Spring The Mario Era begins: Spring PractiSe #1


Some notes from Matt Shodell at Canesport:

here's what I've got so far - team looks really energetic, sprinting station to station, no down time. And coaches are all VERY hands on. Especially Josh Gattis and Addae - those guys are perfectionists who literally stop their individual work with position groups to go up to one guy that had a bad rep and correct him. Haven't seen that in a LONG time out here. As for guys that stand out just in shorts that I haven't seen on the field before? Super impressed with Frank Ladson, he passes every look test. Tallest WR out here and just looks like that long, rangy downfield playmaker you need. And I was surprised how good Jacurri Brown looks - on point passes, technique needs some work but that's to be expected. Good enough arm for a freshman, passes on target and half a head taller than Van Dyke (Brown was tallest QB out there, Ladson tallest WR).

No real depth chart to be ascertained from the viewing, lot of individual stuff and then a rep here and there for different groups of personnel. might get more on that the last two periods.

Well, ****! Isn’t TVD listed at 6’4?
That show you how far gattis thinks we are off. Haven't seen that utilized here since Curtis. The emphasis of that particular contraption is getting low in and out of your cuts so that you maximize explosion... Been said for years every last one of these boys runs far too straight up.
Remember watching Curtis on greentree, dude attention to detail was second to none.. Dude was a HOF level coach.. Loved that guy.. I seen him cut up on guy for running routes a yqrd short, he would be on guys like that..

Gattis will have his hands full as a pro style spread guy taking over a unit coming from spread with air raid principles, them air raid boys aint stressing all that..
Addae has them boys playing Red Light, Green Light?!?
It’s a drill that’s designed to help your transitional footwork as a Corner when you’re covering breaks.

A lot of CB’s don’t know how to properly stop their feet against Out/Digs, comebacks & double move routes it’s basically a muscle memory drill that gets you more aware of when the WR makes sharp breaks or peels from their stems.