There are better current OC’s out there who you don’t have convince to leave programs they’ve built. Candle isn’t special or an innovator. Why does Mario think so much of him? Actually kind of weird.
obviously, you have way more insight than Mario does
We also don't know if the holdup is on UMs end or Candle's.
Why is there any holdup? The whole program was operating like Gattis was gone weeks before it was official. Dabo who hates hiring from the outside fired an ex Clemson player from the OC position and had Riley announced the next day. Did Mario only start seriously talking to Candle for the second time after Gattis was officially dismissed? Seems unlikely. Unless Candle is option 3 or 4 at this point.
Why is there any holdup? The whole program was operating like Gattis was gone weeks before it was official. Dabo who hates hiring from the outside fired an ex Clemson player from the OC position and had Riley announced the next day. Did Mario only start seriously talking to Candle for the second time after Gattis was officially dismissed? Seems unlikely. Unless Candle is option 3 or 4 at this point.
next day? he hired Riley like 7 min later lol. to the larger point, if gattis was gone for months, then yes the hire should have been quick. **** if candle was the target candidate early on, it would make sense to HIRE him before he EXTENDED his deal.
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