Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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twice in a row with candle? yikes. at some point, do we look at the admin and current staff and say what's wrong with us?

Said it before and I'll say it again. Cristobal might fool the fans and "insiders" into thinking he isn't married to a system and is willing to adapt to whatever offense is most effective, but offensive coaches around college football- who know how Cristobal thinks better than anyone else - aren't fooled by the lip service. They know he's going to force them to adapt their offense to suit his tastes.
If it’s Candle and knowing Mario we might be waiting for Toledo to find a new HC and all the coaches to get new jobs so Mario can look like a good guy…
Mario realllllly likes not paying for any drinks and getting the best tee times at those coaching conferences he regularly wins Mr. Popularity titles at.
Said it before and I'll say it again. Cristobal might fool the fans and "insiders" into thinking he isn't married to a system and is willing to adapt to whatever offense is most effective, but offensive coaches around college football- who know how Cristobal thinks better than anyone else - aren't fooled by the lip service. They know he's going to force them to adapt their offense to suit his tastes.


"offensive coaches around college football - who know how Cristobal thinks better than anyone else"...

That's just one of the nuttiest things I've seen on this subject in months.
Said it before and I'll say it again. Cristobal might fool the fans and "insiders" into thinking he isn't married to a system and is willing to adapt to whatever offense is most effective, but offensive coaches around college football- who know how Cristobal thinks better than anyone else - aren't fooled by the lip service. They know he's going to force them to adapt their offense to suit his tastes.
idk his thoughts on if hes dead set on a certain style but cribby has said that he needs to change. if candle is waiting on ND, I dont blame him. it is the better gig at a right now better program.
It's like waiting for a bad movie to fade to black but it just keeps dragging on forever.
Exactly- think from cribbys note we will just say goodbyeeeee to candle at this point. Goodbyeeee…

Nothing else matters we just need to get an oc before spring, but for wasting our time again candle is clearly going to be forever unforgiven. He’s jerking Mario around, like a master of puppets pulling your strings
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Maybe Candle accepted and just wants to address his team before it’s announced? If not, kick his *** to the curb and move on to the next choice. This ain’t rocket science, **** or get off the pot
I want anyone besides Gattis as Oc and Coley as WR coach. We need a dog on the trail keeping these WR’s home… coley gives us a great shot at flipping Jeremiah Smith
Said it before and I'll say it again. Cristobal might fool the fans and "insiders" into thinking he isn't married to a system and is willing to adapt to whatever offense is most effective, but offensive coaches around college football- who know how Cristobal thinks better than anyone else - aren't fooled by the lip service. They know he's going to force them to adapt their offense to suit his tastes.
Of all the names we heard last go round the only one that was a departure from Mario’s preferred system was Briles. And we were told that was a money grab by Briles and not real. The bigger issue is that Mario appears to not be interested in doing something different which limits the candidate pool.

Why would he have such a hardon for Candle? A current HC. There are better current OC’s out there who you don’t have convince to leave programs they’ve built. Candle isn’t special or an innovator. Why does Mario think so much of him? Actually kind of weird.
Now I feel like a heel.
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