The bottom line on the Yahoo story...

D money also said that Ray ray would not be kicked off team the day before he got kicked off..I have absolutely no faith in this guy. we be ***ed guys
if we werent under the ******* microscope all the **** time. clemson, bama, auburn, a&m, USC... these mother effers cheat for a living and always unscaved. its so hard to be a canes fan.
Not to rain on your parade but what do you expect the current coaching staff to tell you? They're the ones who supposedly committed the misdeeds. They're not gonna be like "yep we screwed up, LOIC."
Miami has been bracing for additional allegations, and was aware earlier this week they were coming. In an email obtained by the AP, university president Donna Shalala told trustees Thursday that "someone who had a low level position at one time" was expected to allege that Miami assistant coach and former NFL player Micheal Barrow committed recruiting violations. Shalala said it has already been investigated.