Spring The Mario Era begins: Spring PractiSe #1

You guys are whinning

Half the board seems to think that Jake Garcia didn't know that he could transfer and Manny asking him that question will make him do so.

I don't care what anyone says, those DBs were playing some red light/green light and the WRs were running under a trampoline.

Once the receivers master the empty trampoline run, they have to do it with coach Joe jumping on it.
Listen mfers.
I don’t know if you guys realize what this man just did today.

This is a man who sits down with all these young men and their families and says “I want to build a family. I want to be there for your son”.
All these kids talk that sht about other coaches “keeping it reall”.

This man should’ve been putting on a suit and getting a speech ready.
But since life does not follow timelines or schedules, momma Cristobal passed and the funeral is today.
The same **** day as the 1st day of spring practice as the new coach.

Did he nut up?
Did he say “the players will understand if I’m not there”
And you know what?!! If he didn’t go to practice I’m sure they would’ve understood. ****, everyone on here would’ve understood.

But nah.
He made a commitment and a promise to these young men and their families.
And you know god **** well they saw that he was there for them. He was there to say “I told you I would fckng be here” “I told
You things we’re gonna be different”.

This how dudes get in line. This is how you gain respect. This how when he screams and berates you it’s cause he means it and he wants the best for you. Anyone can scream and scare you into doing something cause they’re in power. This man means it.

Dude should be with his momma man.
And he came out here for them.
That’s a bond that’s loyalty.
People use tue term “run through a wall”
I’m sure they saw him there this AM and they were like holy sht this man literally walks like he talks.

And you know all those sour pusses in Eugene see what just happened and realize that not only was his mom really sick but that they lost a mfing G!!!!