Spring The Mario Era begins: Spring PractiSe #1

That would be awesome, and it would work.... until we find out that someone from UM security is a fan on these boards.
I am not encouraging anyone, but yeah, you can sneak peeks onto the field quite easily from the garage. Between the ramp and the stairs, there are decent spots to get an overview. I was running some sprints up the ramp a couple weeks ago and observed the tail end of a workout.
This dude really asked him this 😭

“Hey Jake, Manny Navarro from the Ath-Uh-Letic.

I like to call myself ‘The Agent of Chaos’. Actually have a suit in my car if you’d like to see it... it’s got a cape, mask and everything. All black except for the eyes, which are my eyes, and the crotchal region, it’s sort of a teal. Well, not really teal-teal, more green in it. My tailor Armondo calls it sea foam but I don’t really like that, you’ll have to see it.

Anyway, here’s my question to you:”
I don’t mind the question at all.

What made us great was players not afraid of competition, who knew that if they slacked, someone else on Greentree would grab the opportunity and never let go.

That’s how we had McGahee, Portis and Gore on the same roster, or Testaverde and Kosar. I don’t care if Manny said “Why the F are you still here?”, it’s a **** good question… and answered **** well by a future Cane superstar.